
Chapter 237 : A Sense of Balance

Chapter 237: A Sense of Balance

Olivia POV

The kids were at the door when I returned, revved up and ready to learn. Hope was on Kevin’s lap and Ken was as far from a nap as it was possible to get. Despite having one due in a few hours.

Hope was happy to see me as always, and as much as she loved Kevin, and just about everyone else she came across, she still reached for me when I came into view.

“We start training today, right?” Kevin asked like he didn’t have the day marked on his calendar.

“It is indeed,” Luke said gravely. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“Yeah!” Ken exploded, answering for all three of them.

Hope applauded her glee, but that was just a coincidence most likely. She just liked having new people around who might give her treats.

“Follow me,” Luke said, setting off at a march.
