
Chapter 20: Family Reunion

Selene’s thoughts start racing. “What are you sorry for?” she almost whispers.

Onyx takes a few steps toward Sparrow. “What did you do?”

Sparrow looks confused. The look in her eyes shifts as she appears to comprehend what they’re asking her. Before she gets the chance to answer, the doors to the room fly open. A man enters flanked by four others who are all dressed alike. Selene thinks they might be guards.

She has a million different questions going through her head, but the man standing before her leaves her speechless. His dark brown hair looks short, but that’s only because of all the curls. Streaks of red intermingle with the brown on the top of his head. He’s clean-shaven, well-built and well-dressed. Out of all his features, it’s his eyes that she finds herself drawn to.

“Selene,” he says with a smile while rushing toward her. He doesn’t hesitate to embrace her. “I hoped it was you at the shrine, but seeing you in your human form confirms it.”
