
6.The Enemy Is My Ally? [Part 3]

Supergirl and Erick stood a bit away each other quietly as he slowly made his way over to her, showing no sign of aggression or hostility towards her. He truly did mean what he said..he wanted to tell her the truth and nothing but the truth, he had no reason to fight her; and even if they did well..we've seen what he can do..just ask Team Flash and Iris..of course

Supergirl did seem a tad bit skeptical but it's like she said; she was willing to give Erick the benefit of the doubt

"Before begin I just want to be completely honest with you..I can't reveal too much about the future, there are some bad consequences if I do tell you more than you need to know.."

Supergirl:Like what?

"Pshh..uhh think of the timeline like stepping on a frozen lake..there's a chance if the ice does crack then you'll sink through"

Supergirl:And you'll drown in the lake right?

Erick nodded his head as Supergirl sighed, it's not that she hasn't dealt with people from the future; she has such as the Legionaire that came back from the future to help her against Reign..she's also traveled back in time once. But that was only a one time thing..she hasn't been able do something like that ever since..

"I've been meaning to ask..how did Iris tell you about me?"

Supergirl:Well she traveled to my Earth and told me what was happening..she said you were someone bad guy from the future who was trying to hurt people..

Erick scoffed..of course, Iris would say that about him; always judging someone who she doesn't even know..it's a wonder why she's somehow still alive in the future

"Right..of course, she doesn't even know me yet so she was quick to say im the bad guy without a single shred of proof..but no of course they trust Nora who literally just arrived mere hours ago.."

Was he angry? Oh absolutely..but he didn't want that anger to control him..not like his father

Supergirl could see Erick struggling as she gently set her hand on his shoulder and calmly told him

Supergirl:Hey it's okay..why don't you tell me what happened and I'll see what I can do for you..alright?

For a moment the two simply just stared at each other as Erick gently removed her hand from his shoulder

"Right..right yeah..*sighs* ahem, before I became this *gestures to himself* I spent most of my life in a cold concrete cell with barely managing to stay alive..I just wanted it end, but wouldn't let me go that easily.."

Erick moved his wrist as he tapped something on his gauntlet as everything around them began to change

Supergirl:What is this?..what's happening?

"Future tech..I think it's best that I show you.."

The once quiet forest was soon turned into the same place Erick described to Supergirl as we see a younger Erick laying on the cold wet ground with some chains attached to his legs as all Supergirl can do is look on in absolute disbelief

"That's me..my powers didn't come naturally, they were practically forced out of me..when I first felt it hurt..it hurt so much..the pain was unbearable to a point where I would pass out but of course my father had other plans"

That's when we see the door to the cell open as Eobard walks in as the younger Erick is suddenly shot in the back with lightning as he yells out in pain and begs his father to stop but he doesn't budge as the younger Erick continues to yell out in excruciating pain

"He would continue to do that..for so long..days became weeks..weeks became months and after that I just lock track of time..but that wasn't the worst part.."

The cell changes into a laboratory as Erick is strapped down onto a bed with Eobard operating on him..while he's awake

"He would run tests on me when I was still awake..I felt every cut, every needle perceive my skin, every time he would cut me open..somehow I was able to come back."

Eobard leans forward a bit and rubs his son's head and calmly tells him


The sadistic scientists grabs a scalpel and holds it up to Erick's arm as he brings the blade down cutting into his skin

Supergirl couldn't muster any words..she knew that Eobard was a bad guy..but this was beyond just bad, this was absolute insanity..how could a father do all of this to their son?..even at such a young age?

"I went through this for most of my life..he trained me to use my powers but his methods were very extreme"

Once again their surroundings change as we see a teenager Erick slowly getting back up with bruises and scars all around his body as Eobard punches him across the face as blood comes flying out of his mouth as Erick falls to his knees..his own blood touching the ground


Eobard forcefully grabs Erick and makes him stand back up


A weakened Erick throws a lousy punch only for Eobard to catch it and hit him so hard he is sent flying back as his body collides with the wall behind him

"After he was imprisoned, I thought I could finally be free..but news spread quickly about who I was..and I just like that I was hunted"

The scene changes to a futuristic National City where we see Red Death fighting against the Legion of Superheroes, Red Death dodges a hit from the Daxamite hero known as Valor and blasts him away with an explosion of negative speedforce as Mon-El gets back up and rushes the 'evil speedster'

Supergirl couldn't believe her eyes..someone she knew..someone she's fought alongside with was attacking Erick without justified cause. As she turned her gaze to Erick he rubbed his shoulders as he watched the ongoing battle

"I ask myself everyday I wake up..why me? What did I do for these people to hate me?..why should the sins of the father be passed onto the son..a son who has suffered since the very beginning..a son who wanted nothing more than to have a loving father..to have someone who would care about him *turns to Supergirl* I don't even know my own mother..I never got the chance to even know her name or what she even looks like..not a single photo or video.."

The futuristic display all fades away as they find themselves back in the forest as all Erick can do is fall to his knees as tears stream down his face..this pain..these memories would forever be apart of him..and he hated himself for it..

Supergirl knelt down as she reached out and pulled Erick into a hug as he kept on crying..

"I didn't ask for this to happen..I didn't ever want to be the bad guy because the truth is that, im not..I thought maybe if I proved myself to everyone that they'd understand me..but they never will"

The sins of the father had become a part of Erick's life, he had to deal with it..it was just a constant struggle for him

He brushes his tears away from his face as he stood back up as he felt Supergirl's arms still hold onto him..it felt nice having someone hugging him; he's been hugged by Mia and Imra before but this was a new person hence a new experience..

Supergirl:Erick..I am so very sorry you had to go through all of that..I wouldn't wish that on anyone not even my enemies, I understand now..your not the bad guy everyone made you to be..your just misunderstood..

She finally truly did understand, all of that pain..that anger..it may have made him into the person he was today but Erick had chosen a different path even when no one believed in him he continued to keep moving forward..she could understand his pain, when she lost her world she thought no one would truly understand what she had lost not even her cousin; even now she still feels that way..she was given the support of her friends and family..she was given hope when there didn't seem to be any..

Two different people..understanding what it meant to lose something that meant everything to them and somehow pushing themselves to not make those same mistakes..

Supergirl:You weren't given a choice..but that changes today, this time you do have a choice..a choice for not only yourself but to everyone else, to finally once and for all understand the hardships that you've been through..

His eyes lit up with something he thought he'd never feel..he felt hopeful..he felt that righteousness surge throughout his body..

If you look very closely you could see for a small brief second..the lightning spark from his fingers but it wasn't red and black lightning..it was white and orange..but just as quickly it appeared it had reverted back to his normal colors..

Kara was suddenly engulfed into a tight hug by Erick as she was practically lifted off the ground, granted she's been hugged before but Erick had somehow lifted her off the ground as she genuinely smiled at the man hugging her, she felt a strange sensation..she didn't know what it was..but right now this wasn't about her; it was about Erick

"Thank you..thank you for believing me, Supergirl"

Erick gently set her back down as she could see the determination and hopefulness in his every eyes..

God if only she knew how quickly that hope beaming inside of him would soon be diminished, like putting out a fire to in someone's heart..
