
A stupid question, a bad ass attitude, and a shooting

"Greetings and salutations."

Was his response.

Veronica smirked while clutching her clipboard.

People always described having a crush as having butterflies in your stomach, but Veronica felt nothing but confidence... For now

He looked into her eyes in an inquiring way...

Kind of staring into her soul.

Veronica stared back... Trying to see past the dark hazel eyes.... But it was as if he was wearing a mask. She couldn't see past the cover.

He his his emotions well...

"Are you a heather?"

He threw his hand carlessly to the girls standing about 10 feet away by the car enterence.

Heather Chandler was standing imaptiently with her arms folded in front of her. Her face wearing the look she often showed when she was about to go into a murderous rage.

Heather Duke stood.... Slightly bored.... Near heather Chandler while trying not to move to loudly.... Heather Chandler somehow didn't like that..

And then there was cheerful McNamara. She was giddy while clutching on chandlers arm.

Veronica threw a look to their way, quickly turning back so Heather could give her some wierd eye message.

"No, I'm a Veronica.... Sawyer."

She stood in silence for a moment... A grin slightly faded from not keeping it up, her eyes locked with his.

Suddenly she remembered the clipboard clutched to her chest.

She wished she could throw it accross the room but she had to ask Heather's questions​.

She adjusted it carefully before trying not to die of embarrassment.

"His may seem like a really stupid question-"

"There are no stupid questions."

He said over her last words.

Veronica glanced up suprised from her paper.

She smirked slightly at him.... The last time she had met someone who made her feel this was Betty finns brother's friend who was in college... He had said he was 16... (She was 14 at the time...)

And he had completely made young Veronica's heart fall into peices for him... With his smooth talk....

Of course that was before she new he was 22....

But Jason Dean was a different type than the college boy... And he ... Unlike every other boy at this highschool- gave off a certain air of someone ..... Different.

Bringing herself back into the charade of reality, she began to read the stupid question.

"You inherit 5 million dollars and the same day aliens say their going to blow up the earth in 2 days, what do you do?"

She waited for his reaction secretly excited...

He looked cunfused for a moment... Frowning at his barly touched pot pie.....before reaching up and scratching the back of his head. A kind of defeated look on his face that made Veronica almost smile more than she needed to.

"That's the stupidest question I ever heard."

Meanwhile.... Once again... The neandrithals were staring blankly at the two from a table or two over.

"Hey who's that guy in the big coat think he is anyway? Bo Diddley?"

Said ram Sweeny stupidly...laughing at his own pathetic joke. Kurt sat with a kind of unsmiling blank expression on his face, his plastic. Fork held tight between his thick hands.

Kurt sort of fancies Veronica. He may not really know what 'a crush' is - outside of a scrum - but he does feel 'something' 'funny' when ever he sees her... Right now though, it's just jealousy...

Meanwhile... As Kurt thinks of all the ways the could possibly beat up the prick... The badass was answering the 'stupid question'

"Ah. I don't know, I'd probably row out in the middle of a lake somewhere...bring along a bottle of tequila... My sax... Some bac..

Veronica felt it now... The light flutter of her heart as he listed off these things slowly... Smoothly.. she felt her heart beat faster... Her breathing irregular... The clipboard was tighed to her chest now.. she brought back the smirk slightly..

"How very."

The moment was perfect...

JD was leaning against the wall.. his arms crossed. Veronica was staring smugly into his eyes... Losing herself in their deepnes.. trying to find even just the smallest bit of emotion..

"Come on Veronica..."

Heather Chandler had grabbed her arm once again.. although... She didn't screech like she usually did. She said it in a sort of soft deadly voice. She threw a dirty look towards JD who simply raised an eyebrow.

Veronica smiled at JD as she turned around... Saying light as air...


JD just returned her a smile that almost made her heart stop completely..


At Ram and Kurt's table, things were playing out differently.

"Let's kick his ass!"

Ram Sweeny jumped up from his seat, his food tray went everywhere.

Kurt Kelly looked around nervously... If Veronica liked that punk-ass kid... Then wouldn't she hate it if he attacked him?

"Shit man, we're senior's, we're to old for that shit!"

But all in all... Someone needed to give the new kid on the block the message that Veronica belonged to him- them... Them.. he told himself.

"-lets give him a good scare though."

The two hunks of shit shuffled loudly over to JD's table. Each carrying a different purpose.

"You gonna eat that?"

Ram jabbed his fore finger into JDs pot pie.

The kid simply stared at the pie calmly, he had no intention of fighting.

"What did your boyfriend say when he found out you moving to Sherwood Ohio?"

Kurt blurted out dumbly, this seemed to be his signature insult...

They waited for a few seconds, JD didn't do anything but stare impatient... And is that... He was... Bored-?

"Answer him dick!"

Ram bent over the table, all his weight mad it Creek..

But this too, failed to provoke him

"Hey ram, doesn't this caf have a no fags allowed rule?"

Ram stared stupidly ahead at the wall behind JD... Trying very hard to remember that specific rule-

"But they seem to have an open door policy for assholes now don't they?"

JD said.... Cool as ice, smooth as butter.

The two jocks's jaws practically fell open in suprise-, no one dared talk to them that way before.

They exchanged stunned and cunfused looks while trying to gather their peanut brained minds together again.

"What did you say dick head?"

Said Kurt, angry now, he too, got up in JDs face with ram... He had the right mind the punch this prick square in the face..

But JD knew things were escalating.. he sighed regretfully... The bored expression resting on his face.

He stood up, he was tall.... Almost taller than Kurt and ram... The coat gave him an Erie look..

He reached into his pocket.. and pulled out... Holy shit he pulled out-

A gun.


