
04 Difficult alliances

It felt like she was in a huge crowd of people, all talking loudly, practically screaming in his ear. Footsteps, water, animals, wind and hundreds of other sounds seemed to want to vie for a place in her ears. His brain felt like it wanted to explode. It was too much.

She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. Her hands were fisted in her lap and she practically felt them snap. She sat in the middle of the hot desert land, as were her fellow soldiers, who were scattered around her a bit as they also tried to control her senses.

They were like this for 40 minutes already.

She got the idea that everyone on her squad, the ones next to her at least. They should learn to control the abilities that the earth's yellow sun could give them. She knew she would need all the leverage she could, in case there was a fight between them and the League, or in case she needed to fight Zod and his allies.

This would give a very big advantage to all of them. But she knew Zod would learn sooner or later. It was just a matter of time.

They had to be ready for anything, even if she was very divided. She doesn't want to fight Zod, she doesn't want to hurt the rest of her group. They are friends, allies and companions in battle. They faced so much together. She doesn't want to do that, which is why she's trying to make this deal work instead of having to go head to head with Zod or the League in a fight.

She thinks of the moment she touched her foot to her old home, the earth. The home she thought she would miss so much didn't have the same sense of joy she thought it would. In fact, she was nervous and worried. The fate of billions depends on an agreement between their current race and a group of heroes. That's if they don't lose, which is almost impossible. That's 25 trained Kryptonians with full power against a justice league with only three of them able to rival them. Two with magic, one Kryptonian. His only concern among the humans in the group is Batman. He is smart and cunning. She knows he could beat one of them if he's prepared well.

She could eliminate all these threats at once. Break Flash's legs or kill him. Take Hal Jordan's ring and arrest him, or kill him too. Doctor Fate is strong, but if the helm is removed or destroyed, he is just Kent Nelson. Aquaman has a powerful weapon, but his heat vision alone is enough to kill or neutralize him.

While Superman and Wonder Woman? They would be great opponents, but they would also fall. Just good fighting tactics and a greater number of Kryptonians and they would be subdued, and could be killed as well. Batman… Batman could also be easily defeated, if caught off guard.

She frowned at these thoughts and shook her head. This…she shouldn't be thinking like that. She doesn't want this. But thinking of them as the enemy seems easier than admitting how nervous she was to finally be here on earth.

The question is: Who will she decide to protect?

She could tell Zod every vulnerability in the league, but she won't. The cost is too high, he may well go back on her word and want to destroy life on earth. But then she is at an impasse. A big stalemate. She wants to ensure that the members of her squad of soldiers survive and stay in this universe, but she doesn't want human lives to be lost either.

She doesn't feel as attached to the human race as she imagined she would. It must be the consequence of living so many years on Krypton and adapting to Kryptonian culture, of living being one of them. But she still values lives, especially when it comes to her old home, where there are so many lives, innocent or not. She doesn't want to see the inhabitants of the land being slaughtered by her race. But she doesn't want to lose her battle mates either.

She knows all the advantages and disadvantages. From each of the groups, but she will not underestimate any of them. Each of these heroes are extremely powerful, but so are 25 Kryptonians. The destruction she and her group could wreak on the land is colossal. If one is already strong, imagine 25. Some are on her side, but what if that changes?

So many worries, so many problems….

She won't solve them just by thinking about them. She needs to act.

That's why after her and her group were able to control her powers and get used to them. Most stayed in her ship, while Faora and 5 soldiers flew to Happy Harbor, the league's current base.

She walked through a wall to enter. Landing on flatter ground in the cave. The first person to see it was Flash, who was eating a pizza and opened his mouth in surprise. She just looked at him.

"We need to speak to Kal-el." She said, her five other soldiers beside her, all wearing black armor, weapons drawn, though she didn't need to. Without any helmet.

Flash looked confused. "Oh... who?"

She refrained from rolling her eyes. Of course he still doesn't know." The Kryptonian you call Superman, is he here?"

He let out an oh of understanding and seemed to want to say more, but that didn't happen, as soon Batman emerged from a cave entrance, where Faora knows is the entrance to the quest room. She looked through the facility with her X-ray vision.

He was followed by the Green Lantern and Wonder Woman. Taking quick, steady steps, eyes narrowed at her. "Who are you and what do you want?" He says, walking past Flash and standing in front of her, facing her.

She wasn't intimidated at all.

"I am Deputy Commander Faora Ul of Krypton." She replied, her expression calm and controlled. Monitoring every heartbeat of those present there. It wasn't that hard, though she could still hear other sounds from the cave and the mountainside town.

Flash held up a hand, now without any pizza. "Ah.. Krypton was destroyed, wasn't it?" He was looking even more confused.

Faora nodded, eyes on Barry Allen. "That's correct. But there are still survivors, such as myself and my soldiers. And now, I need to speak to Kal-el. There is something urgent we need to address."

" And what would it be?" Batman asks.

She looks back at him, disdain obvious on her face."The survival of your race." He narrowed his eyes even more at her words.


" No."

"I ask you to think-"

" No."

She narrowed her eyes. "Either he gives himself willingly, or the people of the land will bear the consequences. Do you understand that?" She asks. Of course he understands, just as she understands why he doesn't want to hand over one of his greatest fighters.

Superman is one of her best bets against her and her group of Kryptonians, an ally who could fight toe-to-toe.

Batman and all the League members were now gathered in the large cavern space. The League members on one side, and she and her five soldiers on the other. Batman with his arms crossed and looking at her with eyes so suspicious, Faora is actually wondering when he's going to tell them to get out of the cave. Because obviously, he doesn't want to accept the deal and he doesn't want them there.

Superman was beside him and when he saw her, he was surprised. Apparently he recognized her because Jor-el's hologram had information about her, and among that information, the fact that she was one of Jor-el's best friends and one of the most skilled warriors in combat.

Batman seemed to have paid close attention to this fact. "Superman is a member of the justice league and a valuable asset as well. We will not hand over one of our best fighters, who could also rival you and your group, in simple words." He replied.

Faora raised an eyebrow. "Doubt my word?"

He narrowed his eyes. "I don't know you. Even if you kept your word after Superman turned himself in, we won't deliver one of our own. You and your group might as well kill and destroy right after you get the Codex."

Clark steps forward." Batman-"

She interrupts. "I understand your point of view, I would think so too if I were in your shoes. But would you risk not handing over Kal-el, even if it costs the planet? Even if it causes the death of billions?"

Batman stared at her. "We won't allow that."

Faora felt her lips curve into a smile. "You're brave, I admire that." She looked over her shoulder at her soldiers. "Even if that bravery is useless against us." She looks back at him. "I suppose you have some way of stopping us, if you act so bravely." He doesn't respond and she looks at him suspiciously. If he has Kryptonite..." I'll be honest with you. I don't want anyone to get hurt or die, I don't want to fight you, but I will if necessary. What I want is for Kryptonian culture to survive, no matter what. possible way."

Aquaman approaches, standing by Batman's side." And then you decide to come threaten us to hand over Superman, one of your race. This is a bit contradictory to the idea of not killing or harming."

"Maybe, but there are reasons for that. One life that contains all Kryptonian bloodlines in its blood is the only price we ask. One life, to restore entire bloodlines." She looks at Clark, who seems to soften his gaze as if he's feeling somewhat guilty of that fact, Faora has no doubt that he is. "I don't blame you, Kal-el. Your father must have thought there was no chance for other survivors, that our race's only hope for survival is through you. And on the one hand, it is. But General Zod wants to create a new Krypton under this planet's sun, with the original Kryptonian bloodlines living in some isolated area of their planet."

"And couldn't they do it naturally?" Flash speaks up and all eyes go to him. Flash flinched and blushed a little." I mean, you can't have kids the way… you know, physical? Or-"

She stopped him right there. "Yes, we can, but according to Kryptonian laws natural birth of babies is prohibited, each couple must always use medicine to prevent pregnancy if there is any relationship. Kryptonian children are raised in the Gene Chamber, where their birth is determined." role in Kryptonian society."

Flash looks surprised by this." What? You-"

She was getting tired of explaining things." Let's sum it up, every child is born with a role. Warrior, doctor, scientist, etc. This is literally in your DNA, no matter what you do, you will always be leaning towards that role already. determined. That's how it is, and that's how it will be. Now, on to the question. I don't want lives to be lost. I believe we could solve this situation in a simpler way but General Zod is a traditionalist, he doesn't want our He also doesn't want to break our laws and expect someone from our squad to marry and have children naturally, he would never demand that from any of us either. But he's willing to share the planet if he can get the codex and Kryptonian bloodlines in his hands." She lifts her chin." On the contrary, your race will be wiped out and the codex forcibly ripped from Kal-el's cells. Earth will be the new Krypton and you couldn't witness it, as you will be dead." she responds and feels when the tension increases significantly

She would never allow there to be a genocide, of course. She would try to turn the situation around, even if she had to arrest Zod and his warriors, but she would. Only they don't know it.

The looks of horror or anger at her words weren't surprising at all, not even the cold glint in Bruce Wayne's eyes. She already expected all of this and just watched as Wonder Woman holds tight to her noose and that everyone seems to be prepared to fight.

Superman is also tense, frozen to the side and his jaw clenched. He steps in front of Batman, placing a hand on the man's shoulder, who was standing and looking at her with cold, wary eyes. "Maybe we don't need to fight." He said and she looks at Clark.

Batman instantly objects." No, we won't deliver -"

" There's another way we can solve this, Batman. Without me turning myself in or there's a war. " Superman says and Faora looks at him, does he have another way? Everyone seems a little confused or curious at Super's words, who has now lowered his hand and looked at Faora. "What if we can get the codex out of my DNA without killing me?"

She raises an eyebrow. "What are you suggesting?" She asks.

"I have a friend, he's one of the brightest minds on earth, that's for sure. Plus there are a lot of other very smart people we can talk to.

Maybe we can work together on a way to take down the Codex, we could figure out a way to do that without killing me and without there being any battle. " He says.

She hummed. It's not a bad idea, and she wonders how she didn't think of it before. She had always had to fight and strategize battle to get what she wanted, her mind had always been more focused on that, not more peaceful means. She crossed her arms and looked at Superman. "Maybe. It's possible that our scientist aboard our ship isn't all that good at what he does. But who is this brilliant-minded friend who talks?"

He smiled. "His name is Lex Luthor. He's…-"

She ignored the rest and masked her expression of surprise. Lex Luthor? Are they friends in this reality? But more importantly, could she trust him not to attack her and her fellow battlers, who are Kryptonians?

Faora was expressionless for a while before speaking up, after Superman stopped talking. "Is he trustworthy?" she asked.

Superman nodded. "No doubt about it." She doubted, she doubted a lot. And she is even more conflicted.

If there's any way to resolve this situation without deaths, if there's any chance Lex Luthor or someone else will find another solution to the problem at hand. She needs to try. But that doesn't mean she's going to blindly trust a Luthor.

"General Zod won't be happy to try this idea. I might try to convince him to wait, but it's no guarantee he'll listen." she replies, a disinterested look on her face, but her mind wanders to a thousand and one things. Her gaze strayed a little to two Kryptonian warriors read to Zod, who stood behind her.

She looked back at Batman, and thought of the language of signs she'd learned at her old school on earth. Does he know sign languages? It was risky, but she could try. "Something to say?" She moved her hands a little in front of him. She pretended to put a strand of black hair in her ear and signed

"Find me in your hometown." She saw her eyes narrow and heard her heart beat a little faster. He must be surprised and a little worried about her actions. After all, this language is native to the land, so of course he would be suspicious and likely creating theories in his mind as to how she can do this. Or maybe he confused. Maybe he don't even know sign language and are trying to figure out what she meant. Faora hopes that the greatest detective on earth is smart enough to see what she's saying.

She decided to talk. "Meet me at 7 pm, we'll talk more about the deal and resolve this situation." she replied.

The others in the league don't seem to have realized that what she said wasn't just referring to the official meeting between her and them, but Batman seemed to have noticed and he nodded.

She left shortly afterwards with her small group, this time using the front door, which was actually a secret walkway that faced the forest and the city. She quickly flew into the sky.

She had to admit, she loved to fly.

The wind around her, the feeling of freedom… it was incredible. Even more the passage, the view, everything she could do and see from there. It was simply stunning how beautiful it was once and again her home, the land. She took a deep breath.

She didn't go to the ship, instead she ordered them back aboard the ship while she investigated more about this planet. The suggestion caused some to look at her with some suspicion, but they followed her orders and returned to the ship. She must report to Zod when she returns.

She listened a little longer to make sure she wasn't being followed and then went down to earth again.

She had no idea where Gotham was, she wasn't born in the United States in her old life, she just knew it was there. It took her a while to figure out where.

She took a map of some city and looked at where Gotham was. Figuring out her location, and seeing that it was relatively close, she was quick to fly in the direction.

Gotham City was as bleak as she imagined. Tall, dark or gray buildings. police car sounds, criminals screaming in prison and a very distinct laugh from all of them. It was raining and it was around 6 o'clock or so. She sat in the building where that huge flashlight they used to call Batman , and turned it on, and waited. Waiting for him to show up, or else she'll be gone.

It didn't take more than 20 minutes before the bat man appeared. He was silent, much quieter than any human she'd ever heard. She has no doubt that if it weren't for her super hearing and the fact that she could hear her well-controlled heartbeat, she would no doubt be taken by surprise.

She turned her back to him. His presence was right behind her and she could almost feel his eyes boring into her head.

"How do you know sign languages?" is the first thing he asks. So she was right, he knew sign language.

"What did you learn about the earth before you came?" It was suspicious in his tone.

"We studied the language types of the earth before we came." It was true, on the one hand. It was only she and Zod who dared to study the English language. She already knew, of course, after all she had studied this language before and learned it well, although she had to review this learning after spending so many years speaking Kryptonian. She turned to the man. "Now I imagine you want to know why I called you here."

His response was to narrow his eyes. She let out a sneer. "So suspicious… don't really trust me do you?" She moved closer until she was face to face with him. He was slightly taller than she was, but that wasn't what caught her eye. No, it was the strange feeling of weakness she felt at the slightest proximity. She backed up a step, eyes narrowing as she used her X-ray vision to see through the cloak that covered her body and arms. In one of her hands, he had a small green ring. Kryptonite.

She didn't dare ask what it was, not now. But she faked a curious expression.

"I understand why. And I must admit, your species is quite different from us. It has a lot more freedom than we have."

"Is that what you came to discuss? About my specie?" He was calm, but his heartbeat gave him away as being impatient. She smiled but that faded when she heard more footsteps, this time in a nearby building and she didn't even have to look to know what it was.

"Did you bring a friend?" she asks, suspicious in her tone and look.

" Yea." he answered honestly. Without fear. No fear.

She nodded. "I can't blame you for that. But anyway, let's talk business."

"You already have the answer about the proposal." he claims.

She shook her head. "Not exactly. What I want to talk about is something a little more private." She looks up at the sky for a moment, checking to make sure no one of her people is listening before turning her gaze to Batman." Zod isn't known for his patience, I highly doubt I can convince him to wait. It was a miracle once. that he listened to me when I suggested a deal."

He looks a little surprised. "So you're the one who suggested the deal? Not your general?" oops

She purses her lips, it wasn't exactly a secret, but she didn't even notice everything she said until he questioned it. She let out a sigh. "What you have to know, human. Is that I don't want more deaths, I don't want mass genocide because of Zod's ideologies that Krypton has to live at all costs. I know it's possible mine race to live here peacefully, to finally be able to make the decisions of their lives. To do so, the way Jor-el dreamed they could. Kal-el is proof of that." She crossed her arms. "That's why I need your help. I can't handle this situation alone. If Zod refuses, which I think he will, he'll try to destroy life on Earth by coming with a squadron of his and our other ships and I can. be a good fighter and have loyalty from some of my people, but i'm not invincible and i don't want to hurt my comrades. i need you and your group to be well prepared to fight if necessary, but i don't want my people to die, not even zod. "

" Go straight to the point." he answers.

She rolls her eyes. "I will, but I want you to promise me one thing."

" And which one is it?"

"May I and my 11 warriors be free, we will not harm your people and we will act according to your laws, let us live here among yours, as Kal-el lives."

"And what guarantee do I have that I will fulfill that?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Besides my word and that if the earth is in danger of being harmed, we will help protect it from threats from other worlds, but that we will not interfere in your battles here, that is up to you. I will give you one thing, one thing that will have the information it needs to arrest each of us without killing us. But I want your promise, your guarantee that you will protect and set free me, my companions, and anyone else who wants to do the same as me and mine. group."

He was silent for a while. "I promise to keep my end of that deal, if you keep yours." He responds.

She was pleased with his answer, "Good."

She takes a device out of her pocket, the size of a thumb drive. It was black and thin." This contains a way to create a portal over something called the Phantom Zone. It's a place in space where time doesn't pass and where we banish criminals to pay for their crimes. In that case, so we can stop Zod. and his warriors without killing any of them. Give it to Kal-el, he'll know what to do with it and where to use it." What to do was simple, connecting that device to a Kryptonian ship could create a portal to the phantom zone easily. It's the only one left, and she stole it before she was arrested and sent there, just like she stole the device that could do the reverse, but she didn't give this one to Batman. This is her ticket to escape from there if necessary.

" We have a deal." He takes the device and puts it away. She didn't feel any weakness in handing it over, and saw that there was no Kryptonite ring left in his hands. She found it curious but didn't ask, instead lifting her own hand for a handshake. He looks at her hand and then at her. For a moment, she thinks he's going to ignore her, but he lifts his hand and squeezes hers. She didn't dare use any force because she knew she might break his hand if she did. "If you betray we, we will stop you, by any means necessary." He replied, his tone making it clear he wasn't joking.

Faora felt her mouth curl into a smile. "I don't doubt that one bit." Her smile faded and an icy expression came over her face, "I will do the same if you betray this agreement. Keep your end of the bargain and I will do the same."

He stared at her with his cold but calm eyes, remained silent and just watched as she began to float and then shoot into the sky.


Zod accepted, surprisingly for only a month. That's all the time he'll give. She thinks he is thinking the same thing as he is, trying to avoid conflict between them until their boundary is broken. She is abusing his goodwill, she knows that.

She keeps thinking about the deal with Batman. She gave him an advantage against them, but it was necessary. Dangerous, but necessary. But Batman is not someone who would do something rashly, he would think three times before doing something dishonest. He wouldn't betray her, but he will protect the land with all he can. That's what she's counting on and trusts him to make the right decisions in any situation.

After talking to Zod, she returns to Earth.

She says yes, Zod accepted and will give them a month to try. All the time she spoke, Faora felt and saw the bat's gaze on her. She looked at him for a moment, a slight nod to him. He didn't respond, but it was clear Plan B wouldn't be necessary, not now.

After a week, everyone started working together. Or at least, Faora, Nam-ek, Don, and their ship's scientist, Vax, were. They are responsible for overseeing things, along with five more armored Kryptonians.

Nam-ek stood by his side like a true bodyguard, or maybe an older brother. In fact, it appeared to be both. She smiled a little at that and he just rolled his eyes, letting out a grunt in response, but she knew he thought so too. They are like family. While Don was a real clown and an annoying little brother, making conversation and trying to get some laughs out of her. "Oh come on, look at that face. Are you going to say you don't find him attractive?" He was referring to Lex, yes this Lex.

They went to a high-tech lab owned by Lex Luthor, who was nothing but kind and friendly. Too friendly for her taste. She looked at him with narrowed eyes and shook his hand in greeting, while he just smiled in a very innocent way. "It's a pleasure to meet you." he said.

She just watched him." I say the same, ."

To say she didn't like or trust him was an understatement.

They've been working together for a week now, and Lex has been nothing but pleasant, something she highly suspects.

" I do not trust him."

" Who ?" Batman didn't even look at her when he asked.

She just looked at Lex. "Him." Batman looked in the direction where the man was working alongside Flash and the Kryptonian scientist Vax and back to her. "Let's keep an eye on it. It's too friendly for aliens who have threatened to destroy life on your land."

Batman didn't respond, just looked at her for a moment before looking away from Lex.

"Why trust me?" He asks. He must be referring to the plan they agreed upon.

"I know people, I've spent my life training to be the best warrior on Krypton, to be…perfect." She clenches her jaw as she remembers her workouts.

"My father trained me to be who he wanted me to be, and that includes not only military training but also psychological training, observing and reporting, unraveling people with just the look. Do you know what I see when I look at you?" She asks without turning around but she could feel his gaze on her face." Someone who is willing to protect his people and doesn't pretend to like those who threaten him, someone with a strong stance and no apparent emotion, but deep down you fear, maybe not for yourself but for your people. I trust you, because I'm the same way. Maybe not so much in the lack of facial expressions but it's all the same." She looked over to where Lex was. The man caught her gaze and nodded with a slight smile. "He smiles too much, he's too friendly. People like that always have something to hide."

"Or maybe it's just him interested in you." Don arrives beside her with a sly smile.

She doesn't even blink. "Three seconds to get you back to work." he groaned.

"Oh come on, he would-"

"1 second..."

" Fa-"

" 2 seconds…"

Don lets out a grunt but steps away from her in a heartbeat. Going to help patrol the place. It wasn't really necessary, as they are Kryptonians and have super hearing, but it doesn't hurt to be careful.

"You seem close." Batman speaks.

"He's like a brother, younger brother and pretty annoying, but a brother." She felt her lip curl into a smile.

" I understand." He replied.

That was the end of the conversation, surprisingly Batman isn't much of a conversationalist. He stood there for a while beside her, just watching silently beside her, but soon he was called by a younger voice on her communicator. Faora realized it was the voice of a boy, probably a Robin. She knew that some in the League already had protégés of her. He excused himself and left, while Faora just waved.

Several days have passed since then. A few other members of the league, including Superman, came to see how things were going and to everyone's delight, the polls were paying off. Much to Faora's relief, by the way. She felt a lot calmer knowing that everything was going well.

Until it wasn't.

She remembers that everyone including Superman, Zod, her and all 25 Kryptonians were together there in the lab. Flash and Batman were also there. Lex called them just as the rest of the league was busy with a villain. Coincidence? She knows not.

She was the second to last to arrive. Apparently all Kryptonians were gathered there because they wanted to see for themselves that it worked, that the codex was indeed taken away, that Kryptonian bloodlines could now indeed be reborn. Batman was there too for some reason she didn't understand, maybe he'd taken what she'd said about Lex too seriously and chosen to be there with them instead of helping the rest of the league with the villain in town.

She was already aware of this but couldn't do much without revealing too much, so she just waited and watched. Her hands in fists and ready for a fight.

Lex smiled and held up a champagne. Speaking beautiful words of peace, that finally everyone could make things work out, that once and for all, they would be free. And then it happened, she doesn't know how she didn't notice, how she couldn't see.

It was confusing, one moment she was standing next to Batman and the next she was thrown to the ground, Batman had thrown himself on top of her to protect her from a gas bomb that had simply exploded next to her. The body above her was quick to rise and she coughed, rolling over onto her side and placing her hands on the floor, her vision blurred and her throat burning. Her veins felt like they were on fire, excruciating pain all over her body but she could still see the green smoke around her. The muffled sounds of people falling to the ground and screaming, sounds of fighting but mostly her coughing and red liquid dripping from her lips onto the floor. Blood.

She only briefly saw a shadow coming towards her before her eyes and conscience betrayed her and she fell to the ground.

When she woke up, she was lying on a bed. A white room and there was a respirator on her face, which she immediately took off and sat down. Her rapid breathing and her eyes frantic around her, briefly seeing everything with her X-ray vision and hearing every sound before she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, controlling her senses and realizing she was still in her dark military uniform with no armor. but still in the long dress and with the UL house crest on the chest. She let out a big sigh and a door opened, Batman entering the room and seeing that she was already sitting down.

He hurried to her side, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Don't get up yet, you're still recovering," he says. She noticed he had a cut on his lip, and a small bandage over it.

She looks at him and around. They looked like they were in some medical ward. "What happened? Where are my soldiers?" she asks, urgency in her voice.

He is silent for a moment.

"There was an explosion. It was a substance called Kryptonite. You and-..." She listened to the rest carefully, until the part where he says that the only survivors were just her, Clark, and three other soldiers, thanks the help of Green Lantern and The Flash. Lex was not alone and had the help of highly dangerous and strong robots, as well as the help of another man, Maxwell Lord.

She felt her eyes sting as she listened to the rest of the words. That they tried everything, that they tried to save the rest of their comrades, but the Kryptonite had already killed them before they could have tried any more.

She felt her heart sink along with her knees, but Batman caught her in his arms before she fell fully forward. Choking on hurt and her tears rolling easily down her face.

"No, no…Please…" she sobbed. "This can't be real… no…" she felt her world come crashing down, her people, her friends… her brothers… she hugged herself as Batman had an arm under her shoulders and held her against him. She cried, her face pressing into Batman's covered chest. Her sobs made her gasp in pain. Her heart was beating wildly and all she could think about was the memories of her mates, her brothers, her friends… her people.

" I am really sorry."

She felt pain, so much pain." I failed… I failed them…" She closed her eyes, her mind flooded with sadness, with pain.

She failed... She failed with them...

/ 4 years later…./

It was cold, the green lights around her, and she didn't feel too bad. The fact that it's only level one kryptonite light made her think how idolizing that was compared to feeling a kryptonite stone close by. Until it is comfortable, a bed, a bathroom, books and a tv to watch some news. It wasn't that bad.

She took a deep breath at the familiar sound of footsteps behind her. " What you want ?"

Bruce's voice rang out. "Lex Luthor did something."

She snorted. "And you think I care what that idiot did?"

"This concerns you."

She let out a sigh, drinking some of the wine. "Get to the point, Bruce."

"He created a clone." she looked at him over her shoulder with a cold expression.

Bruce, wearing his Batman costume, just looked at her, analyzing her reaction, "He has Lex's DNA and... your." Realization hit her and her eyes widened.


No... that can't be possible... if that's possible, then that means the clone that should be Superman...

Conner is... no.

"No. He didn't." She stood up, fists clenched and eyes on the floor.

"Faora." Batman took a step closer, his tone surprisingly worried. " Is he your son."

She turned abruptly, her jaw clenched and looking through the glass and grating at him. "Shut up! This can't... this can't be..." can't be. It wasn't meant to be her...

"We took the test. The boy-"

"I do not want to know!" she yells, looking at him angrily, her voice cracking. Swallowing hard and looking away from Bruce, she clenched her fists so tightly she felt her fingers snap, her knuckles turning white with the pressure. "... Leave me alone."

Batman complied, walking calmly out of the room and she dropped onto the bed, hands on her head and a thousand thoughts popping into her mind.
