
39.The Family He Never Knew

Erick had taken Emily back to his brand new apartment courtesy from Keystone City, some people were actually looking for redemption in him but anyways Erick sits across from Emily as he just stares her down

As Emily nervously smiles at her cousin, she obviously heard the stories of the son of the Reverse Flash, the Red Death..and she was intimidated by him that was for sure; but she also sensed a light inside of him

Emily gets up from the couch as she takes off her backpack and starts move around the new apartment seeing the lack of furniture and decorations as her eyes dart over to some framed pictures of Erick smiling with two women by his side as Emily reaches out and grabs it

In the picture not only was Erick but it showed him eating some ice cream and walking towards the beach with his two friends, she sets the framed picture back as she turns back to Erick who just ominously stares at her

Emily makes her way back over to the couch and sits back from down as Erick leans up from his chair and tilts his head to the right

"Now..why don't you explain to me how we're related? And how come ive never heard about Annabelle Thawne?"

Emily opens up her backpack as she begins to explain to him

Emily:Um..well before you were born your Dad had an affair with someone, I don't really know who but they ended up having my Mom later along the line.

She pulls out multiple pictures of herself and her mother as she lays them out for Erick to see as he goes through them while still listening

Emily:And my Mom..she never really told me about my father but she told that he was a good man, he died defending her from your Dad when he found she was pregnant with me..

Erick stops looking through the pictures and looks up at Emily as she holds back her tears

Emily:Eventually my Mom gave birth to me..but she knew that your Dad would come after us so we ran from him..

Emily pulls out an apple from her backpack as she curls her hand into a fist as her hand is engulfed into energy as a breach opens up in the middle of Erick's living room as she tosses the apple through it and points her fist up as another breach opens up as the apple comes out and lands in her unused hand

Erick's eyes widen a bit seeing her powers in action, she had the exact same powers as Cisco Ramon; that did explain how her mother was able to escape from his father for so long

"So your mother, Annabelle could just travel through the multi-verse and now you've inherited her powers; is she still on the run?"

Emily lowers her head as Erick immediately knows what that means as he gets up from his seat and sits down next to her as he hesitantly puts his arm around her

Emily:S-She told me to hide..and I did..but I heard some noises coming from downstairs; she fought back against him and she almost won but he--he..torn her heart out..

She wipes the tears from her face as she looks up at Erick..he didn't wish for any son or daughter to witness their parents dying..that was pain enough but being killed by someone from your own blood made that much worse

Emily puts her hand on top of his as Erick suddenly finds himself in a very familiar apartment..this wasn't just any ordinary apartment; this was the place where he defeated his own father

Right on queue two blurs of red lightning come crashing through the apartment as Red Death jumps up and kicks the Reverse Flash in the face as he stumbles back, Red Death throws a right hook at Reverse Flash but he dodges it and punches Red Death across the face as Red Death falls to his knees

The Reverse Flash punches Red Death multiple times but with a last ounce of strength Red Death claps his hands together sending a thunder clap of lightning at the Reverse Flash as he is flung out of the apartment as Red Death follows him

Erick snaps out of wherever he is as he finds himself back in his apartment with Emily's hand still laying on top of his

Emily:I can share my memories with people..if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here..you saved my life

Erick gets up from the couch as he paces back and forth as he runs his hand through his hair, he was there..how could he have not seen her? She wasn't that far from him..but he was too busy fighting his own father to even notice her

"If I would've just stayed a little bit longer..I--I could've done more..fuck sake *faces Emily* im really sorry, Emily..I thought he had just lead me into someone's apartment.."

Erick finds himself being hugged by Emily as he doesn't even hesitate to hug her back as she notices something happen to him..she sees a faint spark of orange lightning but it quickly vanishes from her sight as she feels Erick pull away from her and looks down at her

"No one should have to go through what you did..I don't what you've been through and trust me if I could change it all back then I would, Emily. But I promise you this..I will always be here for you..starting right here right now"

He holds her hands and sincerely speaks from deep down

"You won't ever have to worry about that bastard ever again because soon enough, he'll get what he deserves.."

Emily hugs Erick again but much tighter this time as he holds her close as he can hear her sobs as his shirt is covered in her tears but he does really mind it at all


Out in the middle of the night, Erick walks into his kitchen as he pours himself a glass of water as he takes a long sip as he thinks back to Emily..he was going to keep his word but she didn't know how to use her powers fully

Maybe just maybe he could ask team Flash or more specifically Cisco to help her with this, he was the only person that he knew that had experience with this..he wasn't going to make the same mistake his father did to him

His own thoughts are cut short as he hears his front door open as Kate steps into the apartment with bags of clothes and groceries as she walks over to Erick and sets them down as she softly smiles at her; Kate had left Erick to help Kara with something back on her world

He was a bit worried about her but she reassured him that she'd return in her words she said that she'd never leave without Erick as soon as she did return, he gave her the full story about what happened
