

"We’ll be arriving in Denver in 20 minutes, Boss," I nodded at Tony's words and looked out the window and sure enough I could already see the familiar glowing lights of the city below and sighed. Soon enough, the plane began to make its descent and not a moment later did it come to a complete stop. Tony and Caden-my younger brother- quickly stood up and walked towards the doors and stood on each side as I made my way towards the exit.

The doors opened and I was greeted by my men standing on either side of the long carpet that was laid out for our arrival. As soon as they saw me make my way down, they all bowed down, their right hand on their chest

"WELCOME HOME, BOSS!" Then greeted in unison and I nodded as I reached the last step of the jet with Tony and Caden behind me.

"Welcome back Don," my driver greeted upon reaching the car, "and welcome back Master Tony and Master Caden,"

"Thank you, Axel" Tony and Caden replied while I only nodded my head before climbing the back with Caden while Tony climbed the front next to Axel.

"How was your trip to France?" Axel asked as he began to drive toward the den and I looked out the window watching the street lights illuminate the dark road.

"It was fine," Caden replied making Axel look at him through the rearview mirror and nod with a smile

"I'm glad, I'm sure you guys didn't want to come back," he replied stopping at a red light my men on the cars on each side protecting us in case we were to get attacked from my enemies.

"Sure did" I replied sarcastically not looking at him as he returned to driving with Caden elbowing me in the side and I glared at him and he shook his head

"Will it kill you if you were a little more civil?" He whispered low enough for me to hear

"I'm very civil," I replied and he sighed knowing he will never see me be anything but civil.

"You're hopeless" he muttered

"I know,"

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ezekiel Robertson but I prefer to be called Zeke instead. I'm 26 years old. I'm not only the president of Roberts Enterprises but I'm also the head of Denver's biggest mafias, the Ravance family, and son of Royce Robertson and the late Carmela Robertson. As the eldest son, I was bound to take over not just Robertson Enterprises but also become the head of the mafia.

I took over Robertson Enterprises and Ravance at the age of 15 after my father's stupidity killed my mother and unborn brother. I was the one who raised the mafia from the ground up after what my father had done. It's been over 11 years since the day I became the Don of the mafia and I became the president of Robertson Enterprises. 11 years since my mother and brother were killed in cold blood.

My life, though I can't say was rainbows and unicorns nor was it black and white either. I had a normal life, well as normal as one can get for being born into the mafia, with a wonderful mother, demanding father, and a younger brother that followed me around like a lost puppy and another one on the way. I'm was 15 when my life was ruined and I blamed it all on my father. He was the reason why I didn't have a mother and why my unborn brother never had a chance at life. Royce Robertson was the reason my mother and unborn brother were murdered in cold blood and why you may ask?

Well he fucking killed one of our enemies leaders, Carson Sandoval and in retaliation, they cornered my mother and I and beat the living fuck out of me and I could hear my mother begging them to leave her alone and telling them that she was pregnant but nothing she could have said and done was enough, I remember being somewhat lucid when I watched her body falling limp beside me with blood dripping from her stomach. I watched her lifeless eyes stare into nothing with tears drying on her cheeks. I don't remember falling unconscious until I woke up the next day in the infirmary. I still remember what happened that day as if it had happened yesterday not 11 years ago.

Beep! Beep!

The constant beeping was irritating my ears. I could feel cold air wafting onto my uncovered chest making me shiver. I slowly opened my eyes only to be welcomed by the familiar white walls of the infirmary. The constant beeping came from the heart monitor by my head.

I looked across the took to see my baby brother, Caden, curled up on the sofa with a blanket covering him, and beside the sofa stood my father. His back was facing me and I clenched my jaw.

"You were supposed to keep her and your unborn brother safe, Ezekiel," He said, his back still facing me making me clench my jaw and ball my fists as I sat up on the bed as careful as I could so I wouldn't reopen my wounds. Wounds that were caused by Carson's men.

"What happened to them was your fault, do not blame their deaths on me when their blood is in your hands," I sneered, angry at the fact he dared blame me for what happened to my mother and brother, "you knew that Carson's next of kin would get revenge on his death and they did. You are the reason this happened so don't fucking blame this on me,"

He glared back at me but he could not retaliate because he knew I was right. He was the sole reason for my mother's and unborn brother's untimely deaths excuse he killed the leader of a rival without thinking of the consequences. We may be ruthless and heartless but one thing we knew was to never entice a rival unless you want to lose someone close to you and yet my father did just that by killing Carson Sandoval in cold blood only because Carson crossed onto our territory looking for his dealer that had been withholding money from him. Carson had even explained it to my father,the bastard didn't listen and shot him point-blank between the eyes killing him instantly.

"I fought tooth and nail for her but we were outnumbered. It was two against 10, they knocked me out cold even before I could pull my gun and shoot them. There was nothing I could've down to save her and Gabriel. They blocked us and surrounded us before I could even blink so, don't you dare blame this on me when you could've just let Carson leave after getting his dealer but no, you just had to go and pull the trigger and kill him. Mother and Gabriel's blood are on your hands, not mine. Now leave if there is nothing else you need to say in regards to my mother and brothers untimely deaths." I stated with a glare of my own. He clenched his jaw and fists but said nothing and instead turned to wake Caden up but I stopped him, "he's not going anywhere with you. I don't want him to end up in the same position that mother had been because of your stupidity and failure to be a leader. I want you gone from the house as well for you are a danger to everyone here and I would rather not have to bury my family again."

"How dare you" he snarled as he shot daggers my way but I didn't care. He can be angry all he wanted but because of him, our family was family, "how fucking dare you, you imbecile!"

"I dare because everyone in this house sees you as unfit and a danger to us all. Leave and if you ever return be aware that you'll be greeted with guns pointed at your head in every direction," I said not backing down and he glared

"You'll regret this, Ezekiel, I swear it and when you do, I will laugh in your face and take over once again. Mark my words" he sneered before walking out of my room slamming the door shut behind him which caused Caden to wake up from his slumber

"Brother?" He asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes from sleep, "BROTHER!" He yelled upon seeing that I was awake before running to my bed and practically falling on top of me crying and I swallowed the lump in my throat as I held him close

"I thought I lost you too" he whimpered and I shook my head rubbing his back

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise" I murmured and he nodded, "we'll be okay"

"Zeke?" I blinked out of my thoughts and turned to the side to see Caden looking at me with a raised brow

"What?" I asked and he rolled his eyes

"We're here," he replied and I nodded. Axel stops in front of the large gate that had two large letters intricately aligned R & R. The R's representing Ravance and Robertson. The drive from the airport to the mansion was an hour and a half. Not many people knew how to get here because of how hidden it was. I had moved out family away from our old den to this one as it was well hidden. It was on the middle of practically nowhere with no other houses around it.

"Welcome home, Don Zeke," the guard greeted with a bow as the gates opened and I nodded

"And welcome back Master Caden," he added before Axel began driving up the long drive to the mansion. And as expected, maids, butlers and guards stood outside as the car came to a stop. Tony and Axel stepped out first before they each came to mine and Caden's door and opened them.

"Welcome home Don Zeke and Master Caden," they all greeted as soon as we stepped out of the car bowing with their right hand on their chest. I nodded as a thanks while Caden and Tony thanked them verbally.

"Did anything happen while we were away, Kyle?" I asked my personal butler

"No, but right before you arrived Commander Alexander arrived with a young man. He stated he needed to speak with you," he replied

"Did he say why?" Caden asked

"No, but he said he's wait for you in your office," Kyle replied and I nodded. Tony and Caden headed in the opposite direction of where I was going.

I sighed and walked into the house not caring to look around at the interior as I've seen it countless times and headed straight to my office.

Little did I know that as soon as I walked in that my life was going to be flipped upside down and that I'd be meeting the person that I swore to protect.
