
Factions across the world

This fic is over on Pat. 

pat reon.com/alcoholic_panda


Word Count 2500

If you guys aren't feeling lazy, feel free to drop the Stones on Hp/DxD: Raven instead of here. I'm hoping to get higher in the rankings so more people notice the fic


Main Hall. Asgard

Odin sighed after the transmission was over

"So another Pantheon falls. Such is the fate for all of us." he said in a somber tone

"Rahahaha. I recognize that watermark anywhere. This was Gasper's work. He uses the same image as his profile picture when we game" Thor laughed as he pointed at the watermark on the right bottom side of the 'screen'.

It was a chibi Dio Brando

"Sigh, son, how did this friend of yours get into our very advanced security system?" Odin rubbed his temples.

"Oh, well I may have given him access to our network the last time he was here so that we could game together" Thor smiled as he drowned the entire horn filled with mead.

Freya just facepalmed while her Valkyries were looking at Thor speechlessly

"I'm not even going to bother. Tell our men to reboot the entire system and upgrade the security. We are one the most technologically advanced faction in the world. We can not be hacked as easily as this" Odin slammed his fist on his throne

"Rahahaha. Allfather relax, Gasper won't do anything to damage us. Besides, its not like he can't hack his way into our network. He is probably the greatest hacker to have ever been born. He weekly tries to hacks the Earth's complex systems in the world. He even hacked the church once"

Freya just stared at his son "And how do you know all of this?"

Thor just laughed "I got him drunk, he may be the best Hacker, but he is far to young to be able to compete with me in drinking alcohol"

"Just inform our people to fix this"

"At once Allfather!" The guard quickly raised his fist to be horizontal to his chest and bowed.

~ Indra's Palace

Indra was in a very bad mood, the Trimurti ordered Indra not to antagonize Isaiah and Nexus.

The Trimurti hold the highest position in the Hindu Pantheon. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and Shiva is the destroyer.

Most of the time the other two don't care about Indra and Shiva's problems. Especially since Indra is the one who want's to fight Shiva in the first place. If Shiva were to be defeated, then it means he is undeserving of his position as the Strongest.

But now Indra's action threaten their realm as a whole, so they ordered Indra to back off of Nexus.

Indra does some divination and realizes that he only dies by Isaiah's hand if he himself goes against them. If he does nothing, Nexus won't do anything. He messed up the Divination.

He always looked for 'Who is stronger, Isaiah or me' and the result was his death. But once he changed to 'When will Nexus attack' he got nothing.

'Do I really have to endure this humiliation? Can I do nothing against him? A child who hasn't even lived for two decades.' Indra looked at the fallen form of Amaterasu, who was still in a coma.

'Without the backing of my faction, I would be easy pickings for them, and the Anti-Nexus Alliance is already falling apart. They fucked up, and now the Sirzechs is going to hunt down each and every one of them. Luckily I stayed out of the first attack.'

"Apologies Amaterasu. It seems fate is not on your side" Indra raised his hand and plunged it into her chest, destroying her heart and her core

"Lets see what the new world will turn out like, if Nexus won't bother me and won't join up with Shiva... I can live with that"

'Hmm, I wonder?' Indra looked into the future. But this time not asking anything about Nexus.

'What will happen to my faction'


'Huh?' Indra's mind blanked out. Before he started to laugh like a madman. His laughter shook the mountain.

"Hahahahaha. You tried to stop this, but it is already too late. Not even you the Trimurti can stop this, maybe even survive this. War is upon us. A war like no one has ever seen. Shiva, you won't survive this War, I will make sure of it"

~ Field of Reeds (Egyptian)

At the main chamber in the palace. Seth was laughing outload like a maniac

"Hahahahaha, Oh its been so long, so long since i have felt this much Faith!"

"Indeed" Anubis smiled, the god was just a bigger and stronger version of his soldiers. His Jackal head let out a menacing grin

"Well done Seth, Anubis. While it pains me to use such dirty methods, I can't argue with the results. Our Pantheon is back in the spotlight so to speak. " Osiris complemented his fellow gods

"Old man Ra was happy as well, why i think the sun is a lot more brighter today, shows he is in a good mood" Seth chuckled as he pointed at the sun in their realm.

Nephthys chuckled "I honestly thought I would never see the day where the Ra was happy"

" Truthfully i doubted you two would succeed, especially against such long odds. But you pulled it off." Geb conjured a hat and tipped the two gods who chuckled at the gesture

"Well here is to the successful first step of brining back our pantheon" Horus raised his glass



~ Olympus

Zeus was quite literally fuming. Lighting was coursing though his body. That message was not only sent to Olympus, but to every facility they own, including their own Camp Half-Blood. Which they tried very hard to keep under their control and not let any other faction influence them. The Camp is their last line of defence. The humans don't pray to them anymore. They practically get their faith only from their children.

" How DARE they send that message HERE!!" Zeus bellowed, shaking the realm

"Yeah, delivering messages is my job, I should sue them, this is so humiliating" Hermes crossed his arms.

" Hermes, this is a serious matter" Athena frowned at Hermes

" Nyx and Erebus have attacked the Biblical Alliance, along with Poseidon, while Hades sent his grim reapers after Nexus. If Nexus is serious about getting revenge, they will come after us" Hera said in a somber tone

"I don't see what's the problem. I'm loving THIS!" Ares laughed outload, every second he could feel power coursing through his veins. As he is now, he is as strong as Poseidon, and just a bit weaker than Zeus.

"Of course you are" Apolo sighed 'My divinations all say one thing. A great war is coming, a war that will result in the death of half of the supernatural world. Not even we with powers to peer into the future can tell what's going to happen anymore. Who will win or lose, who will survive or die. Nothing is certain anymore. The age of Chaos is upon us'

Artemins glared at Ares. She despises him, he was scum just like all the other men, he is a true creature of war, but now he is a lot more powerful than her.

'I hope this war never ends!' Ares was ecstatic

'Mmm~, Ares has never been hotter' Aphrodite bit her lip when she saw the power rolling off of her lover.

'Piece of shit' Hephaestus sneered on the inside, he hated both Ares and Aphrodite, she was his wife yet she always cheated on him. Even if it was a forced marriage on both sides. The fact that she didn't even try to hide it means she had zero respect for him.

"We need to make preparations for when they come!" Zeus slammed his fist on his throne again. He seemed to be doing it a lot.

'Hmmm, right now Nexus is stronger, so I should defend Olympus, but if Olympus starts wining, I need to fall back. I want to drag out this war as much as possible. And if the chance appears. Strike down Zeus and grab the throne for myself' Ares had a crazy smile on his face, the other God's ignored him since this was normal for him. His heart beat faster and faster, Power spread through his body like liquid fire.

'Let the flames of War spread! Until they consume the world and make me KING!'

~ Underworld. Lucifaad.

"They really did it" Serafall said as she speechlessly looked at the report. It was one thing to see the video, it was another to hear the report the last of the devil's spies in Japan sent out before they were taken out.

She was with Rias and Sona and their peerages. She was playing bodyguard for them. Naturally she would do it for Sona-Tan anyway.

The kids were speechless. As soon as the video ended they were just lost in space. Especially Rias. The pretty boy knight that she didn't think much of was now the ruler of Japan.

"Nee-san" Serafall looked to Sona, surprised how calm her sister sounded now

"What happens now? Nexus took over Japan, their fight is over. But what about us?"

Serafall suppressed a smirk, she was really proud of Sona, she had a good head on her shoulders.

"War. No matter the reason, they attacked the Alliance and kidnaped one of our own, not to mention the rape." Rias flinched, clenched her fists and bit her lips. Akeno quickly grabbed her hand to calm her down

"Olympus is going down, together with the Egyptian pantheon and anyone who had to do with the attack. We can't afford to look weak now"

"What about others? The Alliance and Nexus are in an unstable state now. Will the other factions in the world sit back at this opportunity?" Tsubaki said from behind Sona.

'Ahh, she planned this with Tsubaki before hand. Bonus points for Sona-tan' Serafall sighed "No they won't. After we pay Nexus and get Grayfia and Milicas back, we will most likely start to massively recruit soldiers from the population. Every house will be forced to go to War. This will be much bigger than even the Great War between the Three Factions.

The actions we have made by making this Alliance and Isaiah making Nexus has resulted in the situation we find ourselves now. The Alliance is weakened and Nexus has a huge territory that isn't properly defended yet.

This is a far too tempting target to not take action. In my opinion. This will most likely result in a Battle Royal. The World is up for grabs. Nobody will be able to stay on the sidelines. That's what's coming. And everybody knows it. Sona, Rias"

Both girls looked at Serafall who had a completely serious expression on her face

"There is no guarantee that any of us will be able to survive through the war. I suggest you start training, you train like you can feel Death over your shoulder, because now, if you screw up even once, there is a good chance you might die"

Both girls and their peerages shivered. Sera sighed and went in front of Sona and hugged her. Sona was stunned, Serafall always just jumps at her and tries to smother her, but this was different, It was.. sad.

"The day you were born I swore to protect you with my life, and I intend to keep that promise, but there is a chance that it will not be enough. So you train Sona, you train until you drop. Do you understand." She cupped Sona's cheeks.

"Yes.. Nee-sama" Sona nodded with a determined face

"Good." Serafall nodded "Because you might really hate me after this. We start training tomorrow. Go and rest for today. Its been a stressful day"

She nodded and all of them left the room one by one.

A few minutes later Ajuka and Falbium teleported into the room.

"Ajuka, Falbium give it to me straight. What are my odds?" Serafall said in an exhausted tone

Ajuka and Falbium also slumped

"Our army is a mess. The survivors from the attack are recuperating. We lost a chunk of our soldiers to Anubis's Army. We need to start recruiting immediately. I'm going to need a lot of money"

"That brings me to our next problem. Fucking Politics with these imbeciles. We are going to need to offer them something good for them to stay and fight. We can't just go killing them off, or we will have another rebellion on our hands.

The irony. us four. Sirzechs has Power. I have Knowledge, Falbium has Defence and you Serafall have Strength. Oh and might I compliment you on how well you have kept that little fact hidden." Ajuka smirked at her.

There are only a few people in the world who know of that tiny little fact. She was the 'Strongest Maou.' Physically she was stronger than any one of the Maou. She has trained hard to keep her position as Maou. In the Civil War she always fought as a magician. Creating an Ice Zone with a lot of ice fog.

That's because she used the cover to rip her enemies apart. Even after the war she made her TV Show staring herself as a magical girl. This was to make a good impression on the young devil children and to further enforce the idea of her being a Mage-Type fighter. Which she was, and she was damn good at it. But she had the build, perfect for close range fighter.

Sairaorg wasn't the first devil to take his body to the peak, not by a long shot.

Ajuka's tone turned serious " And yet all of us must play nice or we will end up exactly like the previous Maou's."

Sera sighed "Even after I quit they are still causing troubles for me. Honestly if I thought Sona would be safer I would have just taken her and dropped her off at Nexus. But, her leaving my sight is unacceptable. And I don't exactly trust Isaiah to hold any good will towards us"

Beep. Beep. Beep

Ajuka opens a holographic screen and reads the report he just got. "Sirzechs is asking for reinforcements. It seems that after Poseidon and Hades couldn't hold him off on their own they called for help."

Serafall stood up "I'll go. Right now we need to make an impression. That the devils are still a force to be reckoned with. And we need to make an example out of Poseidon."

Falbium dragged himself out of the chair "I'm going to start some army drills. Ajuka I'll leave the council to you. Honestly if they won't listen just kill them. The fall out will be catastrophic. But just share the truth. This war will be like nothing the world has ever seen. If they think they can survive on their own. They are free to leave. Lets see how they handle that news"

Ajuka looked thoughtful "That might actually work"

Serafall just facepalmed and left without saying a word. She wasn't a Maou anymore. Let Grayfia deal with this bullshit.


(A/N Okay so according to some sources Indra is not a person its a Position, that changes every Manvantara. In each manvantara, seven Rishis, certain deities, an Indra, a Manu, and kings (sons of Manu) are created and perish.

This just confuses me even more. I have no idea how the real hierarchy goes, but I'm putting the Trimurti above Indra (the person) in this fic)

I changed it up a bit for Serafall. I thought i would be funny. Since technically. Sirzechs and Ajuka are far better Mages than her. Ajuka has more spells while Sirzechs is a one trick pony. Just Destroy everything.

What do you think? Just share your thoughts. I need some feedback.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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