
Chapter 6

Carter limped into her office, fuming silently. If she had been counting on a competent division to learn things quickly she was very disappointed. Now she'd have to work twice as hard because apparently these nubs couldn't learn anything. She sighed, rubbing a fin over her face as she felt a migraine coming on. Three street hits was a lot. Barely 2 weeks in and already the division's score was the lowest in the training group. She growled. Something needed to be done to correct this. And she knew exactly what she had to do.

"EVERYONE ON THE TOWLINE RIGHT NOW!" Some ships were busy shining their propellers while others cleaned their racks. It was a field day after all but apparently their RDC had new plans. They scrambled to their positions. "I am absolutely sickened! Three street hits in one day. Had enough of the ordinary so you decided to try and set a record hmm? Because I'm pretty sure that is a record. And one you should not be proud of either. You should all be ashamed of yourselves!" She held up an RDCs trump card, a piece of yellow plastic that instantly had the division on edge. "But I don't think you are." Carter's angry tone faded away into a calmer one but it had an undercurrent to it that sent shivers up Traeger's spine. She knew what was coming and she wasn't looking forward to it. "Don't worry. We'll change that. Oh yes we will change that." Carter turned around. "10 counts begin!" As the division began their 'workout' Carter twirled her yellow card in fin as she looked at it thoughtfully. The card spelled out all the workouts she could give a recruit. She could not give them anything more than what was listed on the card. There were also limits on how she could behave. Despite how angry she was, Carter could not just start cursing the air blue. She definitely could not take the recruit who got those chits and beat the shit out of her like she wanted to. She settled for an icy glare, getting some satisfaction at how Zumwalt squirmed despite being in the middle of a 10 count. And that gave Carter her opening. "Stern down Zumwalt!" She called. Zumwalt silently complied and Carter tore into her. "HOW 'BOUT A FUCKING RESPONSE RECRUIT?!" She snarled. "Aye aye Senior Chief!" Zumwalt panted. "Ford, don't arch your flight deck. You'll hurt yourself doing that." Carter gently cautioned her RPOC although her voice remained hard. "Aye aye Senior Chief." The carrier replied instantly, terrified of a reprimand. Carter watched her for another minute before she growled "Alright you lot can't do 10 counts. Flutter blades begin! 1, 2, 3." "1 Senior Chief!" "1, 2, 3." "2 Senior Chief." "1, 2, 3..." And on and on it went. Carter went up and down the line, checking everyone's form. She was also observing their faces, seeing who was getting the point of this lesson and who was not. She made a mental note of the ones who were not getting it and resolved to adjust her methods for their benefit in the coming weeks. Some just never understood the usefulness of this training method and while most RDCs didn't care if they were hated or not, Carter believed in insuring all her lessons got across to all members of the division. And if that meant trying different things then that's what she would do.

Traeger's whole body hurt. She had expected these beatings. They were a fact of life at boot camp but she hadn't expected it to hurt this much. She dared look up as Carter passed and ever so briefly their eyes met. The disappointment that was present on the sub's face hurt more than any physical pain. Traeger felt as though she'd been struck by one of the sub's Mark 48 torpedoes. "What is wrong with me?" She thought. "Why does her approval matter so much?" Traeger didn't have time to contemplate it. She had much work to do at the moment. When Carter finally let them all relax Traeger realized the pain she was in. Her muscles were screaming at her. Her back in particular. She'd injured it years ago in a skirmish. She pushed the pain aside and slowly straightened to listen to her RDC speak.

"You are sorry excuses for recruits! I see some of you are starting to get it but that's not good enough. I shouldn't have to hold your hand through this. I'm not your mother!" Traeger winced at that comment which did not go unnoticed. Carter glanced her way before continuing. "Orlando, Moonser, New York. Pack your seabags. I don't need lazy ass ships like you in my division!" Said ships left the ranks to comply with the order. One of them, New York, was in tears. "Poor thing." Traeger thought. "She tries so hard." Her back decided now was a good time to start screaming at her. The delicate but strong tendons that connected her stern to her spine felt like someone was playing the guitar with them and she collapsed. "TRAEGER!" Ford, with her sheer size managed to break the line and keep anyone else from doing the same but Carter was faster. The submarine put on a burst of speed that her class was famous for and her fins were at the ready. She supported Traeger under her right shoulder and held the dazed destroyer as she rolled upright. "Yeoman, can you hear me?" Seeing her RDC so close startled Traeger to alertness. "Yeah, fuck." She cursed. Carter's green eyes had lost all their harshness and were now soft with concern. Her grip was strong but gentle. Traeger couldn't help but lean into it a little, head tilting down towards the sub's shoulder. Carter's concern heightened and she shook Traeger a little. The action made her back complain and Traeger groaned in pain. "I'm sorry." Carter sounded genuinely apologetic. When Traeger looked up again, Carter had been joined by Ford and the carrier was trying not to let her worry get the better of her. As it was, her worried whines were starting to irritate Carter who looked about ready to unleash a tirade on her if the twitching of her rudder was any indication. Traeger decided to try and protect her friend and redirect her RDCs attention. "I'm with you." She assured Carter who immediately removed the fin that was supporting her head. She sighed in relief. "Where does it hurt?" She asked. "Lower back." Traeger answered, the medic in her guiding her words. "I figured I'd be fine. Usually I wear a brace when I work out but I wasn't anticipating this." She said. "Old injury?" Carter asked as she moved to inspect the area. Traeger hissed through her teeth as Carter poked at her swollen tendons. "Yes." She answered. "Can you make it to medical?" "Definitely." Traeger straightened and Carter positioned herself alongside as the destroyer limped forward. "Ford, take charge in my absence!" Carter ordered. "Aye senior chief!"

The pair limped their way into medical where it was clear to Traeger that Carter was very uncomfortable around the doctors. Before she was taken into another room she brushed her hull against the sub's which earned her a slight smile and a nod. About an hour later she reemerged and found Carter talking with the lead corpsman, probably getting instructions. "Hand me your chit and pouch. I'll log this one for you." She said. Traeger, a bit woozy from the painkillers, did so before something occurred to her. "Isn't that supposed to be my job?" She asked. "Chief's privileged." Carter answered with a grin, pen flying across the page as she wrote. She handed her the materials back and Traeger took a moment to admire the sub's elegant handwriting before she put the pouch away and folded up her chit. "Doc says I'll be alright in a day or two. I'm not SIQ or anything just, he told me to take it easy." "Duly noted." Carter said as they left medical. The sub didn't try to support Traeger who could move on her own a bit better with the painkillers helping her. But she remained close at hand nonetheless. A trained professional in the art of escorting, Traeger knew but her knowledge of submarine behavior told her Carter was a little closer than a normal escort would be. Something was off. After a moment of thinking, Traeger felt she knew what it was.

"It's not your fault." Carter's head snapped up to look at the destroyer in shock, amazed she could be so easily read. Traeger smiled. "I spent some time with US Submarines and other warships. I learned how to read body language. Don't worry, you're probably the most difficult I've ever had to try and read." Carter snorted. "Well thanks but you're wrong. It is my fault." She said. "No it's not." Traeger immediately countered and Carter was torn between scolding her and chuckling at how immature the pair of them sounded, bickering like little pups. "It is and I'll tell you why. Because I ordered you to perform those workouts." "You did but I didn't bring up my injury which is in my medical record and request time to put on my brace." Traeger said. "I'm not placing the blame on you." Carter said. "I know. But I don't blame you. I just want you to know that." Traeger said. Carter sighed. Traeger's words warmed her heart for some reason. She still felt guilty but that guilt was lightened at hearing that. "Thank you." She murmured. Traeger looked away and grinned. Her knowledge of submarine body language told her Carter was sincere in her thanks and this conversation was making her uncomfortable so she decided to drop it. "You're welcome." She replied.

Carter and Traeger returned and Ford greeted them both. She and Traeger touched noses which made Carter fume for some reason she could not fathom. "Alright, back to work the lot of you!" She growled. Her gaze swept across the division, back to its old hardness. "Do not disappoint me again." She said simply and sailed off to her office. There would be more street hits, more foolish acts that brought their overall score down but Carter never reacted the way she did today. She never beat the division again.
