

I don't know if it was right to leave without talking to Liria again, she saved my life and I'm very grateful to her for that, even so, the reaction she had inside the crack and what she said doesn't stop spinning in my head." evil aura, dark energy? Certainly, very strange things have happened since this sword appeared on my back. Is it all related to that night?

I'm not sure, I know that when the power is great in a person, their aura can be perceived by certain people who have a certain level of power to perceive it, something like the ability to perceive the environment, but that has never happened to me Maybe it's just a mistake.

In any case, I have to move faster, I don't want to meet them so soon, that will help her to better order her ideas and mine too.

He walked for a whole day along the path without meeting anyone, although he already had an idea that something like this was happening since Robert had told him about it during the time, he was with them, it seemed that something strange was happening in the forest where he was, since the last people who arrived before the disappearances inside the crimson village began talked about feeling watched at all times, shadows at night and strange presences near them.

When he realized that night was approaching, he moved away from the path to hunt, for a while he was waiting because no noise was heard from birds or any other animal. He looked for a high point in order to have more points of vision, and when he was already up in the branches of a tree, he saw that near a bush of fruits there was a distracted rabbit that was feeding on them.

Willing to hunt him, he took out one of the daggers he had found in the town and pointed at him with his arm well extended, perhaps he did not want to miss due to his hunger and with the first throw he went through without giving him time to flee somewhere.

He quickly got out and went to pick it up, then he approached a stream that could be heard nearby and began to skin it, later he prepared to prepare it with what little he had found to season it, since he did not usually take more than what was necessary to survive, because now more than never from his perspective, even carrying extra weight could make the difference between reacting in time to save his life or dying for not being fast enough to defend himself, something was changing in the world, he had been traveling for quite some time and although it had been a while since He found hostile creatures on his way, it was not something difficult to overcome like everything that had happened a few days ago.

As night fell, he decided to prepare the place as usual with traps to alert him if someone or something was approaching, and in front of the bonfire after eating the roast rabbit, he took off his upper garments and began to train. He did all kinds of push-ups, each position with the sword and without it, a large number of techniques were evident with his movements that were accompanied by his very well sculpted musculature without being absurdly bulky, there the fact that it was not visible through the baggy clothes he was wearing.

She continued training until a little over midnight, and then she decided to look at the sky to clear it up a bit, which to her little delight could see little more than the glow of the moon through the clouds.

The moon hidden by the veil of the clouds makes me remember those days, it was the same, I trained every day in the village until late trying to improve even more, I remember it as if it were yesterday, when Volt was my mentor.

I don't know why, but I have always felt the need to be stronger, to be prepared as if time were running out to achieve something, that's why every day since I learned to train, no matter the time or place, I I do, until I collapse from exhaustion, as if someone was asking for my help, as if my life depended on it.

It was a night like this that Volt gave me the crosshead, I remember it very well, his words were "boy, I don't know why you want to become so strong, without a doubt at this point you are stronger than me, now take this sword, the crosshead will I call it, although I don't know exactly what I should call it, I received it from someone very similar to you a long time ago and although it is very important to me, for some reason I feel that I must give it to you, take good care of it, may it guide your path, and accompany you to accomplish the task for which you strive so hard"

It was something mysterious, because when I grasped it, I felt as if something had been lit inside me, magic came out of it that transformed into an immense ray of brilliant light that went up to the heavens and opened the clouds, leaving the sky clear as if it were day

Soon I began to feel a burning in my arm as if it were cooking, the magic that emanated, I couldn't control it, so I released it and Volt quickly sheathed it again "did you burn a lot, I say are you okay boy? it seems that we still have to work More so that you can use it, however, I have never seen anything like this and even less someone heal themselves without any spell.

Even without realizing it, the burns were gone in an instant.

- Come Tylo's, sit here, do you know why I always come to this place?

- You've always said that you like to keep an eye on this place in case any danger appears.

- That's right, but, just as I'm afraid of the uncertainty that thinking about what's out there causes me, it's also true that the freedom and tranquility that this place brings me is something that I haven't been able to find anywhere else.

- Why do you tell me this… what does it mean?

- You know my little apprentice, I have lived much longer than I should have lived, and I feel that I will never finish my mission, that I will never finish waiting. I have seen terrible things, I have lived through great battles, witnessed the greatest horrors in many places and still I survived to care for this sword that I have given you.

- If it's so important, I shouldn't have it, I can't accept it.

- Boy, there is something in you that you cannot see, but it will grow and become stronger, what just happened is not something normal, and it only confirmed my desire to give it to you, now promise me something, whatever the reason why you want to become stronger, or if you still don't know it, take it to protect what you think is fair, that's all I ask of you.

- I accept it, but how will I know how to differentiate between what is good and what is not?

- What your heart dictates, because we can be evil by choice, however, deep down we will always know what is right and what is not, deciding between taking the easy path or the difficult one is what makes us good people or no, but keep in mind that doing the right thing doesn't mean we'll always be the good guys.

- I can't understand.

- When the time comes you will know, now go to sleep, we will have a lot of work tomorrow, take the sword, now it is yours.

Volt stared at the clear sky for a while he wandered in his mind "I must prepare him as much as I can, he is already very strong, but without a doubt they will come for him and there is no one who is ready for that".

After being immersed in his memories for a while, Tylo's was beginning to fall asleep when suddenly the fire went out and the traps, he had placed began to activate all at the same time, "it's a group of bandits" he thought and quickly put himself on guard with the crosshead in hand, everything was dark, but the sword began to shine just like that time in the cabin.


It wasn't a good omen, but this time it was something different, a black mist began to surround him and from it many eyes opened watching him while they bled and released all kinds of screams and screams of torture and despair that were heard like a bell. Deafening, the mist rose up to the sky and blotted out the dim moonlight leaving only darkness, then it rushed towards Tylos noisily. With determination and ferocity his eyes lit up and he yelled "Solis Astra" and just like that time when he first grasped the crosshead his arm began to burn, destroying the entire sleeve of his shirt and in turn an enormous energy was concentrated in the sword as it shot out like a blast scorching the mist. Tylos made a complete turn on himself and burned everything around him in a radius of about fifty meters clearing the sky again as the remaining energy was directed upwards. Even so, that strange mist flooded the entire forest, and gradually moved away after his attack.

What the hell is going on, there are more and more monsters and even weirder things happen, oh my arm, I can't use that attack very well yet, the teacher would be disappointed if he saw me. Now I can use that attack for a longer time, but it leaves me exhausted, although it heals me quickly, it leaves me quite vulnerable, even so, I want to stop using the other sword, since I have it, stronger and stronger monsters do not stop appearing, the I will leave it as the last option.

Tylos prepared to continue walking even when it was not dawn, with sword in hand he began to advance, however, that uncomfortable feeling that he had did not go away, they kept watching him, but they did not dare to approach.

He continued advancing to the limits that unite both forests, and it was then that it began to rain which made him run out in search of refuge, he ran and ran for a long time until he saw a leafy tree.

When he was already close to him, he felt the presence of two people and a weak magic. He ran to meet them to warn them of the danger that was following him, but his meeting was less pleasant than he thought it would be.
