
The Gathering

Kattegat was tense. The citizens were not forcibly taken to fight, for only warriors were meant to die on the battlefield. Fathers and sons saw this as an opportunity to gain honor. There was no need to compel the men or boys, they were eager to fight..

Death was a welcoming thought because it is better to die on the battlefield as opposed to dying in their beds as old men with nothing to look back on.

The Vikings were confident of victory and this was partly because of King Askild's presence on the battlefield, a week passed and everyone was preparing for the war with Vestfold.

The Vikings King Askild called were just as strong, if not stronger than Erik and Asger.

But Herfjötur was in a league of her own. Despite being one of the strongest warriors in Kattegat, she was often looked down upon by her peers simply because she was a woman.

In the throne room, they all stood, with 3 new faces present. Everyone but Birger had arrived in Kattegat and was ready for war. Each had a unit they commanded personally with Viking warriors they trusted but all wore the arm rings of the Viking that led them and not of King Askild.

 These warriors bore the arm rings of their immediate leaders, but their leaders wore the arm rings of King Askild, signifying their ultimate loyalty to him.

A massive, muscular man stepped forward. He had long, dark hair, a neatly-trimmed goatee, and remarkably large lips. He had tribal tattoos covering his left arm, multiple piercings in his left ear, and numerous scars stemming from a lifetime of battles. He went by the name of Skarde and was in his mid-thirties.

"King Askild, I am honored that you deemed me fit to partake in this war..." Skarde began, pausing to glance at Erik.

"...Even a less civilized man has use." Skarde finished his sentence but this dig was aimed at Erik, who scoffed in return but he kept quiet because he was in the presence of their King.

Despite being known as a Berserker, Erik was a tamed one before King Askild.

"War with Vestfold and a pardon for that bastard, Birger." A younger man said, he was the youngest in the room, aged twenty-five.

He was an average-sized and handsome man, he had a kind face and a slender body. He has long, light hair, tied into a high ponytail, and green eyes. He went by the name Ulrik.

"We still do not know who took the life of Egil. I think we should hang anyone to take the responsibility for his death and forget about it because the citizens will see you, King Askild, as one incapable of bringing justice to those that commit such atrocities." A man with an eye patch over his left eye suggested that no one will be able to trust the person beside her.

He was 6 '1, but he was also muscular, he went by the name Sven.

Askild kept quiet, watching them talk without a care in the world irritated him but now was the time to hear their thoughts and contribution regarding the upcoming war.

Birger was the one missing. He was critical to their plans, but Askild knew the likelihood of his cooperation was slim due to the grudge he bore against him. Kissing his teeth in irritation because this took a dig at his pride reaching out for someone he had exiled despite his atrocious crime. He knew Asger to be a calm and collected man but he did not blame him for losing his head over the development, as any husband and father would.

"Do not forget your place. I am willing to hear your suggestion about the war, not about how to rule my kingdom." Askild said in a blood-curdling tone that instantly made them sink back into their shell.

He was seated firmly on his throne, and the authority he commended was still as firm as ever and no one dared question it.

"Ragnar, what do you think about this?" King Askild asked him, and everyone was surprised why he asked this man because most of them just met Ragnar for the first time.

"I do not think hanging an innocent man will do the trick because if another killing occurs, everyone in Kattegat will doubt you, and with doubt comes mistrust. Whoever this person was, his only target was Egil Iversen and no one else." Ragnar said with full confidence, this assessment was not the whole truth as Askild was aware that they also went for the life of Ragnar Lothbrok. Ragnar has not even told his wife because the gag order given by his King was still active.

Herfjötur smiled, impressed by Ragnar's reasoning. During her week in Kattegat, she had also learned that Ragnar had taken a slave as a son, though she hadn't seen the boy herself.

"Ragnar Lothbrk, I have heard about you and I can see you live up to your reputation. It is an honor," Sven said, instantly trying to be in the good graces of Ragnar because he recognized that Askild held him in high regard. Getting along with Ragnar was the best course of action because it beats being seen as an enemy.

"I am honored that a Viking of your rank has heard of my name," Ragnar said, equally sounding humble.

Kattegat was ready for war, but was Vestfold?

Vestfold is a kingdom that has secretly bolstered its military prowess over a year for the very purpose of fighting Kattegat, so this war did not meet them at a bad time considering they have been training and preparing for it for quite some time.

Now the question loomed: who would make the first move? This was like a game of chess where both kingdoms had to protect their King or lose the game.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Kelvin_Acreators' thoughts