
Chapter 112: What movie do you want to watch?

The fight had resumed like nothing happened, like Gunilla hadn't just been killed.

Like Percy Jackson was not bleeding to death.

Magnus didn't even like Gunilla, but she had sacrificed her life for this quest. He wasn't sure what kind of relation she and Percy had but whatever the future had planned for them. It was gone.

Gunilla was dead, Percy was dying.

Ratatosk stood next to Percy, her eyes smouldering in triumph. Her mouth dripping with Percy's blood. Magnus wanted to drop down and stay there until Ragnarok.

But his friends were dying.

The two other valkyries Gunilla had brought along had blood on their faces and cuts all over them.

The other einherjar were not much better off. Sam and Blitz and Hearth were in no shape to fight.

Magnus charged at Ratatosk but before he could even come close to her Surt stepped in his way and swung his burning sword at Magnus.

He managed to block it with Jack but the force of the swing had thrown him away, Magnus managed to break his fall, but barely.

Magnus got to his feet and tried to think of what he should do but nothing came to his mind.

Luckily for him someone else did hada plan.

The clouds above the island began to swirl together, forming a small hurricane. The storm clouds began swirling faster and faster, forming a funnel that decened down to the middle of the island. The funnel stopped once again everyone. Magnus glanced at Surt but he was as confused as Magnus was.

The sound of an explosion followed, and the clouds disappeared.

Standing there was a woman with elven-pale skin and long dark hair. She was beautiful but without the warmth of a regular person. She looked like she would kill everyone on the island without a second thought.

But she was not completely beautiful, her right side was a nightmare come to life. It was like a sick mirror of her beautiful side. The skin on her face was ripped away, revealing bloody red muscles and a row of sharp teeth.

Magnus flinched, this woman so horrifying her existence almost made him puke.


(Hel POV)

Hel stared at the battle scene in front of here, or what was left of the battle. Her brother , Fenrir, was chained and on the ground. His jaw shattered and lying in a pool of his own blood.

But she couldn't care less about her brother, especially with one special demigod dying.

Hel I give up, You can have my soul, but please. Save my friends When she received the prayer she felt more excited than ever.

But what she didn't expect to see was Percy dying.

She knew she shouldn't care that he was dying, for multiple reasons. She would get his soul if he died. Second, she was a goddess and he was a mere demigod. Yet it hurt her to see Percy dying.

She stared at the monsters Percy had fought, a squirrel, a bunch of fire giants and two Nuckelavee.

"Lady Hel!" Surt cried out, sounding panicked, "What are you doing here."

Hel shot a glare at Surt, "I am here to stop the fights. Be gone."

Surt laughed, "I'm not going anywhere. Ragnarok is in our hands." then he scowled, "Aren't you supposed to be on our side when Ragnarok happens."

Hel sighed, regretting the fact that she was ever born and the day the Norns told the gods about Ragnarok. "Ragnarok won't be tonight." Hel said determined, "Perseus Jackson and his friends rechained Fenrir fair and square. I end the fight here and now."

Hel shot a glare at Ratatosk, who immediately shivered. Only a few people could scare Ratatosk away, Hel was one of them. Ratatosk stormed off and disappeared back into the world tree.

Hel shot a glare at the remaining fire giants, "Go!" she commanded.

Surt huffed, "You can't tell me what to do death goddess."

Hel didn't look impressed, in fact she looked more bored than concerned. She snapped her fingers.

"What was that?" The giant laughed. "An attack?"

Hel chuckled, "No, you're exit."

Behind Surt a portal opened, the fabric of the nine worlds was ripped apart for a short second. Screams of tortured souls filled the island, a non existent wind came from the portal. Long tentacles came from the portal and lashed out at the closest Nuckelavee and dragged them into the portal.

Surt paled, which was hilarious, and yelled, "What are you doing!"

"Sending you to Helheim," Hel said as Surt and the other fire giants were sucked screaming into the portal. Directly after that the portal closed and the screaming had stopped.

Hel sighed and turned to the remaining people on the island. She found them looking at her with awe and fear.

"Who are you?" Magnus asked, sounding afraid of her.

She sighed and ignored everyone, instead she walked over to Percy, or what was left of him.

His back was torn open and his blood had turned to a shade of purple.

She knelt down and began to study his blood. She dipped her finger in Percy' s blood, which made him flinch, and licked the blood. She swallowed the taste of it and grimaced.

Poison, the reason Percy was still alive was the fact he was poisoned with Ratatosk' blood.

It was meant to kill him slowly and painfully.

"Get away from him."

Hel glanced up and saw a sword pointed at her throat.

Magnus Chase, the Einherji, was holding Sumarbrander with both his hands and pointed the end of the blade at Hel. He was shaking and he held his sword the wrong could smell how afraid he was. Yet he stood there, defending his fallen comrade.

Behind him stood the other Einherjar, T.J, Halfborn, Halfborn and the redhead Mallory Keen.

Sam and the other two valkyries were kneeling next to the corpse of their former captain.

The elf and the dwarve were trying to comfort the crying ex-Valkyrie.

Hel turned her gaze back to Magnus, "Put the sword away."

"Get away from Percy," Magnus said, "He's our friend and we won't let you harm him."

Hel rose to her feet and glared at Magnus, "I can do whatever I want with him. His soul is mine."

"What are you talking about?" Gunderson growled.

Hel chuckled , "You don't know? Percy offered his soul. In exchange I save your lives."

"The idiot did what!" Mallory cried out.

"One soul, in exchange for your lives." Hel repeated calmly.

"Cancel the deal." Magnus ordered, "Let him go."

Hel frowned, their logic made no sense. "He's already dying. I'm only taking his soul to my realm."

"Why do you want his soul anyway?" T.J asked cautious.

Hel sighed, Percy's soul was the only thing in the nine worlds she actually wanted. Unlike everyone else Percy was not afraid of her. Nor did he treat her like she was a monster.

"He's important to me, I care for him." Hel admitted reluctantly, why was she even talking to them?

They gasped and gave her skeptical looks, like she couldn't care for someone. She huffed, "is it that hard to believe?"

"If you care for him, why don't you help him?" Magnus argued.

"I do," Hel snapped, "In my realm he is save from everything. I can spare him a terrible fate and let him be carefree."

Magnus almost laughed. "You think that's what Percy wants? To be kept save?"

"No," Hel admitted reluctantly.

"Percy wouldn't want to be kept save, he want to save the world." Magnus said, now sounding more determined. "If you really care you should help him. Instead of trying to reap his soul."

Hel knew that what Magnus said was true. But she wanted Percy's soul, she wanted him to be her friend.

This was new for her, what would a friend do.

She groaned and turned to Magnus, "Fine. I'll let him live. Let this be a sign of my mercy."

She summoned a dagger.

Magnus gasped and his eyes widened.

Hel rolled her eyes and made a cut in her own hand, then she put her hand on Percy's bleeding back.

"What are you doing?" Magnus asked as he stepped closer.

"Give him my blood." Hel simply stated.

"You do what?"

"His blood is poisoned. I give him my blessing, which is the only way he can survive Ratatosk's poison."

Percy began to shiver underneath her, he began to stir and to gasp in pain.

"You're hurting him!" Mallory cried out, as she reached for her dagger but Magnus gestured her to stay back.

"It's the only way I can give him my blessing. Through blood and pain." Hel answered and she kept her eyes focused on Percy.

After a minute she pulled her hand back and studied her work. Slowly the flesh on Percy's back began to restore itself. It was slow but it was working.

Hel let out a sigh of relief, Percy gasped and his eyes shot open.

She smiled and pulled him up in a hug.

Percy was looking around in complete confusion, wondering why Hel was hugging him.

After a minute she pulled him away and looked him in the eyes.

"What the Hel just happened?" Percy asked confused.

Behind him the sun started to rise and a wave warmth flew over the island.

Hel smiled, "Sunrise 22th. You won the bet Percy."

Percy blinked, "I did what?"

Hel grinned, "You better choose a good movie."


A/N So another blessing. More powers for Percy.


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