
Chapter 8

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and the sight she beheld made even her gasp in surprise.

"You look gorgeous". She heard Tacha whisper as if scared to make a noise and break this beautiful serene moment.

A small smile formed on her lips, still staring at herself in the mirror. She had to admit that she looked gorgeous. It wasn't like she didn't know, after all she had many admirers and crushes back in high school and even college but today was the day she was probably acknowledging it.

The door slowly opened and Chantelle's head popped out. She smiled warmly to those in the room before she entered. Her eyes fell on the soon to be bride and she whistled flirtingly.

"Damn!" She cussed in surprise, her eyes still glued unto Lyka.

"Why are you both surprised?, I barely used any makeup on her".the makeup artist said honestly.

Lyka is actually a very beautiful woman, so only a little make up was used, too much would probably look unnatural.

"First time seeing her in make-up this much, she uses only lipstick. Forget that she is a beautiful woman, if not for I and Tacha in her life.... She is a nerd, a medicine nerd though". She whispered the past part to the makeup artist with squinted eyes like she was saying some top secret.

" Medicine nerd?" The makeup artist couldn't help but be confused.

Chantelle only shrugged at this, of course, there is nothing like medicine nerd. She turned to look at Lyka through the mirror and saw the heartsick expression she had on. She sighed before she signaled to the makeup artist to leave.

"Hey, whether forced marriage or not, this is your wedding and you deserve to be happy. Stop looking like the world's ending soon".Chantelle said to brighten up the room,even though she wasn't sure it was gonna work.

Lyka chuckled a little at her statement before she answered," I can't fake happiness yet, I would...." She paused and smiled wryly, " at the aisle".

"Your aunt's coming here." Chantelle suddenly announced, " Said she had a couple of things to say to you before you leave,she would probably be here anytime soon, so I and Tacha would .... um.... see you later" she ended clumsily before standing up and turning to leave.

"What's that?" Tacha asked immediately they got outside.

"What's what?"

"You were not yourself earlier, anything you wanna share?"

"No, I'm okay, I'm cool".she assured before she walked away leaving Tacha curious.

Lyka was still in the room sitting quietly,waiting for Paisley when she heard a knock on the door, she immediately knew who it was.

The door opened and her guesses were right.

"Lyka?" Paisley's voice which sounded too thick for a beautiful woman like her was heard as the door opened.

She entered and beamed on sighting her niece.

"You look gorgeous". She complimented honestly and her niece grinned.

"Genes" Lyka replied and the both of them laughed.

" Yeah, your mother was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen". Paisley said with a sad smile on her face as she relayed past memories.

" Very funny. You and mum were identical twins, you are just as beautiful as she was". She teased with a smile before the smile slowly died off.

" And it's my fault she isn't here anymore. I ..."

"Don't you dare finish those words. Whatever happened that day was not your fault". Paisley said firmly.

" We both know you are just saying that to make me feel better, it is all my fault and Dad's never gonna forgive me for it. He hates me so much that am sure he probably wishes most times that I drop dead".She said chuckling a little bit that it seemed like she was joking but Paisley knew she wasn't,there was so much pain in her words.

"Lyka, why did you agree to this marriage when you didn't want it ?"Paisley asked ignoring her earlier words,now was the time for Lyka's mom matter.

Lyka didn't reply, she only looked away not meeting her aunt's gaze.

"Fine, don't tell me, but don't sulk either. Your father forced you into a marriage and you want to go there looking like someone the world's deserted?. No!, You go there looking so happy and vibrant that your father himself would be stupefied".she paused allowing her words to sink in before she continued.

"Look at you Lyka, you are so beautiful, kind and thoughtful. Nolbett Revaz is a lucky man to have you, not the other way round, and if he ever dares to treat you less than you deserve, I am gonna kick his ass so hard, he would be standing for the rest of his life". She ended seriously yet jokingly that Lyka couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks Aunt".

Paisley smiled at her in return and pulled her in for a hug which was soon disrupted by the urgent knocking on the door.

"Guess it's time". Paisley said as Lyka inhaled deeply before flashing her aunt her million dollar smile.

"I'm ready".


"This still feels like a dream to me" Rex  muttered to himself, staring at Nolbett who was fixing his tie.

Though he hadn't really put any effort into his dressing, he still looked really handsome.

"I just can't believe you are getting married". Rex said again but this time to Nolbett who chuckled lightly.

"You had better believe it, am getting married and you are my best man". He  said casually almost snapping.

"Hey!, You didn't have to snap at me". He retorted before he said lowly."I didn't force you to get married".

"Heard that". Nolbett said as he grabbed something from the table and walked out not even waiting for Rex.

"I hope this turns out good for you". He muttered, serious this time. Everyone really wished for Nolbett's happiness. Aside Gerald and Rex, no one knew about what Nolbett had gone through and why he turned out that cold. There was only one reason why Nolbett was living, to get revenge!


"I don't want to go, I don't want him to get married".A cute little girl being dressed up whined in protest but the woman she was rebelling against , unfortunately,wasn't the patient type.

"Seems like we are on the same side on that" Danica said and faked a smile. "But we have no choice, so be a good girl and let your nanny dress you up".

"No!, I don't want to" Emily yelled angrily, tears were starting to form in her eyes while Danica was trying so hard to keep her cool.

"I am not Nolbett who entertains your tantrums, if you are not ready in the next few minutes, am leaving you". She said sternly not even caring that the girl was almost crying.

"I hate you" Emily yelled again at her as the tears finally fell.

"Well that's great, cause I don't like you either". Danica fired back meanly and turned to leave but almost bumped into Gerald who was approaching them.

" That's not a very nice thing to say"Gerald in his quiet, calm, serene voice said to Danica and walked  up to Emily squatting  to her eye level .

"Sweetie...". He started slowly, "You know we talked about this, why Nolbett has to get married?"

Emily paused a little before she snapped defensively,"But he has me, he isn't lonely!"

Gerald sighed patiently before he continued,"Honey, would you like to have a boyfriend when you grow up?"he suddenly asked startling even the little girl.

"Yes "

"Exactly!, Just as you would have your own boyfriend when you are old enough, Nolbett needs a wife now". He tried explaining gently.

"Bu....but, what if he doesn't like me very much anymore. What if he likes his new wife more than me?"She asked childishly.

"Remember that joke we all use to say about Nolbett?"

"Yeah, he had only a little bit of love in his heart and can only share a little". She reminisced , a small smile forming on her lips.

"And who gets all that love Nolbett can share?"

"Me". She answered happily, her smile slowly turning into a muffled giggle.

"Exactly, so his new wife can't get anymore right?"he said rhetorically as Emily nodded affirmatively.

"So now, since you get to own all Nolbett's love, how about we go to his wedding and show off to his new wife?"  He suggested again and the girl nodded. She was probably too happy to use her words.

"Good. So, are you going to allow your nanny to dress you up?"he asked and she nodded the third time.

"Thanks uncle Gerald". She beamed happily and kissed him on the cheek before she ran off to her nanny who had been standing by,ages ago.

"I don't get why you keep indulging her. She gets worse". Danica complained with a scowl on her beautiful face as she stared at Emily and her nanny leave while Gerald  chuckled at her words.

" She is just a child". He replied, walking past her to the door but suddenly stopped when he got there and turned to ask.

"Is Derrick coming?"

"No, I don't think so. He has been sulking in his room ever since he discovered that Nolbett is leaving"

"Nolbett isn't leaving, he is just getting married. What is wrong with you guys?"

"Well sorry if we are being immature about this" she began sarcastically, " but why do you and Rex seem cool about it?. Why is Nolbett getting married to that definitely spoilt,rude, rich brat?, Does he have to get married to her. Can't we just take care of things the normal way?"

"Danica...., This is the only way to do this".he assured and gave a faint smile before he left.

The next episode is their wedding. So keep still and tight.....

Happy reading.    。◕‿◕。


 And oh.... In case you were wondering, Beree is a country made out of my imaginations 😉😉
