
Feeling lonely!

Kara was lying in bed asleep. She was having a dream about her and Barry again. They were becoming more and more frequent. It had been a couple weeks since she told Alex about her dream. In this dream, Kara was lying on a hospital bed. Barry was lying beside her asleep and holding a baby. She giggled when Barry woke up and said "how is my favourite speedster and daughter doing". Barry smiled and said "I'm doing great honey, as is Dawn". Kara smiled and said "that's great to hear honey". Barry smiled and kissed Kara. He then said "I can't wait to get home soon, we can just relax with Dawn, maybe watch some TV, go on some walks, not have to worry about going to work for a while". Kara giggled and said "I can't wait too Bar, I love you so much". Barry smiled and said "I love you too Kar".

Kara woke up with tears in her eyes. She sniffed and wiped the tears away and then stood up. She rushed into the bathroom and had a shower. She then put on her Supergirl suit, had a quick breakfast and then flew to the DEO. Alex smiled and said "hey Kara, you're in early". Kara looked down at the floor and played with her fingers as she contemplated what to say. Alex asked "sis, are you ok". Kara said "it happened again". Alex asked "what did". Kara said "can we speak in private". Alex nodded and said "follow me Kara". Kara nodded and followed Alex into an empty room to talk. Alex asked "so what happened again". Kara said "the dreaming, I've had seven dreams ever since that one dream I told you about, they all seem so real Alex, the one I had this morning, me and Barry were lying on a hospital bed and he.... He had a baby girl in his arms". Kara smiled as a tear fell from her eye. She said "her name.... Her name was Dawn". Alex smiled and said "it's a beautiful name". Kara said "it is, I.... I guess I'm just upset over it". Alex asked "why, because you think you will never think it will ever happen". Kara said "because it feels so real, like I can remember it all happening but it never has, it isn't like a dream, people can't always remember their dreams, but I remember all of it as if it actually happened, and I wish it did........ And because it hasn't happened, it just makes me feel so lonely..... I wish Barry were here Alex, I miss him so much". Kara began to sob as Alex hugged her. Kara hugged back and said "I need him Alex". Alex smiled and said "Kara, you will see him again". Kara sniffed and asked "do you think so". Alex said "yeah, who know, maybe he is trying to get back to see you, maybe he is having these dreams too, I don't know, but I just want you to be happy". Kara smiled a little and said "thanks Alex". Alex smiled and said "no problem Kara, now why don't we go out there and find some bad guys for you to beat up to take your mind off it for now". Kara nodded and said "ok, yeah you're right, I shouldn't think too much about it". 

The two sisters walked out to the main area of the DEO. As they were walking towards Winn, Winn shouted "what the". Kara and Alex ran over to him with worried expressions. Kara asked "Winn, what's going on, is everything ok". Winn said "I'm not sure Kara, there was a massive energy surge in the fields just outside of the city, and I mean massive energy surge". Kara smiled from ear to ear. Alex asked "what could it be". Kara excitedly said "Barry....... It's Barry, it has to be, I'm gonna go". Alex said "Kara". Kara turned back and faced Alex. Alex said "be careful, it might not be". Kara smiled and said "I always am sis, but it is, I know it". Kara flew away leaving Alex concerned. Alex asked "can we get eyes on the area". Winn said "unfortunately not, we'd need to be there in person..... But I checked, a few months ago, there was similar readings as to what we are getting now, that was around about the time that Barry arrived on this earth". Alex asked "so you're saying that....." . Winn said "it's either Barry, or someone from another earth coming to ours".

Kara landed in the field and looked around. There was nothing there. She spoke through comms "up guys are you sure it's the right place". Winn said "yeah I'm positive, why". Kara said "I don't see anything". As soon as she finished talking, a breach appeared on front of her. She smiled from ear to ear when she saw  a familiar person coming out of the breach.
