
Skipping class (Diavolo x stressed reader)


I looked at the papers scattered around on the table in my room. Just looking at them gave me a headache. My anxiety was starting to worsen as well.

The past few weeks have been hard on me. Coming to a new school, having to learn all of the things about Devildom, and keeping my grades up.

"Y/N, hurry up! We're leaving!" I heard Lucifer call out to me, and I felt like screaming. However, I just sighed and left my room.

The entire walk to school seemed like a blur to me, and soon I was already sitting in my classroom. The sound of the students talking started to fade away, and all I couldn't focus.

Every day seemed to be like this recently. I go to class, try my best to listen to the lessons, study instead of eating lunch, more classes, and go home. An endless loop that I was trapped in, spiraling down until I'm practically drowning in school work.

Class finally ended, and it was time for lunch. I grabbed my things, and headed to an empty part of the school that no went to during this time.

I opened up a book on Devildom history, and started to read over what we learned today. At some point, the words started to blur together, and I placed a hand to my head. Another headache was starting to kick in.

Despite my hunger, I continued to study all through lunch. Not realizing how much it had, and has been effecting me each day.

The bell rang, and a sense of dread fell over me. I tried getting up, but my body wouldn't let me. I wasn't sure if it was because of my anxiety, the lack of food, or all of the stress. Perhaps all three.

My body was starting to shake, and my breathing started to increase at an alarming rate. The second bell went off, but I could barely hear it. My body started moving on its own, and I ended up in front of some random door. Without thinking, I opened it and closed the door behind me.

I stumbled over to the corner of the room and shakily sat down. My bag fell off of my shoulder and onto the floor. My breathing was getting so intense that I had to start breathing through my mouth to get enough oxygen.

My thoughts were running at a mile a minute, and I couldn't keep up with them. At some point, I tuned all of them out. Everything around me seemed to fade away, and the only thing I could hear or even remotely focus on was my fast paced breathing.

3rd POV

"My Lord, Lucifer has informed me with some interesting information." Barbatos spoke as he and Diavolo were heading back to his office.

"About what?" Diavolo asked with curiosity in his voice. Barbatos glanced at his phone before speaking again.

"It appears that Y/N is not in her classroom. Lucifer is assuming that she is skipping class." Diavolo was surprised to hear that. Something didn't seem right. Y/N hasn't skip a single class since she came here.

"Hmm....that is indeed odd." Diavolo said as he opened the door to his office. At first, he didn't notice anything about the room.

"Y/N?" Barbatos walked to the corner of the room, where the human sat. Diavolo hurried over to her, and noticed what kind of state she was in.

Y/N's skin was definitely more pale than he remembered it, and she appeared to be unconscious. Her breathing was labored as well.

"Barbatos, can you please take her to the castle?"

"Of course, My Lord."


I sat up quickly, but quickly laid back down when a sharp pain rushed through my forehead. I looked around, and noticed that I was in a fancy looking bedroom.

Before I had time to ask myself where I was, the door opened up to reveal Lord Diavolo himself. He seemed relieved once he saw me.

"Y/N, are you alright?" He came over to the bed, and I nodded softly. Then I realized where I was. I was in Diavolo's castle.

"How did I get here?" My voice was a little hoarse, and I saw a glass of water on the nightstand. I picked it up and took a sip.

"Me and Barbatos found you in my office, and I asked him to bring you here to rest." My eyes widened. I forgot that I was at school when that happened!

"I-I'm sorry for skipping class!" I quickly apologized. Diavolo placed his hand on my head and ruffled my hair slightly.

"Don't worry about that, Y/N. I personally pardoned you from the classes that you missed.

Now, if it's alright with you, I would like to know why you were in such a state?" His serious tone made me glance away. I took a deep breath before talking again, hoping he wouldn't be mad with my answer.

"I've been....stressed. Learning basic knowledge that most of you have known for thousands of years, and trying to keep up with all of the  homework is a lot on me. Everyone expects so much from me...

So...I've been skipping lunch to work on what I need to in order to keep up with everything." Diavolo had a sympathetic look in his eyes, and he removed his hand from my head.

"I see. I know it can't be easy coming to a new world. But you shouldn't push yourself to the point of exhaustion." Barbatos walked into the room, and had some delicious looking food on a tray.

"I agree. We wouldn't want you to get sick during your stay here. I have prepared you some food." He set down the tray, and I smiled at him.

"Thank you, and thank you for carrying me here."

"There's no need to thank me. I shall be going now." He turned around and left the room. I glanced at the food, and my stomach growled.

"Haha! I'll leave you alone so you can eat. You don't need to worry about Lucifer and the others. They know you're here." As Diavolo got up to leave, I caught his hand.

"Hold on...I want to give you something in return for helping me." He gave me a curious look. I slowly stood up, and gave him a hug.

"Thank you...."

"As Barbatos said, there's no need to thank us. We're doing this because we care about you." He patted me on the head.
