
Chapter 283 : A Bolt From the Blue

Chapter 283: A Bolt From the Blue

Jenny POV

Footfalls drummed on the steps in time with my heart. Just when we got going, we had to work our way slowly to the start.

“I’m not really good with humans,” I said, on the way up.

“You haven’t met that many,” Olivia pointed out.

“I’ve met enough. Can’t say I was enamored.”

“You do fine in the marketing meetings.”

“That’s marketing. Numbers and flow charts and all that good stuff,” I said, sounding a bit more aroused than I meant to. “The humans I talk to through a screen are mostly incidental.”

“Interesting way to approach things.”

“Works for me.”

“What about Hope?”


“Or Luke, or me? We’re humans too, you know.”

I hated it when she got all logical. It never failed to make me look just a little bit hypocritical. It was true, of course, but still annoying.

“I know, that’s different.”

“How so?” Olivia pressed.
