
Peace Cut Short

"wait, that shape? That form? I have seen that monster before. If I remember clearly, it was back on earth, when I was still very young. I remember seeing it in one of the animated series I do watch".

Orun's head still facing upwards, gazing at the flying monster hovering above him.

"no doubt about it, that is definitely a dragon".

He says, as he jumps up with excitement.

"a dragon, I am seeing a real life dragon".

His enthusiasm on seeing a dragon for the first time got the best of him, as he continues to jump while wearing a very bright expression on his face, causing Oracle to feel perplexed on Orun's behavior.

[master, you seem oddly happy].

"you bet I am. Having an encounter with a dragon is like a dream come true for every fantasy lover, though I will have to omit the part where the dragon is after my life".

[but miss dragon is also a dragon kind, and master does not seem as happy with miss dragon compared to this].
