
Chapter one


"APRIL!!!" My mom screamed downstairs

"I'm almost done, mom" I called back from my room after packing the last piece of clothing I think I'll need into my duffel bag, then I quickly packed my laptop, phone and charger into the small bag I hope to carry on my lap and hurried downstairs before my mom left me.

"Hey mom ,lets go" I said to my obviously angry mom.

"Go take the sandwich in the microwave I heated it for you" my mom said in a surprisingly calm tone

"Is it from McDonald's mom?" Well she didn't answer that question.

Then I remembered ..oh shoot !!!

"Mom give me a Sec!!" I ran back upstairs to take my headphones how can I forget this hurghhh ....

It was right there where I left it on my bathtub beside my towel I grabbed it and ran downstairs to the kitchen took the sandwich and I took soda from the fridge and I ran outside with my obvious fears confirmed. Mom was already going I ran as fast I could to the garage at the backyard with my big bag slowing my pace .

"Mom what was that for ?!"I askedwhen I finally caught my breath .

"You planning to be a snail or hop in fast" she said with no remorse .

I got in the car looking at my mom in annoyance why would she want to leave me behind ??? She's going to drop me !!

After driving for forever we finally got to the airport .

"Bye mom" i said bringing my luggage out of the car .

Not now mom I thought as I rolled my eyes . She was already tearing up

"I'll miss you baby, always remember momma loves you and don't trust your dad no matter what" she said with tears glistening in her eyes.

"I love you mom and I won't trust dad" ok I'm starting to feel a little emotional

"Call me baby, April be a good gal"

We walked side by side till I got to the luggage checkpoint.

I waved and blew my mom a kiss ."imma call you later momma" I mouthed

I couldn't say that out loud for obvious reasons ....lol .


Finally, its time for the hard part I hate leaving my mom for too long she's my comfort zone,my best friend, my companion. she has been my everything since dad left us. My parents got separated when I was eight and dad moved to Boston, I go there during Christmas since I turned fifteen but the most I've spent there is two weeks. Now dad wants me over for summer break .

Like summer holidays are always long and interesting and the weather is always hot so you would want to spend it in a good vacation house and family not with you dad in Boston who's living in a small house in the country side I love my dad don't get me wrong but ...

I felt someone tap me from behind .

"Excuse me sweetheart that's your bag please move forward" I turned to see the most beautiful girl I've seen in my entire existence let's say she's 18???.... she's so petite yet so tall I love her body frame from her long red hair to her ocean blue eyes maybe they're contacts it's so beautiful to her full pink lips omg her slender waist to those endless long legs she's a definition of perfect her.... .

"Uhnm you gonna claim your bag and move forward or what ???" .

Oh shoot! she caught me gawking today must be my bad day I cried inside.

I just claimed my bag and took my ticket and left I couldn't make my self look back.i went to next queue and I stood quietly on my line careful not to day dream or fall deep into any thoughts again .

"Number B11" I heard the flight attendant call "put your bags up there"she said to me and smiled sweetly I did as I was told and moved forward I met another tall woman in the plane .

"B11?" She asked stretching her hand for the tickets and yellow paper with me then,she pointed to the seat beside the window .

I walked to my seat and exhaled loudly.

I took my bag and placed it on my lap I opened it for my headphones ready to sleep.

My hand felt something really hot in my bag . I opened it well to look inside it was a hamburger neatly wrapped in a foil paper with a cup of coffee from Starbucks.

My favorite combo I removed the note attached to the plastic Starbucks cup .

"Hey sweetheart, I packed something small for you and labeled you big duffel bag for you I love you baby" .

I was still smiling wondering how mom did all these and I didn't even notice. She's the best .

"Hey pretty, mommy's girl right?" I was startled and dropped my bag; I looked up to see the voice belonged to the damsel from earlier

Yes, the girl from the luggage check point.

The girl I was staring at and now staring at again.

After noticing she was also staring and the heavy silence became awkward

I quickly jumped into character

"Excuse me ??" I said trying my best to sound angry and invaded

"I didn't mean to startle you, I'm B12 I'll just sit quietly here"

She said with an attitude and tone I really didn't like. This is gonna be a long trip to Boston I thought as I watched the annoying damsel take out a fluffy blanket and covered her self.




I happily packed my bags ready to go back to Boston, my sister recently gave birth to two set of twins. Quadruplets , I went to stay with her at Newton. It's a great place to be and the babies are just simply adorable I used them to grow my social media pages cos who doesn't like kids ....well except me,and people like me.

Who doesn't like cute little thoughtless souls for real being in Newton was fun and adventurous.

Emily isn't overprotective and annoying and thoughtless like mom and dad she's the best sister and her baby's father ?? well he's good to Emily what else .

"Hey lil sis get out and find your way back home". Emily said quietly as we arrived the airport.

I just looked at her with my face void of emotions "Emily you're asking a 18 year old to find her way back to Boston?!" I asked glaring at her.

"yeah" was all she said well I wasn't excepting the over dramatic good byes or something Teary like what's going on around us ewww this guys are clingy and annoying must they shed tears in public.

"You're not a minor and you've started committing crimes since age 14 I'm sure you will find your way home moreover you came to newton alone. Don't go astray !" She said looking away from me.

"Lol why is it so hard for you to say you love me ?" I asked my sister.

"Because I don't you are just an annoying little brat" she snapped at me then smiled "bring it in bro" she hugged me and that was it I got out of the car with my black box and small hand bag ready to go back home.

I survived all the checking and quarantine procedures at the entrance then the luggage check point I hate this part it's just a long wait for our loads to be checked before the real journey.


So I watched this girl being slow and super annoying in front of me , I didn't wanna snap at her cos I was in a good mood and I don't know what she's going through but she looks annoying. I don't know how some parents think , letting a 12 year old travel alone with a duffel bag twice her size. She has been standing there staring at nothing in particular for about 3 minutes instead of moving forward I was forced to tap her cos why not?.

She wore a black baggy top and a pink bum short with a black all stars sneakers with pink stripes I squinted my eyes to see the writing on her green duffel bag 'Calvin Klein' written in white bold letters.

"Excuse me sweetheart that's your bag pick it and please move forward" I said calmly after tapping her trying my best to feign my anger and irritation.

But it was like the way I tapped her I unleashed her inner confidence to stare at me .

The moment this girl turned to me while holding her big her black top in place she didn't look away.

Why is she still staring ??wait! Is there something on my face ? Oh maybe it's my hair cos that's where she's looking right now.

Well, I'm having a bad hair day so staring at me and thinking I'm messy or ugly is rude!! so rude!!! very rude!!!!.

This girl is so annoying I really can't blame her she's probably ten or twelve so no serious training .

"Uhm..... are you going to claim your bag and move forward or what ?" I asked already pissed off .

She looked at me clearly embarrassed and kind of scared ?? I should feel bad for snapping at her but instead I laughed inwardly with the thought of feeling bad and apologizing. 'Nigga ain't gat no feelings bro' I said out loud to anyone that cares to listen I really don't care it's not like we are gonna meet again and she's too young for me to apologize moreover the future is nearer than you think.

After my encounter with lil Barbie every other thing went smoothly and boring.

I went to the next queue was checked in the flight attendant placed my box up and I went in to find my seat.

So where's number B12 I hope it's a window side seat. Cos I don't want to talk to Anyone or be polite to an old lady.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

I checked my number and checked again and again .....well it looks correct....A10, A11, A12 one row.

Next row..... B10, B11, B12....another row and it's two people per column. Which means B11 and B12 are together.

No, I refuse. I went to an hostess. Now I have to be polite. I hate grown ups.

"Excuse me ma'am B12?" I asked her showing her my seat number. Then she led me to where I was coming from.


That lil Barbie.

That confused being.

That annoying little girl.

I saw that confused Barbie from earlier I spoke too soon 'the future is indeed nearer than you think' . Why does the universe hate me this much ??.

As I was about to sit and pretend like ion know this slow grumpy girl I realized she was engrossed in a note so I joined her.

'Harghhh ...mommy's gal'

"Hey, pretty. mommy's gal. right ??" I forced my self to say between closed teeth, clenched fists and a fake smile. Just like I expected slow and stupid she dropped the bag on her laps and turned pale like she has seen a ghost. She stared again for like two minutes before she finally spoke. "Excuse me ??"

Oh I see! a sassy queen. I have to be nice at least if it's just this once in my entire life "I didn't mean to startle you I'm B12 I'll just sit quietly here" I forced my self to say with all the little manners I had left. I sat down as I watched her pick her bag and gather her self again.

She moves graciously and she's beautiful like absolutely gorgeous with no make up on and her scent ....

She smells like hot breakfast from in and out something like freshly brewed coffee and cookies fresh out of the oven she has this highly addictive scent .

And she's a brunette she has this curly medium light hair as in lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin.

Just imagine me using my straightener on this her wavy hair or packing it high into a ponytail for her I just wanna touch it and feel it .


When did I become so cheesy she's not even my type why will I ever think like that towards a minor I don't do shit with minors .

I took my bag and brought out the only thing I kept there my black fluffy blanket . I closed my eyes and tried to think of something to distract me from thinking about the gal sitting beside me her scent is not even helping why's she smelling so nice .

She smells like good food.

This is gonna be a hard journey home .

And a harder journey when I get to the 'home' .
