
Chapter 14 : Auctioned to the Highest Predator

**Olivia POV

A few days after I had gotten back to New York, Jenny came over to visit me at my parents’ house. I needed a friend after the vacation that I had, if I could even call it that. I had spent most of it upset or worried.

We sat in the living room, going over a school project for one of our design courses. She was majoring in fashion, and I was majoring in business with the intention of going into jewelry design.

She picked one of the colored pencils up to work on her design drawing for a gown, while I was working on an elaborate necklace. “So… how was your vacation? What did you do?”

“Carl invited me over to the Peterson’s vacation home in Long Island.” I wanted to ease her into the news of our break-up. I put the red pencil back to pick up a black one to shade a few diamonds.

“Oh? How was that? Did you have some good sex?” Jenny teased me, and I gasped.

I shoved her in the arm, making her nearly mess up her sketch, “No, I didn’t!”
