
Thanksgiving preparations part two!

Kara sighed as she dumped another dress on the bed. Barry smiled and asked "are you not trying any of them on". Kara groaned and said "babe, I don't have a lot of formal dresses, these are more just causal dresses". Barry nodded as he bounced Dawn up and down on his knee. Kara sighed and said "I have nothing, all of you guys will be looking fancy and then there's me who will be wearing that dress I wore when we first met". Barry asked "what's wrong with that, it's a nice dress". Kara smiled at Barry and said "I'm saving that for a special night". Barry chuckled and replied "oh". Kara smiled and said "I knew you'd get it". Barry asked "is that all you think about Ms Danvers". Kara shook her head and said "just planning ahead babe". Barry smiled and stood up, he then said "I'll be back in a second". Kara asked "where are you going Bar, I need help with this". Barry said "I'm putting Dawn in her cot Kar, relax". Kara nodded and sat on the bed. Barry smiled and headed out of the room.

Kara sighed as she looked at the pile of clothes on the bed. Barry came back in and sat beside her on the bed. He then said "you remember that dress I got you a couple weeks ago". Kara nodded as her eyes widened. She asked "the burgundy one". Barry smiled and said "yeah". Kara said "oh, I forgot about that one, it's still in the basket in the kitchen". Barry smiled and sped away downstairs and then back up. He held it out towards Kara and said "one dress for Ms Danvers". Kara giggled and took it from him. She took her hair out from the pony tail and let it fall down, she then removed her cardigan and began unbuttoning her blouse. Barry smiled and began hanging all the other dresses back into the closet. Kara smiled and thanked him as she removed her jeans. She then slipped her dress on and asked "can you zip up the back babe". Barry nodded and zipped her dress up. He then wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin At the top of her head. Kara smiled and relaxed against him. She asked "what do you think babe". Barry smiled and said "you look beautiful Kara". Kara smiled and said "thanks Bar". Barry smiled and replied "you are so very welcome". Kara smiled and turned around to face Barry. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips. Barry smiled and said "I should probably get changed now too huh". Kara nodded and replied "yeah, you probably should, and I'm helping". Barry chuckled as Kara gently pushed him on the bed and climbed on top of him.

Caitlin entered the kitchen after she had changed into a nice black dress. She smiled at Nora and Eliza who were in deep conversation as they prepared the Thanksgiving dinner. Eliza smiled at Caitlin and said "you look very nice Caitlin". Caitlin smiled a little and said "thanks Eliza". Nora asked "have you seen Barry and Kara, it's been a while since we saw them". Caitlin said "they're probably just getting changed or spending time with Dawn". Nora nodded and said "that's fine, as long as they are taking it easy". Caitlin nodded and said "knowing Barry, he'll do the opposite of taking it easy". Nora smiled and said "he's stubborn, but he loves helping people". Eliza smiled and said "Kara is the exact same, no wonder why they are so happy together". Caitlin smiled and asked "do you need help with anything". Nora nodded and said "if Jay and Jeremiah have the table set up outside, then could you help them set it, we should have plenty of plates and cups, if not Barry and Kara got more from the store". Caitlin nodded and said "yeah, that's no problem". Nora smiled and said "thanks Caitlin". Caitlin smiled and said "you're welcome". She then headed outside to help set everything up.

Half an hour later, Kara came into the kitchen, she had her hair slightly curled and had put on red lipstick. Eliza smiled At her and said "you look exhausted Kara, are you ok". Kara nodded and smiled from ear to ear. She said "yeah I'm fine, why". Nora smiled and asked "is that a hickey". Kara blushed and said "no, it's not, I swear, it isn't". Eliza smiled and said "Kara, it's ok if you did you know..... You are both grown ups". Kara laughed nervously and said "what..... No..... We didn't do that..... Our family is here..... Why would we do that". Eliza smiled and shook her head. Kara sorted her glasses and looked down. Barry came into the kitchen carrying Dawn, looking as tired as Kara is. He smiled at his nervous girlfriend and asked "are you ok". Nora smiled and said "she is just embarrassed about what you both did". Barry's face turned bright red. He asked "were we that loud, I swear we were quiet". Kara blushed more and hid her face in her hands. Eliza said "no Barry, we didn't hear a thing which is a relief, but next time you are doing it when family is over, don't give her a hickey". Kara groaned and asked "can we stop talking about that..... It's embarrassing". Nora laughed a little and said "sure, we won't say anything, as long as you both relax". Kara nodded and asked "is no-one else here yet". Eliza said "Joe is on the way with Wally, we don't know about Cisco and Eobard". Barry said "speaking off". He answered his phone that had started to ring. He asked "what's up Cisco". Cisco said "so we were about to come over, everything was silent but there is a meta in the building, and he's looking for you, he caught us off guard, and Thawne is unconscious, I had to drag him to the time vault once I put the building into lockdown, we're trapped in here with the meta, and I don't know if he'll be able to find us or not". Barry sighed and said "we'll be right there". Eliza smiled a little as he handed Dawn over to her. Kara nodded at Barry and He sped away with her.
