

The music changes, switching from the soft melody to the traditional wedding march. My death knell, really. Richard pats me on the shoulder and starts to lead me towards the plush red carpet the stretches down the aisle towards my soon-to-be husband.

"Head up," he whispers. "And do try to smile. I know you don't want to, but it's best if the old demon at least you're enjoying yourself."

I nod and straighten my spine, holding my bouquet straight and plastering a small smile on my face. It's honestly the best I can do.

We reach the carpet and turn towards the enormous cavern that is the main foyer of the crush. It's beautiful, with carved marble columns that reach the ceiling, dark-stained oak pews and breathtaking stained glass windows. The light they let in stains the marble floor red, blue and green. It's lovely, but empty and hollow like the former angel I'm about to marry. Ironically, the monstrous wooden cross that sits at the back of the church has been kept uncovered. Yet another 'fuck you' to God.

At the end of the carpet stands a bishop at his podium, his Bible hand, a warm false smile on his face. My bridesmaids line the left side of the podium, some still glaring at me. The row of demons line up the right side, standing behind my husband. I force my eyes down, hoping to avoid looking at the dark creature I've been sacrificed into marrying.

Taking one final breath, Richard begins to walk me down the aisle. The pews are lined with people, most of them demons. The only humans here besides the priest are my mother and stepfamily; the rest of my family abandoned us long ago.

I keep my head up as we walk, trying to avoid eye contact with every person in the room. I manage to catch glimpses of people in the pews. My mother and my stepbrothers sit to my left. Mom's dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief while Marcus and Daniel glare at the demons in front of them. We've grown close these last few years; they don't want to see me married off like this.

To my right sits the gorgeous Claire Harding and her group of demons. Thaltos, Silthos. . . I can never remember the last one...Darrow! That's it! The three hulking hellions sit a few seats back from the pulpit, smiling and laughing as they whisper lewd jokes to one another. Claire is dressed in a floor-length saffron-yellow gown that glows against her pale skin. Her dark hair just brushes her slim shoulders. Her grey eyes find mine as I pass her, and she smiles at me.

I can understand her reaction. She's one of the lucky ones who's had a decent time in Hell with her demons. Three sons and three loyal demons make for a fairly acceptable environment even in the pits of tortured souls.

The last person I see as we walk makes me feel a little better about my chances here. Kara Haven, infamous in the underworld for having the balls to put Lucifer in his place, sits to my right directly opposite Claire. Her long, ink-black hair has teal ribbons woven into the braid, and her sapphire demon's mark radiates off her ivory skin. Her long violet gown is fitted perfectly to her every curve. She sits beside Darian, her half-blood husband; her other lovers, Ladrian and Lyzander, sit next to Darian.

Kara also sees me, her cobalt-blue piercing my own. She grins at me, then mouths a few silent words of encouragement.

I watch her lips move. "If he gets too rough, kick him in the balls."

I nod and hold back my smile. It's valuable advice from someone who's dealt with Lucifer first-hand. I'll keep it in mind in case something goes awry and I have to defend myself against my ravenous fallen angel.

I return my gaze to the priest ahead of me. He's decked out in full catholic wedding regalia, and is smiling warmly -- albeit falsely -- at me. I smile back, my heart nearly bursting from my ribcage. I ponder the thought of running away, of turning around, picking up my dress and hauling ass out the doors of the church. It would certainly give them something to talk about, but I dispel the idea.

I'm marrying Lucifer. If I run, I'm not going to get far.
