

As Christopher helped Rose out of bed, they walked silently down the hallway when they left their bedroom, hand in hand. Rose's tiny bare feet pattered on the wood floors as she walked alongside him.

They strolled silently through the great hall together. The two of them finally made their way into the kitchen, which was brightly lit.

The maid was busy with chores when she glimpsed something moving out of the corner of her eye. Lucy whirled around to find Lord Thorn and Lady Rose. Her brown eyes grew wide with alarm, and she let out a startled gasp.

Earlier, the bedroom had been too dark to get a clear look at them, but now she could see the extent of Rose's injuries. It was more extensive than she had imagined. 

It did not remain unnoticed. The two looked gruesome, covered in blood, as though they had bathed in it.

"Milord? Is everything all right with you?" asked the servant girl.
