
Chapter 10

Traeger looked at her chronometer. It read 0500. She winced. The OOD would be coming in soon and she needed to be in position when he did. She was the rover for this 4-6 watch and had just recorded her environmental readings. It was her job to present these to the OOD and have him sign off on it. There was one problem with that however and she was currently sleeping in the office. Carter lost the argument and while she had given Carter and Ford an epic beating for challenging her, the submarine agreed to stay in the office overnight. It wasn't the most comfortable of berths but Carter remained secretive about her condition. She requested that Traeger wake her at 0500 so she'd have time to make herself presentable before waking the division. And in order to do so, Traeger would have to help her sneak through the laundry room out into the passageway and then the sub would limp into the compartment on her own. That was the plan. The reality was much more difficult to execute. Nonetheless Traeger came into the office. The submarine was curled up in the back corner, fast asleep. The key to the plan was stealth and Carter dare not use her own alarm to wake up. Thus Traeger had to wake her herself. She cautiously approached. Carter was leaning against the dock on her starboard side. The patch on her port flank was clearly visible. She looked relaxed, despite her injury and Traeger hated waking her but orders were orders. "Senior chief?" She whispered, placing a wire gently on her shoulder. After a few seconds of shaking, Carter woke. "Hmm?" She wondered, cracking her eyes open. They were slightly glazed but the green orbs focused quickly. "Oh, morning yeoman." She yawned. "0505. I gave you an extra few minutes." Traeger said, backing up as Carter stretched her fins. "Has the OOD come in yet?" She asked. "No." "Okay, give me 30 minutes then come back." Carter ordered. "Will do." Traeger nodded and left. Just in time too. New York was security watch and she sounded off when the OOD entered. Traeger quickly joined her, handing over her logs. Roberts was the OOD and she gave Traeger a warm smile. "You're from the Gulf aren't you?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." Traeger replied. "Thought you looked familiar. I was there in '80 and again for Desert Storm. Bridgetown's kid right?" "Yes, how did you know?" "I was in Dubai when you were born." Roberts replied. "You... you were the one who..." Traeger couldn't speak. Roberts winked. "I told Cole you'd join this navy one day. Glad to see I was right." "I joined because of your ma'am." Traeger said. Roberts nuzzled her. "You'll do great out there." She whispered. "Thank you ma'am." Traeger chuckled. "I've waited 18 years to say that." "Was it worth the wait?" Roberts asked. "Definitely." Traeger breathed. "If I don't see you again, good luck out there fleetmate." Roberts turned to go. It took Traeger a second before she realized Roberts was addressing her as an equal. "Ma'am?" Roberts paused, halfway out the door and winked at her.

As soon as she was gone Traeger returned to Carter. The submarine was smiling. She had seen everything. "You knew." She whispered. Carter nodded. "Roberts didn't recognize you so I, informed her. She was surprised but very pleased." Traeger's tears came without warning. "Thank you." She choked out, pressing her muzzle to Carter's side. The submarine leaned into it for several seconds before she shook her off. "It's the best I could do. Now are you going to help me out of here?" She asked. Traeger offered her side to Carter immediately, suppressing a shiver as the subs hull brushed hers. She was a bit too warm for the destroyer's liking. As she helped Carter out into the passageway, Traeger realized something; despite the gratefulness she was currently feeling towards her. There was more to it. "I love her." She thought to herself. "I'm in love with Jimmy Carter."
