
93. A Little Fun

Monday-Tuesday, October 30-31, 2017 (pregnancy week 34)

When Sam woke up at the first crack of daylight, her first instinct was to be annoyed.  However, as she woke further, she realized that she felt more rejuvenated than ever.  Her body didn’t ache.  Her head wasn’t fuzzy.  She actually wanted to get up and get ready for the day.  The only thing keeping her in bed now was Douglas’ warm body pressed against her while he still slept.  She snuggled with him for a little longer before she started feeling too full of energy and had to get up.  She delicately changed her clothes, but even being careful, she ripped her shirt in half.  She grumbled a curse and stole Douglas’ shirt and slipped it on over her torso before sneaking off downstairs in search of food.


When she found her way into the kitchen, Kara and Lena were already there drinking coffee and stealing kisses.  “Sam!” Kara and Lena cheered.  “How are you feeling, love?” Lena asked.


Sam beamed at them.  “I feel great, actually.  Better than I have in months!”


“That’s wonderful,” Lena returned her grin.


“Yay!” Kara clapped her hands.  “I’m so glad.”


“So, um, I might need to borrow some clothes,” Sam plucked at her boyfriend’s shirt.  “I kinda ripped my shirt in half.”


“Oops!” Kara chuckled.  “That’s not a problem.  I’m sure between the four of us, you can find something that you can wear.”


“Thanks,” Sam chuckled.  “I just need it until we can go back to the house and get me something else.  As much as I like to see Douglas with his shirt off, I’m sure he’d like this back at some point.”


Kara giggled.  “Do you want some coffee?”


“Sure,” Sam sat down on the other side of the kitchen island from them and accepted the offering from Kara.  “I don’t really feel like I need it, but I love coffee.”


“Same here,” Kara nodded.  “Same with wine and stuff.”


Sam paused.  “That’s right.  Alcohol doesn’t affect you… Us.  Crap!”


Lena laughed.  “I guess we’ll have to invest in some alien alcohol from the bar, huh?”


“Yes, please,” Sam urged.  “I’ll help with that.”


“I’ll have to make a special cabinet for that,” Lena thought aloud.


“Good morning,” the twins, Ruby and Julia greeted them.  Julia was wearing one of Jamie’s outfits.  Apparently she had had trouble with her wardrobe as well.  They all exchanged hugs and love, and Kara poured a cup of coffee for Julia.  


“What are you building a new cabinet for?” Jessie asked.


“For the alien alcohol Sam and Julia are going to need if they want to drink,” Lena replied.


“Alien alcohol?” Julia frowned.


“Yeah, regular alcohol doesn’t do anything for Kryptonians,” Kara informed her.


“Oh, I see,” Julia nodded.  “I’m not a big drinker.  Mostly just on special occasions.”


“We have plenty of those coming up,” Kara chuckled.  “It’s the holiday season!”  She raised her fists into the air in cheers.


“Woohoo!” the kids cheered with her.  “Mama, we need Halloween costumes!” Jamie told her.


Kara gasped.  “Oh!  Yeah, we haven’t really had time for that, have we?”


The twins shook their heads.


“We should do that tonight, then, huh?” Sam figured.


“Yes, please,” all three kids responded.


Douglas cleared his throat to announce his presence along with Alex and Maggie.  “Sorry to be shirtless, but someone ripped their own shirt and then stole mine,” he said pointedly at Sam.


The kids gawked at him.


“What?” he asked self-consciously.


“We knew you were strong, but we didn’t know…” Ruby trailed off so the twins finished for her.


“You looked…”


“Like that !” 


Maggie smirked.  “You mean his muscles?”


The kids nodded, clearly still fascinated by his exemplary physique.


“OK, everyone can stop staring at me now,” Douglas demanded, putting his hands on his hips.  This did nothing to dissuade them, so he crossed the room and hid himself behind Sam, using her as a shield.  She was careful not to make any sudden moves to keep from hurting him, but she leaned into his touch out of habit.  “You are all animals.”


Sam purred, making Ruby groan in embarrassment, while everyone else laughed.  “What can I say?  You’re a sexy guy,” Sam admitted.


“Thanks,” Douglas kissed the top of her head.  “Can someone please get this woman a shirt, so I can have mine back?”


Jessie was gone and back with a whoosh, T-shirt in hand.


“Thank you,” Sam accepted the plain black tee and excused herself to the bathroom to change.  When she came back, she returned the grey polo she’d stolen to it’s rightful owner.


Douglas was quick to put his shirt back on.  “That’s better.”


“Who’s making breakfast today?” Alex asked.  “I’ll give you a hint.  It’s not me.”


“Scrambled eggs and bacon for everyone!” Jessie announced.


Julia raised her hand, “Um…  I’m a vegan, remember?”


Jessie just blinked at her for a moment.  “Oh.  Right.  So, um, there’s, like, fruit and cereal and stuff?”  She looked around her for some help at suggestions.


Lena rattled off a few words that were complete nonsense to Sam, but Julia seemed pleased by the offer.


“You’re not gonna try to get us to be vegan, are you?” Jessie worried.


Julia chuckled.  “No, I don’t try to push my beliefs on people, but I do ask that you try to give me the same respect.


“Of course,” Jessie squeezed Julia affectionately.  “We respect you a lot.”


“Thanks, kiddo,” Julia hugged her back.


“What are your beliefs?” Jamie was curious.


Julia chuckled.  “Maybe we can talk about that later.  That’s kind of an in depth conversation and might be a little heavy for seven in the morning.”


“Amen to that,” Maggie agreed.  “Save serious conversations for another time.”


“OK, well, whoever’s not cooking can come watch the news with me,” Alex announced, getting up and heading for the living room.  Maggie, Lena, Sam, Douglas, and Julia followed her, leaving Kara and the kids to make breakfast.


The story of the Worldkillers hadn’t yet broken because Kara had been busy yesterday trying to help the new supers with controlling their powers, so there wasn’t really anything noteworthy in the news that morning.  By the time Kara’s story dropped today though, there was sure to be a reaction.  Whether that reaction would be good or bad remained to be seen.


Despite having gotten to work early, Snapper still didn’t seem pleased to see Kara that morning.  It was fine.  She’d give him something he couldn’t complain about.  She sat down at her desk and compiled her outline of the story she wanted to tell.  She took her time getting quotes from as many first responders and witnesses as she could get a hold of.  She kept in mind all the things she would have to leave out and tried to make sure there weren’t any holes in her story because of them.  She told the world the story of the Worldkillers and some of the truth about how they stopped them.  She claimed the women who came here as orphans, cursed with the powers and personalities of hidden monsters inside them, overcame those demons and now are back to their normal lives as good citizens of National City.  Of course, she couldn’t leave out the fact that Lena was responsible for saving the world yet again.  She wished to Rao that Alex and Eliza would let her credit them as well, but they refused whole-heartedly, so she respected their wishes.  Kara mentioned nothing about Kryptonite in the whole story.  She didn’t want rumors spreading that it was out there somewhere to be stolen.  She also kept it a secret that another kid had developed powers.  She wouldn want Ruby to be in danger.  And lastly, she kept Sam and Julia’s names out of the story for obvious reasons, though she did name Grace as the third Worldkiller that she couldn’t save.


When lunchtime rolled around, Kara dropped her copy off at Snappers desk with a flourish.  “There you are, boss.”


“About time,” he grumbled.


Her stomach echoed an unintelligible retort on her behalf.


Snapper rolled his eyes.  “What are you waiting for, a pat on the head?”


Kara tried not to let him get to her.  She turned on her heels and left the building.  She was on her way to Noonan’s when Alex called her.  “Hi, baby!” she greeted her wife.


“Hey, you want to have lunch with me?” Alex sounded almost chipper.


“I was just going to Noonan’s, you wanna meet me there?” Kara offered.


“Sounds good.  See you in a few.”  Alex hung up the phone, and Kara smiled to herself.  Things were finally back to normal, and it was a huge relief.


Kara raised her face to the sun, enjoying the warmth washing over her.  She knew she had a big dumb smile on her face, but she didn’t care.  She was going to have lunch with her wife at her favorite restaurant without any pressure to save the world.  It was nice.  


She walked the rest of the way to Noonan’s and got them a table.  When Amy and Tara spotted her from across the room, they waved.  Amy’s eyes weren’t nearly as haunted now as they were a few days ago, and that was reassuring to Kara.  Yes, it hurt that Amy didn’t want to work with her anymore, but Kara couldn’t deny that Amy and Tara were a force for good in this world, super or not.  Still, she hoped Amy would change her mind at some point.  There were lots of people in the city who could be better protected with Amy’s unique skill set.  


Alex joined her shortly, and almost as soon as she arrived, a basket of mozzarella sticks appeared on their table.  “I hope that means she’s not mad at me,” Kara chuckled.


“It’s hard to stay mad at you,” Alex reminded her.


Kara gave her a relieved smile.  “I’m glad.  I don’t like people being mad at me.”


“I don’t think she was ever mad to begin with.  Just freaked out,” Alex pointed out.


“Yeah, you’re right,” Kara knew it.  “I wish she would tell me more about her vision, though.  Maybe then I could help her through the fear.”


“Give her time,” Alex said gently.  “She’ll come around.”


Kara nodded.  “Anyway, how’s your day going?”


“Great,” Alex replied.  “It’s nice to not have the safety of the world hanging over our heads anymore.  At least for today.”


“Have you been training the girls?” Kara was curious what her wife had even been doing all day.


“Yeah, mostly.”  Alex plucked up a mozzarella stick.  “They’re coming along.  I think it’s a little harder on them in some ways, but in some ways, they have it easier.  Their hearing is starting to be more consistent now, and that’s been hard on them today.  On the bright side, they have experienced teachers.”


Kara smiled.  “You’re a great teacher, Alex.”


“Suck up,” Alex teased.


Kara giggled and playfully rolled her eyes.  “Whatever.  Take the compliment.”


Alex sighed as if this were a hardship.  “OK,” she chuckled and gave Kara a kiss.  “Thank you.”


“You’re welcome,” Kara grinned, stealing another kiss.  “Mmm, I love you so much.”


“I love you too, Angel,” Alex replied earnestly, stroking Kara’s cheek with her fingers.  “How did the article go?”


“I finished my first draft right before I left.  I’m sure it’ll have a mountain of notes by the time I get back,” Kara shrugged.  “I think it went alright, though.”


“Good.”  Alex munched on another mozzarella stick, and then Amy and Tara appeared.  “Hey guys!”


“Hi!” Amy and Tara greeted them with hugs.  “How are you guys?”


“Great!” Kara replied with a grin.  “Just wait until you hear the news later!”


“OK, we’ll look out for it,” Tara let her know.  “Alex?  How are you feeling?”


“I am ready for this baby to come out!” Alex announced.  “I can’t get comfortable no matter what I do.  I thought having only one would be easier, but it’s not right now.”


Kara grabbed her hand.  “Only six more weeks to go, baby, then we get to meet all our new little ones.”


Alex beamed at her wife’s contagious glee.  Butterflies erupted in her stomach in excitement.  Their lives were going to change drastically, but they would be OK.  Together.  “I’m really looking forward to it.”


“Ordinarily, we’d stay and chat a while, but we see that you’re getting some much needed alone time, so we’ll talk to you later, OK?” Amy and Tara excused themselves, leaving the pair alone again.


Alex pulled Kara’s arm around her shoulders, and Kara nuzzled her temple.  “Who’s my beautiful girl?” Kara whispered.


“I don’t feel beautiful right now,” Alex admitted softly.


Kara raised Alex’s chin so they were eye-to-eye.  “You are.  Trust me.  You get more beautiful every day.  I’m not lying.  I’m not sucking up.  I mean it.”


Alex blinked a few times to prevent any tears from escaping.  “Thanks, Kara,” she sighed.


“Any time, my love.”  Kara snagged a mozzarella stick before Alex ate them all.  Just one.  Alex deserved this treat much more than Kara did today.  “Thank you for everything you did to help with the Worldkillers.  I really appreciate it.”


“You’re welcome, Kara,” Alex smiled.  “I’m just glad we could save them.  I wish we could have saved the other one, but like you said, she didn’t want to be saved, and ultimately, that decision was taken out of your hands.”


“Yeah,” Kara sighed wistfully.  “I’m sorry we couldn’t save her, but I can’t be mad about saving millions of people.  I guess my ideals don’t always hold up, huh?”


Alex looked Kara straight in the eyes and replied earnestly, “Kara, I don’t want you to change your ideals.  That’s part of who you are, and you shouldn’t compromise on that.  Imra made her decision knowing that it was against your wishes.  That means that Imra is responsible for that death.  Not you.  You don’t need to change just because her way worked this one time.”


“Yeah, but it’s not just this one time, is it?” Kara pointed out.  “You’ve killed before.  How do you know when it’s the right decision?”


“When it’s their life or mine,” Alex shrugged.  “Or if I’m protecting innocent people that are in immediate danger.  Those are my choices though, Kara.  It shouldn’t change who you are.”


“I guess,” Kara  half-agreed.  In true Kara nature, she tried to put a positive spin on it, “At least, if we had to lose one, it wasn’t one that we were attached to.”


“True,” Alex nodded.  “And now you have a couple of new sisters.”


Kara beamed as brightly as she ever had.  “Yes!  How cool is that?”


“It’s very cool,” Alex grinned back at her.  


“Although, I’m not sure Jessie and Ruby would appreciate it if we said it that way to them,” Kara mused.


Alex giggled, “Probably not.”


The rest of their lunch was much more light-hearted, their conversations interspersed with light teasing and stealing each others’ food.  And of course a few kisses were stolen in between bites.  When they were through, they said goodbye to Amy and Tara, and Kara took her time flying Alex back to the DEO, trying to keep their little bubble of happiness from bursting too soon.  In fact, Kara landed on the roof of the DEO and spent a few minutes kissing Alex silly before she headed back to Catco.  It was beyond soothing to both of them.  They parted reluctantly, saying their “I love you’s” and going their separate ways for the afternoon.


Lena was hard at work at L-Corp, catching up on the workload that had been piling up over the last few weeks.  The only breaks she took were to eat, but even then, she made sure she was reading something while she fed herself.  Sam had clearly been behind even before she’d been contained at the DEO.  Until Sam got her powers under control, it was up to Lena to catch up.  However, when she heard Maggie’s ringtone, she stopped what she was doing and answered the phone.  “Hello, my love.”


“Hey, beautiful,” Maggie purred.  “How are you?”


Lena sighed.  “Swamped.  How are you?”


“I’m alright.  A little frustrated.  I was going to see if you wanted to meet for lunch, but literally as soon as the phone rang, I had a giant pile of paperwork dropped on my desk.”


“Aww, I’m sorry.  It’s OK, though, I really shouldn’t leave right now.  I have so much to do, I’m probably not going to be home before seven.”


“Have you eaten?” Maggie sounded firm.


“Yes, darling, I’m eating.  I couldn’t really ignore my hunger right now, even if I wanted to,” Lena chuckled.


Maggie huffed a laugh as well, “I know the feeling.”


“Alright, well, as much as I would love to chat, I really should get back to work,” Lena said sadly.


Maggie hummed.  “Yeah, me too.  I love you, Lena.”


“I love you too, Maggie.  See you later.”  Lena hung up the phone and immediately got back to work.


Around four-thirty, Alex rounded up Sam, Douglas, Ruby and Julia and took them back to the mansion.  The twins greeted them at the door like eager little puppies with offerings of snickerdoodles in the shape of little ghosts.  The group devoured their shares, complimenting the twins on a job well done.


Kara arrived shortly afterward.  She was in a great mood.  Her story was dropping tonight, and she was riding high on the relief of everything being over.  She was also eager to go Halloween costume shopping, but she wanted to wait for Maggie who wouldn’t be home til around five-thirty.  Alex made the kids do their homework as they were waiting for the detective while she and Kara made dinner.  


Sam, Douglas and Julia sat at the kitchen island catching Kara up on their day.  As Alex had warned Kara, the new supers were still adjusting to their new hearing and X-ray vision, so they had to take occasional breaks to let them center themselves.  Thankfully, Alex was an experienced teacher, and the techniques she’d taught them were helping.


Maggie arrived shortly before dinner was finished.  Alex and Kara greeted her with hugs and kisses and asked how her day went.  Maggie sighed.  “Today seemed like it would never end.  I had so much paperwork to fill out, it wasn’t even funny.  By the way, Lena said she wouldn’t be getting out until after seven.”


Sam pouted, feeling guilty that Lena had so much work to do.  


“Don’t worry, Sam,” Maggie told her.  “Lena’s a champ.  She can handle the workload until you get back.”


“I hope it’s not too long,” Sam groused.  “We did pretty well in practice today.”


“Glad to hear it,” Maggie smiled encouragingly.


The kids snuck into the kitchen to give Maggie hugs and kisses as well.


“You kids might as well clean up in there, dinner’s almost done,” Alex announced.


The kids put their schoolwork away, so the dining room table was clear, then they set the table for everyone.  The new supers managed to get through the whole meal without breaking anything, although a few forks got bent, but that was no big deal to the Danvers.  They made sure to leave some for Lena, but other than that, the food was gone by the time they all finished.  Next, Kara sent a text to Lena telling her that they were going shopping for costumes, and they all headed out.


Sam, Ruby and Julia were a little nervous about going in public so soon with their new powers.  Mostly, they were afraid that their strength or hearing might get them into trouble by causing a scene.  The Danvers encouraged them to try and relax and just enjoy themselves.  Stressing out would only make it worse.  Plus, the only way to really learn to get used to their powers was through time and experience and more time.


The Halloween store wasn’t too far away, so they all squished into the van and headed out.  Since it was the day before Halloween, the store was a little busy, but not overcrowded.  They browsed for a bit while everyone thought about what they wanted to be.  The store was huge, so there was a lot to choose from.  The kids oohed and ahhed over everything, trying on hats and masks and playing with swords.  


The swordplay locked in Jessie’s choice to be a pirate.  She wanted the whole look - hat, eye patch, hook, beard, everything.  Of course, Ruby just had to coordinate as a pirate princess.  The look on Jess’s face when Ruby tried on the costume was priceless.  Alex could practically see the drool on her daughter’s face.  The redhead tried not to panic.  The kids had signed a contract, so hopefully they’d keep their hands in appropriate places tomorrow night.  She had to admit, Ruby did look adorable in the pirate princess costume.  Ruby made a good princess.  She was already quite graceful and confident, and that kept her head up in a very regal manner, quite like one Ms. Lena Danvers.  All-in-all, Alex was impressed by Jessie’s restraint.  She simply gave Ruby a quick peck on the lips and held her hand after that.  That was it.


“Jamie, what’s Carter’s costume?” Kara asked chipperly.  “Maybe you can coordinate with him too.”


Jamie scrunched up her nose.  “Carter says he’s too old to dress up for Halloween.”


“Oh,” Kara pouted.  “That’s a bummer.”


“Yeah,” Jamie pouted identically.


“But you’re still dressing up, right?” Kara checked.


Jamie nodded.  “I kinda want to be a princess, but I don’t want to be one that has a wicked stepmother because I love my stepmoms, and I don’t want them to get any ideas.”


Maggie chuckled.  “You’re OK, sweetheart.  Maybe you could be…  What’s Sleeping Beauty’s name again?”


“Aurora,” Jamie replied easily.  “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”


“I think I saw the princess stuff over there,” Maggie pointed to a spot they hadn’t been yet.  “Are you looking to wow your man?”


Jamie blushed.  “Maybe.”


Maggie grinned wickedly.  “OK, let’s knock that boy’s socks off.”  She put her arm around Jamie and they walked together to go find the perfect dress with jewelry and a tiara to match.


Maggie and Sam refused to dress up, but Alex got a bright orange shirt with a jack-o-lantern face, Kara got a Dr. Strange costume, Douglas got a black T-shirt with the outline of a skeleton on it and a skull mask, and Julia got a headband with cat ears, a leopard print domino mask, and a tie-on leopard tail.  When they were finished, they headed home to meet up with Lena.


The CEO was eating her dinner when the group got home.  The Danvers all kissed her hello and showed her their costumes, beaming at her approval.  “Are you girls going trick-or-treating?”


“Yeah!” they replied excitedly.


“Is Carter going with you?” Lena wondered.


Jamie shrugged.  “I don’t think so.  I might be able to talk him into walking around with us, but he won’t dress up or trick-or-treat with us.”


Lena hummed.  “I’m sorry, darling.  Maybe he can come spend the afternoon with you.”


“I hope so,” Jamie pouted.  “I hardly ever get to see him, especially compared to how much Jessie gets to see Ruby.”


“We lived with them for months,” Alex reminded her.  “You had your time, and you can spend all the time you want with him on your school breaks coming up, so relax.”


That seemed to appease the preteen at least a little bit.


“Are we still going shopping for new electronics?” Ruby inquired hopefully.  “I miss my phone.”


Lena looked at her watch.  “If we hurry, we can still get to the store in time before they close.”


“Can I come?” Jessie begged.


“As long as you don’t go asking for every little thing,” Alex replied.  “You don’t mind if I stay home, do you?” she asked Lena.


“I don’t mind,” Lena shrugged.  “It’s probably better if we don’t all go.”


“I’ll stay home, otherwise I’m gonna be tempted by all the shiny new things,” Jamie admitted.


Kara gave Douglas a sly grin.  “You wanna drive, so I can stay home?”


“I can do that,” he chuckled, agreeing easily.  “I was planning on coming along anyway.”


Kara grabbed her car keys and handed them over.  “Have fun!”


“I’m staying too,” Maggie announced.  “I don’t know how you have any energy left.”


“Well, I did promise them,” Lena replied.  “God knows, I would be lost without my phone too.”


“We don’t have to go now, if you’re too tired,” Sam frowned.  “I don’t want you overexerting yourself.”


“I’m fine,” Lena waved her off.  “Shall we?”


Douglas drove Lena, Sam, Ruby, Jessie and Julia to the nearest store to purchase new electronics, while Kara, Maggie, Alex and Jamie stayed home and watched TV and snuggled on the couch.  It was after nine before Lena and the others arrived home, but everyone had smiles on their faces when they returned.


“Did you find everything you wanted?” Kara asked, getting up and giving Lena a hug.


“Yes, we did,” Lena replied with a kiss.  “Were you guys just watching TV this whole time?”


“And snuggling,” Kara confirmed.


Lena smiled at her, but it looked a little pained.  “How much do I need to pay you for a backrub?”


Kara hummed as she pretended to think, tapping her finger against her chin.  “Fifteen kisses.”


“Sold!” Lena giggled.  “The sooner the better.”


“Alright, it’s time for you kids to get ready for bed,” Alex announced.  “Go on.”


The kids didn’t whine or argue.  They just said, “OK,” and ran upstairs to take their showers.


“I think they’re excited for tomorrow,” Alex chuckled.  


“Yeah, Ruby loves Halloween,” Sam grinned.  “She’s so cute in her little pirate princess costume.”


“So true,” Julia agreed.  “All three of them are adorable.  I just love them.”


The parents beamed at her.


“I know they love you too,” Kara told her.


“I hope so,” Julia replied earnestly.  


Kara nodded.  “Well, I promised a back rub to Lena, which means I’ll probably end up doing the same for Maggie and Alex, so we’re gonna head upstairs.  You guys can do whatever you like, just make sure to turn the lights off before you go to bed.”


“OK, I’m gonna call my best friend and check in,” Julia said.  “Now that I have a phone again.  Hopefully she’s not freaking out too badly.”


Sam turned to Douglas, “You wanna have a nightcap with me?”


“Absolutely,” he grinned.


“I’m hoping it’ll have some sort of placebo effect until we can get some of that alien stuff,” Sam quipped.


Lena chuckled.  “I’ll see what I can do about that.”


“OK, we’re going to say goodnight,” Kara said with a little wave.  They all exchanged hugs, and the Danvers went upstairs to their room.


The next morning, the news was abuzz that Lena had saved the day again, and she was being heralded as a hero.


“Great, now I’m going to be getting a million phone calls today from people wanting a comment.  Jess is going to kill me,” Lena grumbled, only half-seriously.


“Sorry, sweetheart,” Kara chuckled.  “But look at the bright side.  You’re making a name for yourself separate from your family.  That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?”


Lena smiled at Kara.  “Yes, you’re absolutely right.  Thank you for pointing that out.  I am grateful for it.  It feels wrong, though.  I know Alex and Eliza wanted to stay out of the news, but they worked just as hard as I did to solve this problem.  Hell, if it weren’t for Eliza, we never would have thought to use the Medusa virus as a base for the cure.  I owe them everything, and there’s nothing I can think of that could possibly pay them back.”


Kara nuzzled Lena’s nose.  “I think a lifetime of love and devotion is in order.”


Lena nodded earnestly.  “I can do that.”  


As though she’d been summoned by the mention of her name, Alex appeared in the kitchen, holding hands with Maggie.  They greeted their wives with enthusiastic kisses since there was no one else around yet before helping themselves to the coffee.  The others trickled down shortly after, and Lena and Kara got breakfast started.


“Mom, can Carter come over after school?” Jamie asked.


Alex cocked her head to the side.  “I was under the impression that that was already the plan.”


“Oh.  OK, thanks,” Jamie smiled.  “Can we go trick-or-treating by ourselves this year?”


“No,” Kara and Alex replied at the same time.


“But we have our powers and our shields!” Jamie argued.  “How much safer can we get?”


“We said no,” Alex repeated.  “Mama is taking you.”


“Can I come?” Julia requested.  “Just to walk around with you, not to get candy.”


“Yes!” Kara said excitedly.


“Can I take my girlfriend out on a date tonight?” Douglas piped up.


“Ooh!  Yes please,” Sam gave them her best puppy eyes.


Kara giggled at her.  “Of course, you guys.  You deserve it.  Of course, we would appreciate it if you could return the favor sometime this week.”


“Absolutely,” Sam grinned.  “You guys earned it too.”


“Are we going back to the DEO today?” Ruby wanted to know.


“Do you feel like you need to?” Kara checked.


The preteen nodded.  “Yeah, I think one more day will do me a lot of good.  We need practice getting our bearings when there’s loud noises.  That’s been the hardest part so far.”


“Yeah,” Sam and Julia agreed.


“OK, we can work on that today.  I have the day off today, so I’ll be there to help you,” Kara informed her.


“Does that mean Alex isn’t going to help us?” Ruby pouted.


“I can be there if you want me to be,” Alex assured her.


Ruby nodded again.  “I like having both of you there.”


Alex smiled gratefully at her.  “I’m glad.  I like being there for you guys.”


Everyone basked happily in the love floating in the air as they finished eating.  When everyone was through, they all cleaned up, and after the twins’ first tutor arrived, Kara and Douglas drove everyone to work.  Douglas technically didn’t have to be at the DEO today, but he wanted to spend time with the girls, so he stuck around.


Since Ruby wanted to practice concentrating with a bunch of noise, they went down to the mess hall where it was the noisiest.  They all played different things on their phones while trying to concentrate on Kara or Alex’s voice while they talked.  Kara told them stories of Krypton, and Alex told them stories about Kara’s first few months on Earth, so that the new supers would be interested enough to really try to concentrate.  They had to take frequent breaks, but each time they were able to focus a little longer.  Kara, Alex, and Douglas praised them for their efforts constantly.  They really were doing well, especially considering they’d only had their powers for a couple of days.  Of course, they would still need considerable time to get the hang of it the way Kara had, but they were being champs about it.  In a few weeks, they’d be getting along fine, if the twins’ progress was any indication.  It might take the new supers a bit longer because their powers were stronger, but they’d be fine at any rate.  If one thing was certain, it was that these three were more than tenacious enough to get control of themselves and their powers.


In the afternoon, Kara returned their attentions to more gentleness training and power practice.  They practiced with pencils, pens, keyboards and phones, and then with their X-ray vision, heat ray, and freeze breath.  They all finally got their heat rays to work, and everyone celebrated like it was New Year’s Eve.  The other two powers were a little more patchy, but they were getting close.  


On one of their breaks, Kara took Alex aside with that little crinkle on her brow that said she was thinking hard about something.  “Alex, I want to do something really nice for Maggie.  She’s been on her own so much the last couple of weeks, and she hasn’t complained once.  I miss her, and I want to do something to show her that we didn’t forget about her.”


Alex nodded along in agreement as she spoke.  “Yeah, I agree.  She’s been so supportive, I definitely feel like we owe her. And Sam did say she was willing to take the kids later on this week,” Alex pointed out.


“Yeah,” Kara said, “I know, but I want to give her more than sex.  Yes, sex can be a part of it, if she wants it to be, but I want to do something for just her.  I get something out of sex, even if I don’t get off, so I want this to be specifically for Maggie only.”


“We could buy her a new gun?” Alex suggested.


Kara nodded thoughtfully.  “Maybe, yeah.”


“Or we could buy her a new motorcycle?” Alex grinned devilishly.


“Ooh, yes!” Kara grinned.  “I think she would really like that.  Good idea.”


“Maybe we could sneak out of here early and go do that before Maggie gets out of work,” Alex plotted.


Kara bounced excitedly.  “Yeah!”


“OK,” Alex chuckled.  “I’m in.  We’re gonna buy her the most beautiful and expensive bike money can buy.”


“Yeah, and we’ll also give her lots of extra love and snuggles and whatever kind of attention she wants for at least the next two weeks,” Kara added.


“Well, that’s a given,” Alex chuckled.  “Who among us can resist that woman’s love?”


“Not me,” Kara admitted readily.


When the pair of them returned to the training room, the others were giving them goofy smiles.


“You guys are so cute!” Julia exclaimed.


“Eavesdroppers!” Alex pointed her finger at them, but there was no menace in her tone.


Douglas laughed.  “Oh, I was wondering what they were doing.  They were just standing there, and when I asked them what was going on, they shushed me, so I was confused.”


“Sorry, babe,” Sam chuckled.  “It’s good practice though.”


“Hardy har har,” Kara smirked.


“I want to go with you guys,” Ruby requested.  “I wanna see all the cool motorcycles.”


“Don’t get any ideas,” Sam warned her.  “You can have one when you’re 18 and have the money to buy it yourself.”


Ruby pouted, “Aww.  But can I go?”


“It’s fine with me, if it’s OK with them,” Sam permitted.  


“Fine by me,” Kara shrugged.  “But you have to keep this a secret.”


Ruby mimed zipping her lips and throwing away the key.


“You guys too!” Alex pointed at the others.


“You got it, boss,” Douglas saluted her.


“Can we go right now?” Ruby asked.


“If you feel like you’re done for the day,” Kara replied.


“Yeah, I’m ready,” Ruby bounced in anticipation. 


“I think I’m gonna take Douglas home with me and relax for a little while,” Sam told them.  “Is that OK?”


“Yeah, I like the idea of going home,” Julia agreed.  She turned to Kara and Alex.  “I really appreciate everything that you guys have done for us, and it was so nice of you to let us stay with you for a couple of days, but I think I’m ready to be alone for a while.”


Alex gave her a sympathetic smile.  “Fair enough.”


“I still want to train with you guys though,” Julia amended.  “I want to learn to be a hero like Supergirl.”


Kara’s smile lit up the room.  “Yay!  OK, you go relax.  We can talk about more training later.  Are you still going with me to take the kids trick-or-treating?”


“Yes!  I’ll meet you at the house at 5:30,” Julia confirmed.


“OK, see you then!” Kara beamed.


The group exchanged hugs and well wishes as they split apart to do their own things.  


Alex directed Kara to a few of the motorcycle dealers before they found a few that Alex thought Maggie would really like.  Alex, Kara, and Ruby discussed the pros and cons of each one, and when they finally came to a decision, they called Lena to make her aware that they were making a bit of a large purchase, explaining their plan to surprise Maggie.  Lena asked for a picture of the bike they had picked out, and once she saw it, she was all on board.  It wasn’t the most expensive bike, but it was the one they most saw Maggie riding with glee.  The detective’s current bike was a Triumph Bonneville T100, and the new one was a 2018 Triumph Street Triple R.  It was a bit more sporty, but that was part of the appeal.  Maggie could have a choice between the sporty look of the new bike or the more classic look of her original depending on her mood.  They signed the paperwork and planned to have it delivered that evening.


“OK, Ruby, can you keep this a secret from Jessie?” Alex asked.  “We want this to be a surprise, and the twins will be too excited to hold it in.”


Ruby scrunched up her nose.  “I’ll do my best.”


“Just act like we’ve been training this whole time,” Alex suggested.


Ruby nodded.  “Got it.”


By the time they got home, Cat and Carter were already there.  Cat had helped herself to the bar and was drinking a glass of wine while the kids were playing pool.  Kara and Alex joined Cat on the sidelines, and Ruby joined the kids playing pool.


“So, Ruby, I hear you got powers,” Cat zeroed in on her.


“Yeah, I’m jealous,” Carter complained.  “You three have powers, and I don’t get any.”


“You’ll just have to change the world the old fashioned way, I’m afraid,” Cat chuckled.  “It worked for me, didn’t it?”


“No offense, Mom, but I don’t want to do what you did,” Carter rebutted.  “Maybe I’ll be like Winn and do all the computer stuff.”


“Yeah!” the girls cheered.


“That’s a great idea,” Kara agreed.  “We’d be completely lost without him!”


“I’m OK with that,” Cat nodded.  “You’ll be safer than them.”


“Hello?” Lena called from the entryway.


“Lena!”  Everyone cheered and greeted her with hugs and kisses.


“You’re home early,’ Alex commented.  “I thought you’d be gone all night again.”


“Yes, well, I wanted to be here for you know what,” Lena smirked.


“What?” the twins and Carter asked.


“You’ll see,” Alex winked.


Assuming it was something they didn’t want to know about, the kids rolled their eyes and went back to their game.


“Lena, darling, you’re quite the popular woman today,” Cat grinned.  “How does it feel?”


Lena shook her head and laughed.  “It’s surreal.  I’m so used to people hating me.  I’ve barely gotten used to being loved by my family, so forgive me if I’m a little cautious.”


Cat was clearly satisfied with getting a candid answer from the CEO.  “Oh, Lena, I wish you could see yourself through the eyes of the people who love you.  You’re an extraordinary woman, and this world is lucky to have you.”


Lena’s lip trembled as she fought back tears.  “Thank you, Cat,” she said earnestly, knowing how rare it was for Cat Grant to dote on anyone.  “That means a lot.”  She hugged the founder of Catco tightly.


Kara and Alex grinned at them.


“Anybody home?” Maggie called from the foyer.


Kara super sped into the front hallway and cheered, “Maggie!”


“Hey,” the detective smiled at her cheerful greeting.  “How’s it going?”


“Great!”  Kara tugged Maggie into her arms and gave her a nice long kiss.  “Mmm, so good.”


“Did you miss me or something?” Maggie chuckled.


Kara nodded emphatically.  “Yes, I’ve been missing you a lot lately.”


“Aww,” the Latina mock pouted.  “Well, I’m here now.  What would you like to do with me?” She asked with a wicked grin.


Kara growled.  “I can think of quite a few things, but for now, I just want to kiss you some more.”  She pulled Maggie in again and kissed her deeply.  When Kara pulled away, Maggie was panting a bit, but she was smiling.  “I love you so much, Maggie.”


“I love you too, Kara.”  Maggie looked around.  “Where is everyone?”


“In the pool hall,” Kara replied.  “Come on.”  Kara took Maggie by the hand and led her to the east wing of the house.  “Look who I found!” she sang in announcement.


“Maggie!” Everyone cheered.  Lena and Alex kissed her hello, and everyone else gave her hugs.  


“Have you guys eaten yet?” Maggie asked.  “I’m starving.”


“Not yet, but I can get you a snack,” Kara offered.


“Yes, please,” Maggie nodded.


Kara excused herself to the kitchen to get Maggie some food.


Lena leaned over and whispered to Alex, “When is the surprise getting here?”


“Soon,” Alex whispered in reply.


Maggie raised her brow at them.  “What are you guys whispering about?


Lena winked at her with a smirk.  “You’ll see.”


Kara returned with some cheese and crackers for Maggie.  “Here you go, honey bunny.”


“Thank you,” the detective replied with a kiss.  “I think I’m going to start dinner after this.  Anyone want to help?”


Literally everyone in the room volunteered.


“OK,” Maggie chuckled.  “Let’s do this.”


Before she could get very far, the gate buzzer went off.  Lena used her phone to answer.  “Hello?”


“Yeah, I have a bike delivery for Danvers,” the man answered.


Lena grinned, “Excellent.  Please pull up to the garage, and we’ll meet you out there.”  She opened the gate to let the man in, and urged everyone to follow her.


“A bike delivery?” Maggie repeated as she followed Lena outside.  “Did you buy a new motorcycle?”


Lena turned around and wiggled her eyebrows with a smirk, saying nothing.


Maggie laughed.  “Are you planning on riding as soon as you give birth, or what?”


Lena giggled.  “We’ll see.”


When they got outside, the delivery guy was just pulling the new bike off the trailer.


Maggie gasped.  “Holy shit, that’s beautiful!”


Everyone oohed and ahhed over the new shiny toy.


Alex laced her fingers together with Maggie’s.  “You like it?”


“Oh yeah,” Maggie breathed.  


“It’s yours, Mags,” Alex informed her.


Maggie blinked.  “Wait, what?”


Kara took her by the other hand.  “Maggie, you’ve been so supportive and wonderful through all the crazy stuff that’s been going on this month.  We wanted to do something to say thank you.”


The detective couldn’t control the stream of tears running down her cheeks.  “Wow,” she shook her head.  “I’m speechless.”


“Check it out,” Lena invited, waving her hand towards the motorcycle.


Maggie walked slowly forward, in awe of her gift.  She traced her fingers along the edges, teary eyes everywhere at once.  “I can’t believe you guys did this.  Thank you so much.”


“I know it’s no substitute for actual quality time, but we plan on giving you that too,” Kara told her with another kiss.


“So that’s why you’re being so affectionate today,” Maggie chuckled.


“I told you we missed you,” Kara laughed with her.


Maggie kissed her wives appreciatively.  “I missed you too, if I’m being honest.  Thank you so much.”


“You’re welcome,” her wives replied happily.


“OK, as amazing as this is, I’m starving and I want to get dinner ready.”  Maggie gave her wives one more kiss each.  “Who’s helping?”


The kids stopped bouncing and gawking over the bike long enough to offer their help.


“OK, I’ll take Jamie and Carter, come on,” Maggie waved them after her.


Kara pushed the new Triumph into the garage and then they all started to go inside, but they were stopped by a car horn at the gate.  It was Douglas and Sam.  Lena unlocked the gate, and the couple pulled in and joined the group as they went inside.  All four kids followed Maggie into the kitchen, and everyone else went into the living room.


“Are you going trick-or-treating with us tonight?” Jessie asked Maggie.


The detective shook her head.  “No offense, but I’m tired, so probably not.”


Jessie pouted.  “OK.”


Jessie and Ruby sat at the kitchen island to stay out of the way while the other three got dinner ready.  When Maggie cried out in pain, they surrounded her to ask her what was wrong.


“It’s OK.  It’s OK,” Maggie assured them.  “The baby just kicked me really hard, that’s all.”


“Little sister!  You be nice to Mommy!” Jamie chastised her belly.  “You don’t have to make dinner, if you don’t want to,” she told Maggie.  “We can handle it.”


“No, it’s OK.  I can do it,” Maggie told her.  “I’m fine, now.”


“You’re sure?” Jessie checked.


“Yes, loves, I’m fine.  I promise.  If something was wrong, I would let you know immediately.”


“OK, that really scared me,” Jessie admitted, and the other three kids agreed.  


“I’m sorry, honey,” Maggie stroked her cheek.  “It startled me too, if it makes you feel any better.”


“Not really,” Jessie pouted.  “I didn’t know being pregnant was so painful.  I feel bad.”


“It’ll be OK,” Maggie promised.  “In a few weeks, all the pain will be over, and we’ll have some beautiful little babies.”


The kids beamed at her.  


“I’m so excited!” Ruby bounced on her toes.


Maggie grinned.  “Me too.  I know I was really mad about getting pregnant at first, but now I’m really looking forward to all of our new little ones.”


Jamie sighed in relief.  “I’m glad.  I’m still sorry about that, but I’m glad you’re not mad anymore.”


Maggie nodded and pulled Jamie into a hug.  “I forgive you, kiddo.  Really and truly.”


“Thank you,” Jamie sniffled.


“You’re welcome,” Maggie kissed her on the head.  “I’ll be right back, I have to use the restroom, of course.”


The kids giggled and started getting things ready while they waited for her to return.  Since the four of them were all willing to help out, Jessie and Ruby volunteered to peel potatoes for mashed potatoes.  It was a rare treat since it was a bit time consuming with all the people they had to cook for.  Ruby smooshed a few on accident, but no one made fun of her, although Jessie did giggle a little bit, but not in malice.  It was pretty funny, especially the look on Ruby’s face when she did it.


The five of them worked together, and dinner was done before they knew it.  They called in the others, and they all sat down to eat.  Julia had arrived around five-thirty as promised, but thankfully, she had already eaten dinner because there was no way the vegan was going to want to eat the pork chops they’d fried up.  Still, she sat at the dining table with them, while Cat quizzed her about her life.  It was clear that the founder of Catco was trying to be accommodating while also being cautious about who was around her adopted family.  It was endearing, and Julia handled it gracefully, making Kara proud to know them both.


When dinner was over, they hurried to clean up, so everyone could get ready for trick-or-treating.  Sam and Lena helped Ruby get dressed and did her makeup in the sun room, while Kara, Alex and Maggie helped the twins get ready in the Master bedroom.  When Ruby was ready to be presented, Lena poked her head in the bedroom door to make sure it was safe before she let everyone see their handiwork.  


“Tada!” Lena sang as Ruby made the big reveal.


Everyone gasped in awe, and Jessie’s heart raced.  Lena had given Ruby a smoky, egyptian eye look with a dark blush and a dark red shade of lipstick.  It made the girl look quite a bit older than she really was.


“Oh my gosh, Ruby!  You look amazing!” Jessie’s voice was filled with wonder.  “Wow.”


“Thanks!” Ruby blushed.


“I really want to kiss you right now, but I’m afraid of messing up your makeup,” Jessie admitted.


“You guys can make out later.  You should really get going soon,” Lena insisted.  “It’s already after six.”


Jessie zeroed in on the wrong part of the point Lena was trying to make.  “We can?”


“I beg your pardon?” Lena asked.  “You can, what?”


“Make out later?” Jessie squeaked in embarrassment.


Lena blinked, reviewing what she’d just said.  “Oh.  Well, I didn’t really mean it like that.  I’m sorry.  I’m not the one who can give you permission for that.”


“Why not?” Jessie frowned in confusion.  “You’re one of my parents now, right?”


Lena looked to Kara and Alex for assistance, but they were smiling at her.  “We’re with her,” Alex pointed at Jessie.  “You know the rules.  You signed the contract as a parent.  You know what we expect of them, why can’t you give them permission for things?”


“Oh,” Lena said softly and thought about that for a second.  “Then, I guess, yes, you kids can have some alone time tonight.  You’ve earned it.  Just remember the rules, and remember there’s a lot more people with super hearing right now, and I’m sure they will be checking in on you on occasion.”


“But not spying!” Kara amended.


Jessie looked at them cautiously, but hopeful.  “Promise?”


“I promise,” Kara crossed her heart with her finger.


The kids all bounced happily.


Next was the big reveal of Jamie to Carter.  They all headed downstairs where Douglas, Cat, Carter and Julia were waiting for them.  Kara had done Jamie’s makeup, giving her blue and silver eye shadows, a light pink blush, and a bright pink lipstick.  With her hair down, curling around her shoulders, and the dress and the tiara, Jamie looked every bit the princess that she wanted to portray.


The look on Carter’s face was priceless.  You’d think he was staring into Heaven itself.  At first, he didn’t even say anything.  He just stood there with his mouth open until Jamie asked him how she looked.  He swallowed hard.  “So beautiful.  Wow.”  Jamie grinned at him, and he couldn’t help but return it.  


“Picture time!” Kara announced.  She arranged everyone to take pics until they all wanted to strangle her from how many she was taking.


“OK!  Let’s go, let’s go!” Jessie begged.


“OK!” Kara relented.  She checked her drawn-on Dr. Strange goatee in the mirror.  “Do I look OK?”


“Yes!” Jessie huffed.  “Come on!”


“OK!”  Kara kissed her wives before she and the kids headed out the door.  “Love you guys!”


“Love you too!  Have fun!” Alex called after them.


“Call me when my son is ready to come home,” Cat requested.  “I’m going to hang out with Eliza.”


“OK, cool.  Have fun!”  Alex and the others hugged her goodbye, and she headed out.


“We’re gonna go see a movie,” Sam told the three mothers-to-be.  “We’ll be back in a few hours.”


Maggie chuckled.  “All this time apart, I would’ve thought you guys would want to fuck like rabbits by now.”


Sam blushed, and Douglas laughed.  “We did that earlier,” he confessed.


“Ah,” Maggie smirked.  “That explains it.”


“Sam broke the headboard,” Douglas smirked.


Sam gasped indignatly and elbowed him.


“Oof!” he gasped.  “Easy, babe.  You’re not human anymore.  You might hurt poor little ol’ me.”


Sam rolled her eyes, “Oh, I’ll hurt you alright.”  Her words were threatening, but her eyes sparkled with mirth.


“Ooh, promise?” Douglas teased.


“Oh, God.”  It was Alex’s turn to roll her eyes.  “Enjoy your movie.”


“Thanks,” the couple replied.  “See you soon.”  They waved happily as they walked out the door.


Now that the mothers-to-be were alone, they decided to raid the ice cream stash and watch a movie of their own.  Without Kara, they could watch a scary movie without any complaining, so they put on Saw and snuggled into the couch together.


“You know, I’m really proud of you guys,” Maggie told the two on either side of her.


“You are?” Alex smiled.


Maggie nodded.  “Yeah.  You guys helped Sam and Julia and all those people in the future.  Of course, I’m always proud of you, but this was a big deal.  I thought I should tell you.”


Alex leaned over and kissed her.  “Thank you.”


“Yes, thank you,” Lena agreed, giving Maggie a kiss too.


“I can’t believe you guys bought me a new bike,” Maggie said thoughtfully.  “I did not see that coming.  I can’t wait to ride it.”


Lena and Alex grinned at her.  “You deserve it,” Lena replied.


“How?” Maggie wondered.  “You guys are the ones that saved the world.  You should’ve bought yourselves something.”


Lena and Alex giggled.  “We couldn’t have done it without your support, Mags,” Alex pointed out.  “I know there are a lot of people in the world that wouldn’t have been so supportive with us being gone so much for so long.”


“I guess that’s true,” Maggie mused.  “I know I’ve been accused of being too obsessed with my job in the past, and women haven’t been so understanding with me.  I just didn’t want to be that girl.”


“And we greatly appreciate that,” Lena replied.


“And we love you very much,” Alex added.


Maggie grinned.  “I love you both very much too.”


Alex and Lena took turns kissing Maggie into a big puddle of mush, largely ignoring their movie for a while.  Eventually, Maggie pulled away, claiming she was too turned on to continue.  Lena and Alex conceded, since neither of them could really get her off right now with all their big pregnant bellies in the way.


“It’s OK,” Alex soothed.  “Sam owes us a night or two away from the kids.”


“I should hope so, since those two have gotten to fuck, but we haven’t,” Maggie chuckled.  “You think she’ll take them the whole weekend?”


“We can ask,” Lena purred.  “I’m sure she won’t mind.”


Alex nodded, stroking Maggie’s hair.  “I know Kara will be happy to finally get to have sex again after all this craziness.”


“I bet,” Maggie laughed.  “I thought I was a horndog.”


“It’s all that Kryptonian energy,” Lena giggled.


Alex laughed along with them.  “Can’t argue with that.”


The three of them settled down and finished their movie.  When it was over, they headed into the kitchen to get some food.  They put some cookies in to bake, and munched on raw veggies and dip while they waited.


“God, this would be such a perfect night to get drunk,” Maggie lamented.


Alex sighed.  “I agree.”


Lena smiled wryly.  “Yeah.”


“I wonder when the kids will be home,” Alex said when she noticed it was after nine.


“They must be having fun,” Maggie figured.


The oven timer beeped, letting them know the cookies were done.  Alex took them out of the oven and set them aside to cool, then resumed her seat at the kitchen island with her wives.


About fifteen minutes later, Kara, Julia, and the kids returned with huge grins on their faces.


“Mom, look how much candy we got!” Jessie showed her little pumpkin that was almost overflowing with treats.


“Holy crap!” Alex exclaimed.  “You guys made out like bandits, huh?”


The kids nodded emphatically.  “Yeah!”


“Don’t eat it all in one sitting, please,” Alex chuckled.  “Not that it’ll hurt you, but still.  Savor it a little.”


“OK,” the kids shrugged.  


Jessie pulled out a full-sized snickers bar and jammed half of it into her mouth.  “Mmm!”


“Oh, cookies!” Kara noticed.  “Can I have one?”


“You can have one ,” Alex permitted.  “Don’t think we don’t know you’re going to go out tomorrow and buy fifty dollars worth of leftover Halloween candy for yourself.”


Kara scoffed indignantly.  “Be nice to me, or I won’t share.”


“Fine,” Alex sighed melodramatically.  “You can have two.”


“Thank you, baby!”  Kara kissed Alex on the cheek and stole two cookies off the rack.


“Where the heck did you guys go to get full-sized candy bars?” Maggie wanted to know.


“We just went around through the subdivisions down the street,” Kara replied with her mouth full.


“Everybody loved our costumes!” Jamie told her family.  


Alex grinned.  “I’m glad, baby.  You all look fantastic.  Did you have fun?”


The kids all confirmed that they did, even Carter, who didn’t have any candy.


“Can we go upstairs now?” Jessie requested.


Alex sighed.  “I guess.”


The kids shot out of the kitchen like rockets, their feet thundering up the stairs.


“Oh, God!” Alex put her hands over her face.  “I’m glad I don’t have super hearing.”


Julia chuckled.  “Yeah, that was kind of loud.”


Kara played some music on a low volume.  “I don’t want to hear what comes next,” she explained.


The others giggled.


About five minutes later, Sam and Douglas showed back up to pick up Ruby.


“I don’t think the kids are ready to leave yet,” Maggie informed her.  “We promised them alone time.”


“Ah.  I see,” Sam replied.  “It’s getting late, though.”


“Yeah, I should call Cat,” Alex acknowledged.  She called Ms. Grant and let her know that the kids would be ready by the time she arrived.


The group made small talk until Cat Grant arrived, and then Kara called the kids down to say goodnight.  Everyone exchanged hugs and kisses and love, and their guests all went back to their own homes.


“Alrighty kiddos, it’s time for showers and bed,” Alex told the twins.  “It’s late.”


“OK, Mom,” they replied.  “Love you guys.”  They gave their parents hugs and kisses and headed upstairs to get ready for bed.


Likewise, the four parents went upstairs to wash up and head to bed themselves.


“Did you guys have fun while we were gone?” Kara asked her wives.


“Yeah, we pigged out on ice cream and watched a scary movie,” Alex replied.


“Good for you,” Kara chuckled.  “I hope the rest of the week goes smoothly.  If it’s OK with you guys, I’d really like to go back to Argo this weekend and see if I can get my mom to come visit.”


“I think you should,” Lena answered.  “We want to meet her.”


“She’s going to love you guys so much,” Kara grinned.  “I know it.”


The moms-to-be smiled hopefully.


“I can’t believe she didn’t flip out on you when you told her you had three wives,” Alex shook her head.


“Yeah, me too,” Kara chuckled.  “She said she might still yell at me later, but she was too happy to see me at the time.”


Her wives giggled.


When they were through washing up, they headed to bed for the night, exchanging hugs and kisses and “I love you’s.”  They snuggled up together and fell asleep easily.
