
Nora Garrick!

Kara sat with a confused Jay. He asked "is Barry ok". Kara said "I'm not sure". The woman asked "did I do something". Kara said "no, no, I'm sure He is fine, he's just got a lot on his plate". The woman nodded and said "well I'll go talk to him, maybe I can help him". Kara nodded as the woman headed outside. Jay asked "it is because of my wife isn't it". Kara said "she is his mother's doppelganger". Jay said "oh, that explains it, will He be ok". Kara nodded and said "he'll be fine, he's Barry, I'm sure He will be happy that his mum's doppelganger is alive". Jay nodded and said "I hope so". Kara nodded. Jay smiled and said "well if anyone can comfort him, it's either his wife or my Nora". Kara blushed and said "we're not at the married stage yet". Jay nodded and said "but you were". Kara nodded and said "I'm sure Barry will explain everything when he comes back in". Jay nodded.

Barry sat outside and wiped his tears away. He smiled a little at Dawn and said "I'm sorry you had to see me like that". Nora smiled and said "it's fine Barry". Barry turned around to see Nora standing at the door. Nora smiled and asked "can I". Barry nodded. Nora sat down next to Barry and asked "are you ok". Barry said "I... I will be". Nora smiled a little and said "that's good to hear, for a second, I thought I had done something to upset you". Barry shook his head and said "no, you did nothing". Nora smiled and said "that's a relief, you know, she looks just like you two, and you look a lot like my father". Barry smiled a little and said "my mum told me the same thing all the time". Nora smiled a little and said "I'm your mother's doppelganger". Barry nodded and said "she died when I was eleven, she was murdered, so it's just a little hard to be here". Nora nodded and said "I understand Barry, I do". Barry nodded. Nora smiled and said "oh and thanks for saving my husband from Zoom". Barry smiled a little and said "you don't have to thank me". Nora smiled more and said "come inside, it's getting cold out here". Barry nodded and asked "do you want to hold her". Nora smiled and nodded. Barry smiled and handed Dawn over to her. He smiled and stood up after Nora and then followed her inside.

Barry smiled at Kara and sat down next to her and kissed her on the temple. Kara smiled and asked "you ok". Barry nodded and said "yeah I am". Kara smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around her. Jay smiled at them and then at Nora who had sat next to him, holding baby Dawn. Nora asked "how old is she". Barry said "she will be coming up for 1 and a half months old soon". Kara asked "can you believe it's been that long already". Barry smiled and said "not really, it has went really fast". Jay asked "can you tell us about everything that has happened Barry and why you are here". Barry nodded and said "uh, not long after you left with Harry and Jesse to earth two, me and my friends and family were gathered to celebrate beating Zoom, I wasn't in the right space to celebrate, I had just lost my dad to Zoom the day before". Jay nodded and said "I know how tough it would have been seeing me, I'm sorry". Barry nodded and said "thanks, so anyway, I decided to go back in time, I saved my mother from Thawne, I took him to the present and locked him in a cell, things were different, both my parents were alive, I worked in a lab in my own company, my friends didn't know me, and I was married to Kara, it was strange for me at first but I got used to it, before I time travelled, I had feelings for her but I was scared to tell her, and I didn't know if I would ever see her again, I told her the truth about everything and we decided to stay together, I was really happy, happier than I had ever been, I had a beautiful wife, my parents were alive and I didn't have to risk my life everyday, as much as I love being the Flash, I loved having a normal life for a while". Kara smiled a little at him and said "I bet". Barry smiled at her and said "during my first month there, she became pregnant". Kara smiled from ear to ear. Barry then smiled at Dawn and said "during the tenth month of being there, she gave birth to our beautiful daughter". Jay smiled. Barry frowned and said "then I had to reset the timeline back to how it was, I had to leave Kara, I brought Dawn to the original timeline and I was scared that I would never get to see Kara again". Kara smiled and said "but you did babe". Barry nodded and smiled. He said "I did, we aren't married in this timeline, Kara does have the memories of Flashpoint, but we are starting from the start, so that it would be normal for the both of us, things are different though". Jay asked "like what". Barry said "Thawne is a good guy, Eddie didn't die, Iris barely speaks to Joe, her and Eddie are together, I believe they are married, I haven't seen her since before I time travelled, um someone else has powers, They don't want people to know until they are ready so I won't say who it is, and Wally was raised by Joe, He likes me more which is a plus". Jay nodded and said "but more could be different". Barry nodded. Jay asked "so what do you need information on". Barry said "Savitar".
