

June 30, 2020

Kai was closing in on 29 weeks and the last thing I wanted was for him to deal with this. It's been nearly a year since my family was threatened and I had hoped that we were done with this shit. But no, fuckers were waiting to strike.

"I want you to do whatever you can to track this fucker down," I said turning to Caden who nodded as he pulled his laptop out of its bag. Kai had gotten the note this morning during his trip to the mall with his brothers. I didn't send any of the bodyguard so and assigned to him because I didn't think he's need them. Not since our last attack which had been nearly a year ago.

You're looking exceptionally beautiful little one. Don't you worry, when you least expect it you'll be with me and we'll live happily, don't worry, I'll be the best dad those little ones will ever have, I assure you. Just wait, love, and you'll be with me once and for all.

