(AN: Any suggestions for updating this timeline please message me or leave a comment.)
1776 — The Declaration of Independence is created and signed, announcing the American colonies as an independent nation and addressing the unalienable rights to all men.
1783 — The American Revolution comes to ends with the former American colonies victorious with the assistance of the French Navy.
1787 — The Constitution is written and made official, setting the new foundation for what is now the United States of America.
1789 — The French Revolution kicks off and comes to a close with the Royal Family being overthrown and beheaded and Napoleon crowned as the new emperor.
1800 — Slavery is officially abolished in the United States following a compromise written in the Constitution.
1803 — The United States purchases the Louisiana territory from the French First Republic in what is now called the Louisiana Purchase.
1812 — The United States declares war on Great Britain after enforced restrictions on trade and a desire to expand territory up north. The war concluded with a United States victory after the British were forced to abandon the territories and withdrawal their fleet to fight an increased attack by Napoleon.
1815 — Napoleon is defeated and exiled to the island of Saint Helena, soon dying of stomach cancer. Louis XVIII was installed as king of France with peace returning to Europe.
1831 — Native American Tribes are relocated within the territories of Oklahoma and Kansas. Years later, the territories become official states resulting in the Native Americans gaining United States citizenship.
1845 — The United States begins it's Manifest Destiny, expanding westward into unclaimed territories to claim new lands for settlers, reaching towards the western coast.
1848 — The Mexican War kicks off with Mexican troops firing on American troops. The war wages for nearly two decades due to Mexican resolve, but ends with the United States as the victors with new innovations made such as the ironclad and repeating rifle.
1866 — The United States officially annexes the territory of Mexico, establishing itself as a legitimate superpower and dominate force over the American continents.
1867 — The United States purchases the Alaskan territory from Russia.
1898 — The Spanish-American War kicks off following the sinking of the USS Maine. The United States emerges victorious and claims the Cuban islands, later annexing them.
1899 — The First Philippine Republic establishes it's independence from Spain, backed by the United States. The Philippines become the first democratic republic runned nation in Asia.
1914 — The Great War begins with the countries of Europe and Asia in total war. The United States remains neutral, but assists Great Britain and it's allies with shipments of guns and ammunition.
1917 — United States enters the war against the Central Powers following the destruction of two American merchant vessels. They entered in what they believed to be the WAR TO END ALL WARS. It ended nothing.
1918 — The Great War comes to an end with Allied victory over the Central Powers.
1919 — Germany signs the Treaty of Versailles, reducing it's military and giving up several territories. The United States was against this treaty, believing that the terms were too harsh and unnecessary, and would cause problems in the future.
1921 — Following the treaty of Versailles, the United States signs a separate treaty with Germany in where the United States would assist in finance and rebuilding of the German infrastructure.
1922 — The Soviet Union is founded, establishing itself as the dominant power of Eastern Europe. Soon to become one of the main future rivals of the United States.
1923 — The Equal Rights Amendment is passed, giving equal rights to women within the United States of America.
1929 — The Great Depression takes place as stock prices in the United States and rest of the world collapse.
1933 — The New Deal is established as the United States initiates several public project and financial reforms to stabilize and repair the fractured United States economy.
1934 — Hitler rises to power over Germany with the establishment of the 3rd Reich. World tension begins to build into what will escalate as a result from the Treaty of Versailles.
1939 — Nazi Germany invades Poland, marking the beginning of what will become known as the Second World War.
1940 — Nazi Germany invades France, annexing it as a pro Axis nation before setting it's sights on Britain and initiating a series of bombings. The United States established itself as neutral, but participated in exporting guns, ammo, and equipment to the British defenders.
1941 — Nazi Germany conducts Operation Barbarossa, attempting to invade the Soviet Union in a blitzkrieg attack. Meanwhile, the United States issued an embargo on exports of oil to Imperial Japan, resulting in the Attack on Pearl Harbor.
The United States officially declares war on the Empire of Japan. However in response, Hitler and Mussolini do not declare war, fearing bringing in the United States directly may spark disaster for them, allowing the United States to focus it's forces entirely against Japan in the Pacific Ocean.
1945 — The Pacific Theater concludes with United States victory over the Empire of Japan. Following an unconditional surrender after the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
1946 — The war ends after an escalation of attrition in Europe, coming to a close with the signing of a treaty between Churchill, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin.
Germany keeps Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, while France is converted into a puppet nation with a Pro-Axis government.
The USSR receives back all it's conquered territories from the Nazi Regime and annexes Finland.
Italy receives Albania, Greece, Tunisia, and Libya.
Meanwhile, the United States claims Japan and Korea under it's sphere of influence.
1947 — The world enters the Cold War, divided into three factions. The Allies with the United States, Great Britain, and Australia. The Axis with Germany, Italy, and France. The Communist Bloc with the USSR and later the CCP. All three sides conduct a massive arms race against each other should they have to go to war.
1948 — Germany is faced with several resistance movements rising up in Poland, while helping the new Axis France with remaining resistance cells.
1949 — China becomes communist following the take over of the Chinese Communist Party. They join with the Soviet Union in the Communist Bloc, but relations are not stable.
1953 — Stalin dies and is replaced by Nikita Khrushchev who initiates the de-Stalinisation of the USSR.
1955 — The Vietnam war begins with Nazi Germany intervening agains the Vietcong due to their relations with France. The war goes in for two months with Germany and South Vietnamese forces capturing the city of Hanoi. Unexpectedly, China gets involved and takes the Germans by surprise. In response, Germany issued the use of several nukes to impede the Chinese advance. Four months later, China pulled out following a peace agreement resulting in an Axis Vietnam.