
Chapter 10:Anger, train and a plan

A hour passed and Rocky and I just sat there half asleep half wake wall Layla and Flare cat fight kept on going till I heard nothing Rocky and I opened one eye looking where there girls were and they both had there hands on their hips glaring at each other silence it was so silent that I could hear the wind coming from under the door I blinked and Flare huffed looking to the side fine will admit you lead my people well thank you, Layla, huffed to saying I guess your plan wasn't the worst I had seen Rocky and I both let out a si but both of there heads turned to us with a murderous look Rocky and I side again and Flare huffed saying what you two sying for Layla than spoke you two try and leave without saying anything and both took a step towards us but they bumped into each other and they glared at each other and the cat fight started again I side and pulled out one of my revolvers and loaded a blank round into it and I razed it pulling the trigger Boom when that happened Flare and Layla want silent and slowly turned to look at me and Flare said boy what the hell do you think your doing Layla glared at me to saying Hunter y are you but before she could finish the room got dark all the sunlight disappeared the only light was from two candles flame which got bigger and bigger the shadow danced on the wall and the room got cold at the same time I shot up snarling my eyes glowing gold and I yelled enough you two are acting like children you should be ashamed of your selves you I pointed at Flare your the fucking leader of this camp you should have more dignity and who cares if your fucking plan didn't work adapt and over come as for you Layla I love you yes but your acting like your father and not like a commander and a leader of people you're the fucking daughter of a war God act like one but before I could go on a sharp pain came from my heart and my legs got week I want to one knee holding my chest coughing and I felt something running down my face from my eyes it dripped onto the ground and I seen it black blood Layla yelled Hunter and tried to run to my side but the shadows wrapped around her and she was forced to stop I took several deep shallow breaths I looked up to both of them by the black blood still running down my face and slowly I stood up my back straight and I put my hand behind my back my face was calm but my eyes were glowing but they wasn't glowing gold but Green and in this fire you could see screaming souls the candle light got brighter and the shadows danced even more crazily but my shadow behind me was big it didn't look normal from it's back there was two wings and they loomed over me and in an ice-cold voice said I am done with this conversation I have been on the road for more them 3 days I didn't rest more did I eat cuz I was told you needed help and know that I hear I will complete my mission we are surrounded and blocked in on all side the templars have blocked us in you two can keep fighting with each other I don't care but I won't stand here and wait I am going to find a place to sleep after I will eat after I will see what sort of mess you have gotten into and with that, I disappeared and reappeared outside the door I wanted to go farther but I have reached my limit when I reappeared outside the door my eyes want back to normal and stop glowing I tried to get back some of my strength but my legs still felt like jelly Slade was sitting next to the door he had a pipe in his hand he looked up to me saying Pup you have reached your limit what are you going to do I shrugged saying I will do what I do best train till I fall he chuckled nodding good go to that house over there he pointed to a house made from rock and stone that's Ricky's house he has a private training ground under his house no one knows about go Pup go and grow your power I nodded to him and with slow but steady steps I walked over to Rocky's house and opened the door when I did sitting inside on a rug was Daisy somehow he got in here I don't know y or how but he looked like he was waiting for someone and when I walked in one of his heads raced up and looked over to me I closed the door he barked running over to me I crouched down petting his head hi little one how did you get in here bark bark he said Slade let you in how interesting I said bark bark he asked I side at his question Layla will find us when she stops acting like a child bark he said I rolled my eyes saying boy you would be right about that bark bark he said but it sounded like laughter I glared at him but then chucked with him I stood up and walked over to a trap door I didn't look around I just walked over to it and opened it and walked down the stairs Daisy following me down I shut the trap door behind us these stairs want underground into a huge basement all along the walls was weapons of all sort and in the middle of the room was a huge training ground wow I said seeing it all he didn't use regular training dummies like the one back at camp he looked normal but the magic on them was different automatons I said smiling probably straight from Daedalus workshop in hell Icarus don't talk too much about his father but I heard many things from other smiths Daedalus lived for a very long time way longer then he should have sadly one of Zeus's demigod kids killed him cuz Daedalus refused to make something for him without payment so the child of Zeus killed him but Hades seen promise in him so he took his soul and asked Daedalus to become his own craftsman Daedalus agreed I took off my coat and shirt I put then on the stairs I walked in the middle of these automations I stopped in the middle of them I closed my eyes I felt that pain in my chest again and that black blood started to run down my eyes again I screamed out opening my eyes throwing my hands out and the shadows shot out all around me inpailling all the automation in the chest my eyes were glowing but not gold no they were glowing Green I could feel everything the shadows touched I could move them like they were apart of my body I clenched my hands and the shadows still impaled in there chest wrapped around their neck I thrust my arms to my chest all of these automation chest ripped open and their heads were yanked off Daisy laid down next to my coat and he watched me train and break the chains of my body and limits I pushed my body and mind to its breaking point but I still overcame my limits two hours past with me just fighting against these automations which started to fight back weapons of stone would farm in their hands there was 7 of them and only one of me that green fire got brighter and more intense but right when I hit the 2 hours my mind want blank I didn't know how long past but I floated in darkness but I didn't mind I could feel my body and mind getting stronger and my powers recharging I felt 4 eyes on me and then I heard my dads voice congrats Hunter you have overcome your first limit then I hear my moms voice you are know a prince of the underworld strike fear in those who would try and harm you but remember my dad's voice said you still got a long ways to go train hard but don't forget to rest and heal now go show them, y people, are scared of the dark and with that I woke up I was laying on the floor my head was resting on a pillow and my coat was place over me I shot up breathing hard my body was sweety so your finally awake my head turned to whoever was talking it was Rocky he was next to a stove sturing something in a pot he had on a cooking apron that was hot pink good go wash up before we eat the shower is over there he pointed to another door I slowly got up thank you and I want to wash up 20 minutes later I walked out in a clean pair of pants and pulling on a shirt Rocky had the table set for two I sat down across from him he had made soup we eat in silence the soup was good and I downed three bulls before I was done Rocky smiled at me saying you want kidding you was hungry luckily I made enough I smiled thank you Rocky for both feeding me and for letting me rest in your home he shrugged saying don't worry about it Hunter I am shocked you didn't drop sooner you seen me black out I asked he nodded yes I did so did that little girl of your Slade was already there and Flare the girls came to apologize but they could not find you luckily I had a feeling Slade sent you here so we came here and seen you training we all was shocked how hard you were pushing yourself you were at your limit but you overcame that and pushed on Layla and Flare watched you both of them felt ashamed of themselves here you where bettering yourself and all the could do was fight with each other and I seen determination in their eyes Slade offered to help them and they agreed they have been training since two days have passed by the way I side angrily has anything else happened Rocky nodded yea another ant horde came back and there were bigger and way more armored Layla and Slade told us about the wall of wire blocking us in we think the Templars either is controlling the Queen ant or they are the one angering them we can't tell which it is thought they have done well hiding there plans from us we didn't even know they was here till you arrived I side again Rocky how the hell did they sneak up on you all like it was nothing Rocky blushed a little saying well Flare and I got married a month ago and let's just say it's been a none stop party sense then I almost slammed my head on the table hearing this I massage my temples feeling a headache Rocky I but before I could finish the ground shook from a shock wave what was that I said holding onto the table he smiled saying that was but another shock wave happened and I shot to my feet saying what the hell is happening but Rocky simple pointed down saying it's the girls Slade has really been putting them through hell I smiled saying is that right let's go see and I disappeared and appeared at the bottom of the stairs sitting next to Daisy who was sleeping I looked to the fighting ground and what I seen made me smile Layla had her sword out but the blade of her sword was cover in blood red fire her eyes were glowing that blood red she was swinging down at Slade who looked normal he simple had a normal bowie knife in his hand he blocked her strike boom the ground shook Flare was moved from behind Layla charging at Slade and throw a fiery punch at his chest it hit Slade slid back a few feet but he didn't looked hurt or anything he dusted his chest saying is that all come on stop holding back Layla and Flare looked to each other nodding and forming on Layla was blood-red armor this armor looked scary and spiky and her sword got longer and it turned into a bloody Claymore Flare slammed her fist together and appearing on her hands where two obsidian Claude gauntlets and the fire all around her flared up and I could feel the room get hotter and in flares fire I saw blue but only a little bit Slade smiled evilly good know attack Layla took one step lunging at him swinging her sword down Slade danced out of the way but as he did Flare launched at him she used to fire at the bottom of her feet to help her she throw a punch at slades Face it hit Slade flew back he crashed into the wall dust kicked up from that but I could see Slade just fine he throw up blood from that punch he looked into the dust cloud he has a huge smile on his face and his eyes flashed with a blue fire he waved his hand as he did the dust was blown away Layla and Flare looked at Slade ready to attack again Slade walked fowered saying well as a reward for getting this fare I show you some of my own power woosh a burst of fire came from his back and forming in this fire was a set of black skeleton wings and I blinked when I seen him again I was shocked he had no skin on his face it was a black obsidian skull and woosh a blue fire engulfed the skull Layla and Flare want on the defensive Slade raced his bowie knife which looked completely different the blade was obsidian and running in this obsidian was red veins Slade took one step and woosh the ground in front of him burst into flames Flare didn't look affected but Layla did she clenched her hands on the sword so I could tell she was in pain but she waited Slade looked to Layla and in a ghostly voice he said your first and like that he lunged at her and with one simple movement he swung at her Layla tried to dodge it but she was to slow so she raced her sword to block it Slades knife hit her sword and snapped it with ease he kept on swinging down but I seen him turn his knife he bit her with the spine of the blade Layla flee back hitting the wall Slade then turned left looking at Flare who was punching at him Slade cot her punch and kicked her in the chest Flare flew and hit the wall just like Layla Slade stood there looking at both of them Layla throw up blood when she hit the wall as for Flare blood was running down her nose I blinked and Slade was back to normal he clapped congrats you two in two days you have come fare but never rest the reason y Hunter is so strong and will keep getting stronger is cuz he always is looking to improve himself if people call him the best be will keep training and fighting till he is better then the best that is what makes him so different from others you two right know are strong for a normal half blood it's up to you if you get stronger or not ant that right Hunter I he turned to me but I was gone I disappeared Layla looked up quickly hearing my name but when she seen I wasn't there her eyes got sad and distant again I appeared out side the camp where I killed the ant leader I crouched down and put my hand to the ground I closed my eyes and chanold my power into it and what I felt made me smile I disappeared again I was back in the basement saying I know what the Templars plan is Flare slowly got up saying how could you know that you just got up I rolled my eyes saying it's simple I listened and the land told me everything the land Flare said confused but Slade smiled saying you talked to the dead ants I simple nodded Rocky spoke behind me on the stairs hold it I didn't know you could talk to the dead monsters I smiled evilly but calmed myself down the Templars have the queen ant trapped and using her to lay more eggs adding to there army and when these ants hatch they are trained and armored with the bones of other monsters there is probably a thousand ants or more already to go these attacks have only been to gage our strength and they plain on one big attack soon but they won't attack them self but with the ants and they will keep the Queen just in case their plan doesn't work so they could try again Flare face want a little white how can we kill a thousand or more monsters we can barely fight 30 let alone that that evil smile was back on my face leave that to me Slade chuckled saying do you think you could raze that many I shrugged saying I don't know till I try it besides I got these new powers I want to try I said clinching my fist Slade nodded ok Flare Rocky go tell your people to get packing and to be ready for combat as for you hunter and Layla rest you will need it I will go report to Chiron and with that they walked out leaving Layla and I alone silence feel I started at her but she was looking at the floor like a scared puppy Layla I finally said appearing in front of her I am sorry my words where harsh and you didn't deserve that she side angrily Hunter I ant angry at you but at my self you was right I was acting like my father his rage is inside me Hunter and I don't want to hurt you one day cuz of that rage I smiled gently Layla rage is in everyone you seen my rage and I your some people hide there edge some channel it some lock it way some I control mine what will you do with yours but no matter what you do I will always be her fore you and I hugged her she seemed to be shocked but slowly she huge me back I love you Layla and I am sorry for what I said that should have never have been said she side again happily and she hugged me titer saying thank you, Hunter, I accept your apology and I should say sorry to I was confused for what I asked this she said still hugging me and I felt a sharp pain on my neck she bit me drying blood there that's for binding me with your shadows she said smiling moving way from my neck a little of my blood was running down her face I chuckled do you mean like this and I snapped my fingers and the shadows bound her again she tried to move but couldn't damn you Hunter she said smiling I shrugged saying it's only fare I return the jester and I bit her on the neck the same as mine I could have sworn I heard her let out a little mown I smiled retracing my head from her neck a little blood in my mouth I turned around and started to walk way but Layla said hi what are you doing let me go I chuckled evilly I never said I would let you go after that I think you should be punished for acting like that and I gave her a warm playful smile Layla glared at me besides I said appearing behind her whispering in her ear those shadow binds you could brake with ease so maybe you want to get punishes Layla's face and ears started to turn red from embarrassment and to prove my point she reached up and pulled off the shadow chains with ease and fast as lightning she turned around and grabbed my shirt dragging me into a kiss I wrapped my arms around her this kiss got very intense minutes passed till she finally broke away we both was a little out of breath and warm she smiled at me still a little red this is are first kiss and we are in a basmati on a training ground but before she could finish I kissed her again she was shocked but didn't regret it this kiss lasted longer then the last I broke way this time smiling man I am one lucky man to have cot your eye she laughed saying it was kinda hard for you not to catch my eye how we first met we was in battle against huge mantises and hornets and you want on a killing spree and you slid under the biggest mantis and shot them in the chest like it was easy to do then used Gore with ease to kill another one how could that not catch my eye I shrugged saying you shore had a funny way of flirting with me beating me and dislocating my shoulder if I remember right yes she said but you just kept on fighting and after you just popt it back into place but what really got my eye wants all this it wasn't your skill I raised an eyebrow saying o what really cot your eye then she smiled and took off her hat showing pretty red hair but there was still patches in it when you seen me like this you didn't stare or ask questions you just nodded at it and kept on fighting and after you picked up my helmet so no one else would find out it was the kindness you showed and the understanding I smiled kissing her head saying your smoking hot and beautiful whoever can't see that is blind I hugged her and she hugged me I could feel her shaking from happiness and when your ready to show the world your full beauty I will be there right beside you supporting you I whispered to her she smiled and I could feel tears hitting my shirt beside I will also be the one to break that persons face if they say anything I said Kayla laughed and looked up to me saying thank you Hunter I am so happy we met and she kissed me this one wasn't as intense as the others or as long but it was a slow and powerful kiss it showed what we was feeling know shall we train I said smiling Layla rolled her eyes saying I can't Slade shattered Gore and she took out her sword which was just a hilt I rolled my eyes saying what would you do with out me I said taking Gore from her come we will find a smithy and I will make you a better weapon she nodded and we walked out Layla picked up Daisy as we walked up the stairs and I picked up my coat we walked out of the basement and back out side it wasn't hard to find a smithy all you had to do was fallow the black smoke and the sound of hammers hitting steel we walked into a shop what looked like a shop but the weapons I seen was just normal iron easy to break and can't kill monsters from the back room came a woman saying welcome to my shop if you need a weapon then what do you got to trade I rolled my eyes saying I ant trading anything for a hunk of iron I am here to us the forge my girlfriend sword broke and needs a new one before the battle the woman looked be over then to Layla who had her hat back on holding Daisy uhh is that so sorry kid but only real smiths can go back there I rolled my eyes again and took off from my belt my magic bag that I made I made that know can I go in she was shocked but then shook her head saying no that's just a simple magic bag any smith can make one I glared at her saying so you just said only a real smith could pass well only a real smith could make one of those this woman smiles greedily o what do you got to trade to us my forge simple your life I said smiling warmly the woman was shocked but then laughed funny joke kid but a young boy like you couldn't even match my skill let alone have any powerful weapons that could withstand waker here and she opened one of her hand and appearing in it was a spiked mace I looked it over it looked just like a normal iron mace but I could smell it's magic it was a ok magic weapon know what do you got to trade for your life and your girls life she said resting the mace on her shoulder but fast as lighting I ripped the reckless off my neck and at the same time I pulled out the switchblade pushing the button the bident farmed in my left hand and a curved dagger formed in my right hand I throw them at this woman they flew by either side of her head stuck in the wall and just to prove my point I also pulled a pistol out and pulled the hammer back this woman's eyes where wide and she was shaking as you can see I have many weapons better than yours as for my skill well Slade spirit of chaos could vouch for my skill now little girl stop being a bitch I can hear others in their so your not the boss or owner I don't even see any dirt or calluses on those smooth hands of your so get lost the woman nodded and ran out of the door I side fucking people I said putting my pistol way and grabbing my other weapons which want back to there normal farms we walked into the smithy it had many forges many was taken in the back wall was a mine I walked over to a empty forge and took off my coat pulling my tools from my magic bag I cracked my hands and neck let's get started.
