
31-Day Bratting.

I left the table, looking over at Andy and Keiran, hoping one of them would come with me, but Keiran didn't move and Andy didn't dare to after daddy gave him one of his glares. What am I supposed to do now, I don't want to sit in the crown room alone, and I don't want to go back to the bedroom, I walked out of the dining room just wondering around until they finished eating, I don't want to go toward the fun room either, ugh, maybe I should have pretended to eat some more before leaving.

"Look the pet is loose" a demon I don't recognize says, I ignore him. "Where's the sitter? I heard the king gave her lover boy as a sitter" a second demon says laughing, what's up with demons being all mean. "Fuck off" I say trying to get away from them. "Does the king let you go with saying words like that?" meanie ass number one says. "The king doesn't like me getting picked on either, want to take it up with him?" I say with a fake nice girl tone. "Fuck off pup" meanie number one says, dragging his friend with him.

Now I was in a bad mood, I was getting hungry too, and I hate the thing that's on my head, but taking it off this early would only get me in trouble with daddy, I walked back toward the throne room, hoping they finished eating and they did, I was looking for Andy, I have to rescue him and runoff. But sadly for me, I run into the same demons from before, they aren't supposed to be here, the only demons on this floor are the lords, and ones that work directly under daddy or Keiran. I tried to skip them but they saw me coming, they started with the smart ass comments, I should have kept walking and went to daddy, I'd like to see them trying to be smarty pants close to him, but I wasn't that smart that day, I was being fussy, and decided to talk back.

"Who let the dog out," the first idiot says. "Same one who let the idiot out to play," I say back. "Aren't you supposed to be a good pet and go sit there?" meanie says. "I can sit wherever I want," I say back with a growl. "Feisty, I'm sure the Lord loves it back in bed," he says making my face turn red. "Look at her go red" the other one says. "Fuck you!" I yell this time, having enough with him.

"Nova" I heard a cold voice calling me, it wasn't a yell, it's just being called, but the tone had me freezing, daddy heard me. "Yes?" I answer still in place, not daring to turn around to see his face. "Come here, now" he says in an even colder voice, the two demons shared a look, one that said I was busted, and I am. This was so embarrassing, I walked back toward him slowly, dragging my feet on the ground, walking real slow. "Sit down, you're not leaving my side until you learn some respect," he says in a scolding voice, not wanting to make a bigger scene, not with those two still in the room. I plopped down on my seat, crossing my arms, and huffing letting him know I'm not happy.

When the two demons finished with their talk, I turned to daddy angry, he didn't have to call me out in front of them, he ignored me, for now, not liking being ignored, I sat side with my legs toward his chair, tapping it over and over again. He ignored me again while he talked to other people but I was bored, so bored I turned to Keiran, hoping I could annoy him into giving me some attention. "Keiran, can I have your phone?" I ask in a low voice, but sadly daddy heard me asking, he shake his head no. "It's on the charger little wolf," he says getting me to whine, I'm bored.

"Daddy...daddy...daddy," I say picking on his sleeve, he turns to me. "Yes?" he answers me still not happy with me. "I'm bored, I want out" I say with the best puppy eyes possible. "You'll live Nova, it's in your rules to be polite, instead of swearing at someone, you could call me, I'm hardly ten feet away" he says still in the same firm voice. "No fair" I say crossing my arms over my chest. "Just be thankful it's the only punishment I'm giving you," he says, the second punishment would be a spanking and I don't want that. "But I'm bored daddy," I say again. "I'll get you some papers and pencils," he says, fine I can draw him a nice picture, I'll show him how creative I am.
