

Erik and Samuel were hard at work when they heard a voice coming from the vicinity. When the young man turned around, he saw Vanessa calling out to the elderly man, who immediately stopped what he was doing and ran over to her.

Perplexed by the situation, Erik turned to Ethan, a seventeen-year-old man who was gradually becoming a regular companion, almost a friend.

Because of his towering stature of 1.8 meters, Ethan Thornwood made quite an impression on those around him.

His years of dedication to working in the field, something he began doing very early in his life, was reflected in the leanness and definition of his physique.

The young man was nothing short of a beacon of youthful charm and vitality with his unruly mane of chestnut hair, expressive hazel eyes that often twinkled with mischief, and a face punctuated by a strong jawline and a smattering of freckles across his nose.
