
The Aftermath

Billie Bob Jones

I sat down on the couch as I grew light headed. The world around me felt like it was spinning. My heart thundered in my ears, my skin felt terribly hot and my palms were clammy with sweat. My face burned as my mind replayed what had happened just a few minutes ago.

Why had I not moved? Why had I given into his touch when I could have easily stopped the situation from ever occurring?

His words still rang in my mind and my stomach turned. It felt like I was going to be sick as I ran my hand over where his lips had just been minutes prior. I stood up and rushed to the bathroom. I pulled down the collar of my shirt to expose my neck and the sight before me was horrendous.

Fresh red marks littered my skin just where he had kissed. The arrogant bastard made sure to mark me in places he knew I could not easily hide. How was I going to explain to Clyde and Rob that just thirty minutes ago my neck was perfectly clear but now looked like it had been through a fight with an octopus?

I did not even own makeup for me to try and conceal them. That was when I wished Ma had come along, she had a makeup bag big enough to fit a small toddler.

I grabbed a face towel and soaked it with cold water before pressing it to my skin. I knew it could not work miracles in just a few minutes but hopefully it would lessen how red it looked.

Once again the universe sent me another sign that it hated me as there was a knock on my door. My heart dropped. Could it be Benedito? Was he here to finish the fight instead of storming away like a toddler?

I quietly stalked to the door as the knocking continued. With a big gulp, I turned the door knob of the hotel's door and instead of the tatted Portuguese man I was met with a man from Ohio.

"Why you got a towel pressed against your neck?" Rob twisted his upper lip in an unflattering manner as he walked into the room. "You have a kitchen! You're so lucky."

"What do you want?" I sighed as he stormed the mini bar and took out a soda.

"I came to tell you Ronaldo, José and I are going to the bar and were wondering if you wanted to come?"

"And Clyde?" I tilted my head to the side.

"He went out to go do some early mingling with some of the event managers for the rodeo," he explained as he took a gulp of the soda.

"You know I can't drink before the rodeo," I sighed as I leaned against the wall.

"You can have a cola come on. Ronaldo is such great fun," he grinned as he grabbed my hat and sunglasses. "Let's get going Billie Bob."

"You're ridiculous," I sighed but grinned. If there was one person who knew how to get my mind off Benedito it was Rob.

"Come on Bobby. Let's live the five star life," he laughed and handed me my things. I put on my sunglasses and hat then threw the towel on the table. Rob eyed my neck warily but decided not to comment on it as he turned around and gingerly walked out the door with me following in pursuit. "I saw Benedito looking rather furious when I came up here."

"Really?" I pretended not to know anything as we entered the elevator together.

"Yeah, but he always seems to be tense so maybe he just needed to fart or something," he smiled as he lowered his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and looked at me.

I burst out laughing and slapped Rob's shoulder, "You're crazy."

"I know," he nodded with a smirk.

When the elevator reached the ground level we walked to the bar that was just off the lobby in its own sort of semi enclosed room. Ronaldo and José were already seated by the bar drinking whiskey as we approached them.

"What would you like to drink boys?" Ronaldo grinned as Rob and I sat by the bar stools next to them.

"A cherry cola will be fine," I answered.

"A beer please," Rob playfully drummed the surface of the bar table. Ronaldo called over the bar tender who quickly got our drinks ready.

Rob was busy explaining to Ronaldo and José where he was from, which they kept on cracking jokes about. Even though José was the quiet one out the bunch he seemed more interactive than me as I watched people walking in and out of the lobby.

A part of me wondered how this trip would have gone if they had not come. Sure I would have to deal with Rob's annoying self alone but the stress of Benedito would be less.

Just as the devil crossed my mind he has appeared and by his side was no other than Dita. It was evident he was still upset as he spoke with more emotion than I had ever seen him express. Dita had her hands on his shoulders clearly trying to calm him down but he shook his head repetitively.

She eventually took his hand in hers and led him to the exit of the hotel where their security was waiting for them.

"She's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Rob swooned as he eyed Dita's retreating back.

"I'd keep my distance if I was you," Ronaldo sighed suddenly looking very somber as he looked to his drink.

"Are they together?" Rob asked as if reading my mind.

José smiled and shrugged, "it's much more complicated."

I wondered what that meant. I wondered why Benedito was upset. If he wanted to use me as his little play thing whilst being with her, would he tell her? It was obvious he was still upset about what had happened in the room but she did not seem upset at all. Instead she seemed more concerned.

Would someone be concerned that their boyfriend tried to cheat on them with someone who was not interested?

That was when I wished I could have stayed inside my bedroom. The less I knew about the situation the better and the less I saw Benedito the greater. I desperately wished I was not riding tomorrow so I could have a drink but the last time I did that the results were terrible.

I ended up excusing myself from the bar in excuse I was tired from all the driving and wanted to take a nap. Luckily they did not question me as more drinks were passed around.

Dinner was going to take place in two hours and a part of me hoped it would suddenly be canceled. I did not believe I could eat and pretend like nothing had happened whilst being at the same table with Benedito.

I wondered how he would react to seeing me. Would he give me the cold shoulder and not acknowledge my existence, would he be passive aggressive about the whole situation or simply continue like nothing had happened?

He had done that the last time we had dinner together; just continued like nothing had ever happened and almost made me believe I had conjured the whole thing up in my mind.

I knew this time it was not a joke because no one would take a little prank that far. He had too much emotion about the situation that his stoic self never showed.

Eventually despite my inner debate, I knew I had to get ready because even though the rodeo was about me, it was also about Clyde's ranch. Benedito and I had our own drama yes, but he was also here to help Clyde grow his business network.

I would have to pull up my big boy pants and put on a brave face just so this trip could go through smoothly. I knew Clyde would not be happy if he saw Dito and me at each other's throats so I would simply have to prevent that.

We would have to clear the air before we went to dinner.

After dressing in semiformal attire I walked out of my room and crossed the small distance to Benedito's room. I had no idea if he had returned from his trip with Dita but I hoped he had. More importantly I hoped she was not in the room with him. This would have been a difficult situation to explain.

With a firm fist I knocked on the hard wooden door. Within seconds the doors was pulled open but instead of Benedito stood a tall guard. "How can I help you?" he raised his eyebrow as he scanned my body with an unimpressed glare.

"I would like to speak to Benedito," I said strongly before I chickened out.

He hummed then looked over his shoulder before saying, "Chefe, Jones diz que gostaria de falar com você." (Boss, Jones says he would like to speak to you.)

A low rumble came from deeper within the room, "Deixe-o entrar." (Let him in.)
