
The Night of Owls Pt. 2

You, Cassandra, and Debra all stood before the horde of Talon before you. The doors to the armory were once again closed and Alfred was safe as well as Dick. These Talon made a mistake. A terrible one. They came for you in home and attacked family.


Y/N: Wait, wait, wait. Let me see if I gkt this right. You're saying I can hit you, really hard, and you wouldn't feel a thing?


Y/N: Tch, tch, tch. You're saying that I could snap your neck and it wouldn't kill you?


Y/N: Don't interrupt! So you're telling me, a man trained in practically every way to kill someone who has to have suppress that urge, every single day, that no matter what I do to you, you cannot die?



It was as if the holy light was shining down at you as you slowly began to smrik.

Y/N: Gang!

Debra: What?

Y/N: Good news. They aren't people.

Cassandra: Does that mean..

Y/N: Fucking, yes. Batcomputer! Turn on the Playlist.

There was a beat of silence before a song started playing. This very special Playlist was created by you, Jason, Tim, and Damien for jokes. It was appropriatly titled "Bat Murder Rampage". Good times.

The three of you charged forward as Debra changed her non lethal bullets for the actual ones. You threw three batarangs right into the heads of three Talon while Cassandra leaped up and stabbed on into another's chest.

You swung your arm right into one's throat which earned a satisfying snap before you threw another onto one of the cave spikes below. Debra fired off head shot after head shot as she leaped around. She pulled out the knife Jason had gotten her and stabbed it into one of their throats. She then used the Talon as a meat shield as the others threw knives at her. She just shot through the body.

You grabbed one of the Talon and snapped his neck before activated the dinosaur statue. It leaned down and chopped up three more Talon before you threw your batarangs at some more. It stabbed into their chests and exploded as well.

Cassandra had found Damien's sword and was now rushing through the crowd while cutting down anyone in her way.

Alfred: Sir, I activated the chip.

You broke one of their arms before slaming their face into a pile of broken glass.

Y/N: What did you find?

Alfred: It's a list, sir. It's a list of targets. And nearly every public figure is on it. Everyone who shapes the city. The city's comptroller, Gotham City's deputy sheriff, Kane County supreme court Judge, Commissioner Gordon, Mayor Hady...They're going to kill all of them.

You slammed your fist into a Talon before you stabbed your batarang into another. This wasn't good. All the good men and women trying to fix Gotham, trying to protect it, were all being hunted down like animals.

Y/N: Put out the call, Alfred. Call the family. Now!

Alfred: Yes...yes of course, Sir. Putting it out now.

You contiued to fight on as the call was put out.

Alfred: To all allies of the Bat presently in Gotham, I send this with the greatest urgency. Tonight, the Court of Owls has sent their assassins to kill nearly forty people across the city. The Court's targets are all Gotham leaders. People who shape this city. I have uploaded a list of the target's names here. The Court's assassins, the "Talons", are already en route to their targets. They are highly trained killers who are undead and with extraordinary regenerative abilities. For many of the targets, I fear it may be too late. I will keep the line open for as long as I can. Good luck to you, God help us all.

You turned back to Cassandra and saw that she had stabbed another Talon before he fell into the darkness below. You grabbed another Talon and stabbed his chest twice before you twisted his neck and let the body drop to the floor.

Alfred: Master Y/N, Lincoln March is on the list.

Y/N: What?! Where is he?!

Alfred: He was last seen in his office.

You turned to Debra and Cassandra.

Debra: Go! We'll handle it here!

Cassandra: Save him!

You hesitated but you had your duties. You turned toward the Batmobile and leaped in. You turned it on and sped out of the cave, hitting two Talons in the process, and turned on the road.

As you drove down the road, you looked at the list of names on the car's terminal. Out of the 40, about 15 were already red. Then another.

Alfred: At the moment, we have several active members fighting. Robin, Huntress, Beyond, Red Hoods, Batgirls, and you are all engaged in combat. This is the best we can do.

Y/N: This will have to be good enough.

Alfred: The names in blue are being protected by the family. The ones in red are the ones who are already lost.

Y/N: Lincoln March and Jeremiah Arkham are green. What's green?

Alfred: Those whose fates are unknown. I'm afraid the night largely belongs to the Owls, sir.

Y/N: The night's not over yet, Alfred.

It was now 11:02 PM as you pulled up to the political office of Lincoln March. You jumped out of the car and rushed through the door. You ran up the stairs before you reached the office of Lincol March.

Y/N: Mr. March, I'm here to help!

You didn't get a response.

Y/N: Mr. March?!

You opened the door and found Lincoln sitting there, gun in hand.

Y/N: Mr. March, I...

Lincoln: You...Y/N Wayne...

A dead body fell to the ground from behind the door. It was a Talon. You turned back to Lincoln to see that he had a knife in his gut already.

Lincoln:...Mr....For Mr...Wayne...

His hand dropped and the pistol fell to the floor. You rushed over to him as blood began to pour from his mouth.

Lincolm: I have a...message....for Mr. Wayne....

Y/N: Don't talk, Mr. March. An ambulance will be here soon.

Lincoln: No....please...here...

He slowly lifted his hand to show that he had a letter in his possession.

Lincoln: Take it.....give it to...Y/N.....in my desk....there are a list of names....names of people....I've learn are....in the Court.

You kneeled down as you took the letter.

Y/N: The more you talk the...

Lincoln: I'm done for....you have to stop this....save Y/N....save him...remind him that...a better Gotham is one dream......

You gently laid him down on the ground as he took his last breath. You looked at the letter in your hand and slowly stood up. You walked over to the desk and opened the drawer where you found the list of names Lincoln told you about.

Alfred: Master Y/N? The Talons have been detained. I have news on the other assassination attempts as well.

Y/N: I have their names.

Alfred: I'm sorry?

Y/N: The Owls. I have their names. Their addresses.

You walked over to the picture that Lincoln had on his desk. You lifted it up to see that it was the one that you had taken with him at the banquet. When you first struck up your partnership with him.

Alfred: But Master Y/N...

Y/N: They came to my house. They invaded my home. They attacked my family. Now, I'm going to burn theirs to the ground.
