
Chapter 170

Eirana Fanuilos was still waiting below the meticulously planned basement when the scream and the smell of blood stopped suddenly. As she walked down toward the basement from the top floor, it was not very difficult for her to do so; the only thing standing in her way was sixty employees who were forcefully hired to block her path. Eirana moved silently and swiftly through the basement, avoiding the so-called force helpers she had forcefully stationed there. She had a mission to complete, and nothing would stand in her way.

The smile on her face was like an aphrodisiac, making her body tremble with excitement as Irles Filri Hellmane a well-known assassin, fell into her very simple plan, She had been planning this for days, meticulously going over every detail to ensure that nothing would go wrong. Eirana Fanuilos was known for her quick wit and cunning schemes, but she had a few tricks up her sleeve that she was sure would catch her off guard.

As she waited for Irles Filri to reach the basement entrance door, she couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins. This was it - the moment she had been waiting for. She took a deep breath and spoke

"her zealous mind will eventually make many assumptions and questions in her mind, and she will tirelessly seek answers to her inquiries, "

"and will now go to great lengths to uncover the truth, even if she was to slaughter anybody in her path."

" and with this she has already fallen into my trap, killing innocent people who she has sworn to protect as the seventh Avarel council. will be our leash around her neck. "

While the real hired killers who were with Eirana Fanuilos waited at the only entrance leading down the basement, a creeping feeling consumed the place. All of the hired warriors felt a cold breeze enter the room, this feeling was a sign that she was already inside. A few hired warriors slowly walked back to inform their employer when they felt something gently slide through their skin, and it was so sharp that their instinct was not to move at all.

The hired warriors froze in fear as they realized that they were not alone in the room. They knew that their employer had enemies, but they never expected to come face-to-face with one who was above their pay grade. As the cold breeze continued to blow, they could feel their heartbeats quicken and their palms begin to sweat. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows and stood before them. It was a woman dressed in all black with long black hair. ,Her red eyes glinted in the dim light as she surveyed the room.

The hired warriors knew that they were no match for her and silently prayed for mercy. But mercy was not on her mind as she drew out her hand, where thin treads could be seen, and the faint light from the hanging lamp made the sharp tread visible. With a flick of her finger, those who were caught in her web were all doomed. They struggled and frantically squirmed, but it was all in vain. She had them right where she wanted them, trapped and helpless. The woman's eyes glinted with a fierce intensity as she watched her prey struggle to ensnare those who dared to cross her path. And now, finally, her patience had paid off. With a cold smile on her lips, she tightened the threads of her web and watched as her victims slowly succumbed to their fate. There was no escape from her deadly embrace, no hope of survival once caught in its grasp.

they stood motionless slowly dying, thinking the shadow that they assumed will give them the edge in killing their prey, not knowing this was the world were Irles Filri felt free and at home inside her natural environment, Eirana Fanuilos was getting tired of waiting while the hired men were just waiting for the basement door to burst open when she notices all the people she hired were not waiting but couldn't move all, as she felt the cold chill brushing on her skin, the only light that was illuminating the entire room was just a single lamp hanging above her head,

as two red eyes appeared inside the darkness that the lamp light didn't reach, sweat poured down her face as the assassin name Red Mist stood a few feet from her, Eirana Fanuilos gently press the knife on the hostage's neck, even saying that if she does anything she will end this man's life,

taunting her was not a good idea, but Eirana Fanuilos thought she was like the rest who value the life of the person she cared for even if this was just a ploy created to trap her, she continued to add more insults to her saying she had sex with this man, that is why she was able to capture him in this situation,

However, the woman knew that her actions were not justified and that she had made a mistake by resorting to such tactics. She realized that her behavior was unacceptable and that she needed to make amends for her actions by shedding blood,

Eirana Fanuilos was still holding the teleportation scroll behind with her right hand, while her left was holding the knife, she leans down making her face a slight angle toward the hostage and slowly move the knife hoping this will make her think twice about attacking her when the hostage head just fell off and rolled on the floor, .

The woman was shocked and horrified at what had just happened. She couldn't believe that Irles Filri had killed the hostage. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what to do next. As she stood there, staring at the lifeless decapitated head on the ground, she knew that her life would never be the same again. She had made a terrible mistake, one that would haunt her for the rest of her days. But somehow, she knew that she had to find a way to move forward and try to escape. It wouldn't be easy,

still shocked Eirana Fanuilos didn't even see anything, knowing she failed her mission she took out the teleportation scroll and was about to open it to activate its enchantment her right hand just fell off and could only see a metallic tread flowing in the air as is gets pulled in toward Irles Filri location, as Eirana Fanuilos was screaming in pain she just cast attack spells to distract her as she escape the explosion,

she threw a fireball spell upward as it exploded she cast a protection spell and just wait until the entire building burn and wait for that opportunity to escape, . The flames roared higher and higher, consuming everything in their path. The protection spell held strong, shielding her from the intense heat.

She knew she had to be patient and wait for the right moment to make her escape. As the fire raged on, and finally saw a gapping hole leading out as she stood up and cast another dash spell she ran toward the hole when she just fell flat on the ground and felt a sharp pain on both of her feet,

when she finally realized her feet were already cut cleanly, in half. Panic set in as she struggled to crawl away, but it was too late. The darkness enveloped her, and she felt herself falling endlessly into the abyss. She could hear strange whispers and eerie laughter echoing around her,

and she knew that she had stumbled upon something powerful and sinister. Suddenly, two bright red eyes appeared in the distance, beckoning her towards them. This made her panic,

as fear consumed her entire being. She tried to run away, but her body felt heavy and unresponsive. The eyes grew closer and closer until she could see the outline of a figure that reached out towards her. She screamed, but no sound came out of her mouth.

The figure spoke in a low, menacing voice that sent shivers down her spine. this arrogant. overbearing, influential vixen to cry in absolute fear as she even soiled herself. in terror. She knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to survive this encounter. Without hesitation, she summoned all the courage she could muster and stood up to face Irles Filri,

refusing to be intimidated any longer. Her bravery seemed to catch the figure off guard, and for a moment, there was silence. But just as quickly as it had come, the silence was shattered by a deafening scream from the Irles Filri. It was clear that this was not going to end well for Eirana Fanuilos as she gets skinned alive out of pure anger, while they were both inside the special space that Echo provided her with the access to freely access and use her personal dimensional quarter, the notorious speaking room, considering they both have the same talent in torturing enemies to make them talk.
