

It was still dark in the bedroom when Kane began to rise from the bed. He looked over his shoulder to see Giselle slumbering peacefully. He could smell her warm scent on the sheets. It was soft and flowery. Kane heard her lilting breath, and the sight of her rose-colored cheeks made his heart throb with joy.

She was his one and only true love. It was amazing how her very presence affected him. And now she was about to gift him with a child. It still made his head swim, thinking about all of it.

He heard the sheets beside him rustle as Giselle wiggled in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep. By the pained expression on her face, Kane assumed she was still in some discomfort from her body's continued rapid healing.

"Mmm…Kane. Where did you go?" she asked in s sleepy voice.

He observed as her hand stretched and moved over the mattress, seeking him out.

"I'm here, sweet girl."
