
Beyond Pt. 2

Things were mostly silent during the car ride to the park where you could find the Tower of Fate. The only real noise was the music that played on the radio. Terry finally parked the car and the two of you stepped out and you looked at the empty space.

Terry: Alright. Let's deal with this magic mumbo-jumbo.

Y/N: Magic. Yay.

You both stepped forward and entered the magic barrier before you were both suddenly brought into the tower.

Dr. Fate: Y/N L/N and Terry McGinnis. To what do I owe the pleasure?

You looked around for a moment.

Y/N: Shouldn't you know? You seem to know everything else.

Dr. Fate: I do. It is simply a common courtesy.

The book he was looking at floated from his hand and into the bookshelf. He turned around and you and Terry were suddenly in chairs with a cup of tea in your hands.

Terry: This is so weird.

Dr. Fate: You been seeing things. Experiencing things.

You nodded.

Y/N: I think they're from my past. I lost them when my timeline was erased.

Dr. Fate: I see. This is truly a difficult situation. The mind is a peculiar thing.

Y/N: So, do you know why this is happening?

Dr. Fate: I may. You were not erased with your time. As such, the memories that were with you are now leaking through to return to you.

Leaking through? They were trying to return to you? You know what? Whatever. Magic.

Dr. Fate: I can return them to you if you'd like.

You gave it some thought. You shook your head.

Y/N: If I remember, I want it on my own. I just need these headaches to stop.

Dr. Fate: I can help you with that. However, I do require your help in return.

Terry: Our help?

Dr. Fate nodded and you were suddenly in the middle of a odd room filled with stairs that went, well, everywhere.

Dr. Fate: I need your assistance to find a problem that has been plaguing the tower.

Terry: We don't have any gear on us.

Suddenly, you were in costume.

Y/N: Ok then. Where do we start?

Dr. Fate: Here. These stairs lead everywhere in the tower.

Terry: What if we get lost?

Dr. Fate: You will not.

Y/N: But what if we do?

Dr. Fate: You will not.

You and Terry looked at each other before sighing.

Y/N: Fine. We'll get started.

Dr. Fate nodded and flew up to one of the areas. You looked around before you spotted a door nearby. You opened it and looked inside. Your smile dropped when you realized you were looking into a room where four gator people were playing poker. They noticed you and growled before they started to rush at you. You just closed the door.

Y/N: Not here.

Terry: What are we even looking for?

Y/N: I feel like we would know if we saw it.

Terry: Magic?

Y/N: Magic.

You both headed to another door. You opened it and saw that it was, a jungle? You both stepped in and looked around as the door closed behind you.

Terry: Huh. This is interesting.

Y/N: Yeah. Let's explore.

You both walked through the jungle area. It actually sounds like a jungle from the TV. It smelt like one to. This was weird.

Terry: So, how's life? You know, besides the whole headache thing.

You just shrugged.

Y/N: Single and ready to eat a Pringle.

Terry: Nice.

Y/N: What about you? Meet anyone who caught your eye?

Terry just shook his head.

Terry: I have a girl back in the future. Dana. We've been together on and off for about three years now.

Y/N: On and off? Hmm.

You finally reached a clearing and looked around. Looks like there wasn't anything here. You were about to tell Terry to head back before something snaked around your ankle. You looked down and saw that it was a vine.

Y/N: uh...

You were suddenly flung up and slammed against a tree. Terry went to pull out a batarang but had his wrist trapped as well.

Terry: Y/N?!

He was lifted up while you were hung upside down. Your eyes followed the vines before you noticed something that looked like a large flower, until the pedals grew razor sharp teeth and opened up. The vines start to pull you in before you reached into your belt and pulled out a plant killer you had incase Posion I Y decided to come out of hiding. You sprayed the plant and it dropped you. You then pulled out a batarang and threw it at the other vine which freed Terry. He grabbed you and the two of you flew out of the room. You both then slammed the door shut.

Y/N: This place is going to kill us.

Terry: Without a doubt.

You both let out a sigh of relief before you turned to another door.

Y/N: Please be somewhere nice.

You opened it and immediately felt the chilling wind hit you. You both entered and you found yourselves in a cabin of somekind. You both stepped in and immediately heard a creak in the floorboards.

Terry: Oh my god. This is just a cliché isn't it?

From the dakrness, came a large figure holding an axe.

Y/N: Fuck you.

The figure lifted the ax and you and Terry quickly threw the electric batarangs which stopped him in his tracks. You both walked through the door again.

Y/N: Alright. We have about a million doors to get through. How many for you think will try to kill us?

Terry: I say a good 95% of them.

You cracked your knucles before you spat on the floor.

Y/N: Bring it on.

You opened another door as the two of you entered.
