
Rebecca (2)

The next day, at precisely 10:00 a.m., the guild's premises erupted, with many people pouring out of the main entrance as a sleek black SUV glided gracefully into the parking lot.

Erik had meticulously prepared for this meeting, making certain that every detail was perfect. He stood there, hidden behind his mask, watching the car's engine roar to a hushed halt.

This mask, unlike his usual one, concealed as much as it revealed, lending mystery to his presence.

A woman emerged from the car as the door swung open, embodying a harmonious blend of elegance and strength. Rebecca, petite and lovely, possessed a body that clearly bore the marks of rigorous training despite everything else.

Her movements screamed power and control, as if every step she took were a carefully choreographed dance. Rebecca was obviously not just any ordinary woman. Despite her meticulous attention to her appearance, her hands bore clear evidence of calluses.
