

  The next morning, Conor awoke to frigid winter air. Apparently, winter had finally come, but at least Jessica had let him keep his blanket today. From the kitchen, he heard Jessica preparing breakfast.

  “Hurry up Conor. Don’t be late for Jackson’s! Remember Rent is due Friday!”

  Conor rolled out of bed and showered before coming to the kitchen. When he arrived, Jessica had already left for work. He sighed and scrambled an egg, eating it right out of the pan before jogging to work himself. When he arrived, he found a glaring Mr. Matthews waiting for him.

  “Care to explain why I have an irate client threatening to sue us after having an accident shortly after leaving our loading dock?”

  “Umm, this wouldn’t happen to be the same client who insisted that Supervisor Jerry and I load his truck even though that is against policy and Manager Henly insisted we do so anyway would it?”
