

A beam of moonlight filtered through the bedroom window. There was no sign of Rose in the room. The absence of her warm body was enough to awaken Christopher from his slumber. The fog of sleep was still affecting his mind, and he was disoriented. As Chris sat up, his feet settled on the soft Aubusson rug at the edge of the bed. 

Putting on his slippers and robe, he left the room and could detect a faint light coming from the kitchen. He looked around the tiny kitchen as entered, Chris found Lucy and Rose sitting at the table. A brown Betty teapot of hot water that Lucy had heated for Rose sat on the table next to the Sangré tea tin. There was a plate of sliced cheese, apples, and grapes on which Rose was eating while she sipped her tea. A pleasant smile appeared on Rose's face when her eyes met Christopher's. Seeing her affectionate expression for him made his heart clench. 
