
Chapter 2

December 7th, 2042California, San Fransisco Bay

San Fransisco Bay, one of the busiest and most popular trade centers of the American west coast. The harbors were all filled with commercial trade vessels coming in and out from the United States, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Australia, and Chile.

With current rising tensions, the United States Armed Forces had taken the liberty of increasing coastal patrols and beefing up defenses on Treasure Island.

The island was a heavily fortified and armed fortress in the middle of the bay with several military installations and bunkers. Two important facility were the Aegis Ashore structures that handled tactical data and target acquisition for all it's armaments aimed for the defense of the bay. Such armaments included Phalanx LPWS with the M61 Vulcan, Mk 41 VLSs, AN/SEQ-5 LaWS, and 16in Mk 10 railguns.

The railgun was a technological weapon system designed by the United States. Earlier stages ran into several complications, but further research and development sorted them out and perfected the weapon system. The current gun was capable of accelerating a mix of kinetic and canister rounds at over five thousand miles per hour with a range of five hundred miles. Currently the United States was the only nation to field and operate such weapons, with no evidence from the Axis or Communists nations fielding their own operational railguns.

The use of railguns however required for the island base to have it's own reactor to provide enough power for them to function.

"Can I get you anything to drink sir?" A waitress asked to a man aboard a lunch cruise leaving from the bay as he set down the menu and looked up at her.

"Sure, I'll take the, uh...Spicy Strawberry Margarita for now."

"Very good sir. Give us a moment and I'll be back with your drink." The waitress departed and left the man's presence as he continued looking at the list of menu items for his lunch.

Robert Jones, age twenty three, height of six foot eight inch, white skin, brown hair and eye irises, born in 2019 in a rural farm ranch of Austin, Texas. Born in a farming family as the eldest of two brothers and one sister, he was raised to be a hard worker. Working on the field and with livestock for most of his childhood and teenagehood. At age nineteen he moved away from the rancher lifestyle and enlisted into the marine corps, earning the rank of corporal and later joining MARSOC and completing all requirements. Having just finished his graduation from ITC, he earned the rank of sergeant and was given some military leave which he planned to spend trying out new experiences. This lunch cruise was one of such experiences.

Unfortunately, his would be cut short as screaming was suddenly heard from outside. It wasn't the screams of someone upset or overjoyed, but a scream of terror which was added by more screams followed by several passengers running past his window outside, and responded to by ship security who were armed with Sig Sauer P320 handguns.

Catching his attention, Jones stood up from his table and made for the exit just as the waitress was approaching with his drink. "Uh sir, where are you going?" She asked him but didn't get a response as he left to the outside of the ship to investigate the commotion.

Just as he stepped outside the doors, two passengers rushed past and nearly bumped into him in fleeing panic. "Hey, what's going on?" He tried calling out to one of them but didn't get a response as they ran away.

However he would get his answer either way as the source of the commotion revealed itself followed by one of the security guards getting shot by an arrow to the throat. The guard slumped backwards with his corpse falling off the side of the ship. This triggered the fight response in John who reached into his open carry holster and whipped out his personal S&W Model 625 chambered for .45 ACP with a 5in barrel length.

The gun was chosen as his civilian carry based off his Texas origin, and became his most favorite and second most proficient weapon. His was customized with a wooden grip and snake carved into it, and a carbon steel frame. Tritium glow in the dark sights were also added with two moon clips ready with extra .45 ACP rounds.

Pulling his gun up, he aimed down at the place where the security guard was just murdered as the assailant made themselves visible from around the corner. Out came a strange man in strange uniform that didn't even match with modern day standards for fashion. The uniform resembled more like ancient Asian styled armor with plates resembling dragon scales and a pointed helm with a visor using a straight slit for the eyes to see through. Whoever the man was, he was wielding a bow and noticed the off duty marine, taking aim and firing a single arrow.

Jones ducked as the projectile shot over him, readjusting his aim and popping off a single shot from his revolver. The bullet struck the man dead center of the chest as he was thrown back and killed from the impact force and penetration of the bullet.

It didn't stop there however as two more men, wearing the same armor but carrying spears, came around and charged the marine, yelling a battle cry in revenge of their fallen comrade. They too were dropped as Jones fired two more shots that killed both of them in the same manor as the first.

"What the hell is going on here? Who the hell are these guys?" The marine asked himself as he began rushing towards where the three men came from, jumping over the bodies and rounding the corner. As he did so, he came across the bodies of several dead passengers and crew members as more men in the same uniforms were going around and stabbing the bodies to make sure they were dead. One of them spotted Jones and shouted something to his comrades, catching their attention as they began charging at him. One was holding what looked like an ancient musket and fired off a shot with a loud bang and large discharge of smoke.

A small 2cm stone ball shot out and missed passed the marine, striking the wall beside him and blasting off a small chunk of it. At this, Jones immediately began a retreat as the armed men followed behind him. Three more gunshots echoed across the ship as he fired back and killed three more of them.

Meanwhile around the ferry, hundreds of wooden vessels with flat bows and shaped sails began crowding outside the bay and boarding all commercial and civilian vessels they came into contact with. Some were even firing bolts with flame tips from ballistas, and stones from swivel guns and cannons. Several dragon like creatures were taking off from some of the larger ships and were harassing the large commercial ships while destroying smaller civilian boats.

However during all of this, multiple ships were sending out distress signals to alert the navy.

San Fransisco is under attack.


Pacific Ocean11th Carrier Strike Group

Among the fleet out on patrol in the pacific ocean was the 11th Carrier Strike Group, consisting of six Laffey class guided-missile destroyers, two Sumter class guided-missile cruisers, two Constellation class guided-missile frigates, one Virgina class fast-attack submarine, and the Micheal M. Gilday class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Micheal M. Gilday (CVN-101).

It was the closest group of naval vessels in active service near the United States west coast, operating about five hundred nautical miles from the coast as the ships within remained vigilant for any hostile threats from either the Soviet Navy or People's Liberation Army Navy. However a disturbing flood of reports started to reach them as they became more aware of a developing situation at the San Fransisco Bay.
