
Betrayed And Abandoned

Liam heard a cry of joy next to him as he returned back to reality. It was Richie, who was jumping around excitedly.

"Alright!" he shouted triumphantly ,"I got Tank!"

"You got a unique class too?" asked Amie with a smile ,"I got Healer!"

They gave each other a high five and did a little dance around the water fountain. Liam was honestly happy for them but he couldn't help but feel a little envious of them.

"Hmph, I guess unique classes are all you simpletons are worth", said Simon with a smug expression on his face.

"What was that-?!" Richie retorted angrily and he glared at Simon ,"And what class did you get?"

Simon smirked and said ,"Spearman, of course"

Liam gaped as he stared at him in awe. There was no one in the entire village who had ever gotten a class in the big four. The fact that Simon had managed to attain <Spearman> was incredible.

"As expected of the son the village elder", Amie complemented him.

"Yeah congrats, Simon!" said Liam in agreement.

"Hmph, I could've done that...", Richie grumbled to himself.

Amie turned to Liam ,"How about you, Liam? What class did you get?"

Liam scratched his head nervously.

"Aha ha, nothing special", he answered ,"Just something called Beast Tamer"

"Beast Tamer?" Richie frowned.

"Are you sure it's Beast Tamer? Don't you mean Summoner?" asked Amie uncertainly.

Liam simply shook his head ,"I'm certain the system told me Beast Tamer. And it's definitely a separate class from summoner"

"Hmm...what an odd unique class", said Simon.

"Actually...it's a sub class", Liam admitted quietly.

There was an awkward moment of silence as they all just stared at him. He couldn't bring himself to look up at their faces. Figured they'd all look at him like that.

Finally, Simon's harsh laughter broke the silence.

"Really?" he chuckled as he wiped a tear from his eye ,"Well, I suppose anything more than that would be expecting too much from you"

Richie walked over to Liam and patted him on the shoulder ,"Don't worry about it, bud. It's better than being classless at least"

Liam nodded solemnly.

"Yeah...", he agreed ,"I have to go and tell my family. I'll meet you guys back here later?"

"Sounds good", said Amie. She waved goodbye as he ran back home.

As he ran, Liam couldn't help but wonder how his parents would react. They weren't his birth parents but they looked after him as if he was their own son. They were one of the reasons Liam had wanted a powerful class to begin with. So that he could earn a living and repay them for their kindness.

As he approached the house, Liam could smell the sweet scent of his mother's cooking, making his mouth water. He walked over to the door and took a deep breath.

"I hope they take the news well...", Liam muttered before opening the door and going inside.

"Oh, you're back already-", said Liam's mom.

She was a short woman for her age but she was beautiful. She had long locks of black hair that glowed like water around her shoulders. She wore a simple blue dress with an apron tied around her waist as she set the table.

"Yeah, I'm back", said Liam as he kissed her cheek gently and took his seat.

A loud groan resounded for the corridor as a tall man with black hair and beard walked in. He wore a grey shirt and a pair of shorts.

"Morning, my wonderful family", he greeted them with a yawn.

"Morning honey", said Liam's mom, pecking her husband's cheek.

"Hey dad", Liam greeted him as he grabbed a plate and started serving himself.

"Our boy just came back from getting his class", Liam's mom announced, looking at her husband.

"Really?" Liam's dad raised his eyebrows at his son ,"That's great! You're always talking about adventuring with the rest of your friends, so good for you!"

"Mmhmm...", said Liam distractedly, poking at his food.

"What class did you get, dear?" Liam's mom asked him.

"I got something called Beast Tamer", said Liam.

"Oooh!" said Liam's dad excitedly ,"Never heard about that one before. Is that a new unique class?"

Liam shook his head slowly ,"Just another sub class..."

"Ah..." said his dad, finally understanding why he'd been so quiet. He clapped his hands together loudly ,"Well, doesn't matter what class it is as long as you know what you want and what you need to do"

"But how am I supposed to live my life as an adventurer with just a sub class, dad?" asked Liam, frustratedly.

His father simply looked at him as he grabbed a roll of bread and took a bite out of it. Then he sat forward and beaconed Liam closer. Liam leaned closer.

"Have I ever told you what class I got when I was your age?" Liam's father whispered to him.

Liam frowned ,"I think it's pretty obvious. You're a farmer"

His father's face broke into a wide grin as he shook his head and said ,"The system told me I was a fencer"

Liam gasped and turned to his mother to see if this was true. She nodded in confirmation.

"But...how?" Liam asked in confusion.

His father chuckled ,"Unlike you, my boy. I'd never been interested in adventuring. Heck, I was terrified of it! But you know what I did?"

"What?" Liam asked.

"I asked your mother to teach me how to farm", he said with a smile and he locked hands with her.

"It's true", said Liam's mom ,"At first, I simply ignored his pestering, saying he was just talking nonsense. I mean, how could someone want to practice something outside their class for the rest of their life?"

"But that's exactly what you're father did", she continued ,"I would teach him day after day, and he slowly learnt to adapt. And that's how-"

"We eventually got married", Liam's father finished as he turned to him, his expression now serious ,"The point is, Liam, don't let a little thing like fate stop you from living the way you want to live"

"Even if your chances are slim?" asked Liam.

"Especially then", said his father, taking another bite of his food.

Liam nodded slowly, finally understanding ,"You know what?...You're right. Thanks dad!"

"Ha ha, no problem, my boy", said his father "Now, finish up quick and get out of here! Don't you have some adventuring to do?"

"Already done", said Liam as he pushed away his plate and stood up ,"Thanks for the food, mom!"

Liam ran out the door, racing back into the village. As he ran, Liam inwardly made a vow to himself that he was going to master his class. No matter the cost.

He stopped abruptly when he spotted his friends in the distance. They were by the village entrance, with backpacks and weapons slung across their backs.

'What are they doing?' thought Liam, although he already an idea. A cold feeling settled in his stomach as he walked towards them.

Richie spotted him first as he approached ,"Oh hey, Liam!"

"Hey guys", Liam waved at them ,"What're you doing?"

Richie scratched his head nervously, avoiding eye contact ,"Listen Liam...we've been talking and-"

"We're starting our journey as adventurers now", said Simon coldly ,"Without you"

"Oh...I thought as much", said Liam with mild disappointment ,"And there's no way I can convince you otherwise, is there?"

"No...there isn't", Richie firmly ,"Sub classes take twice, maybe even thrice the time it takes for unique classes or people with the big four take to level up"

"You'd simply be extra work for us and you'd just slow us down", said Simon ,"I will not give up my goals of being the best adventurer in the world for someone like you"

With that, he began walking down the path that lead outside the village.

"Welp, I guess this is goodbye for now" said Richie ,"Who knows? Maybe we'll see each other again in a few years"

He turned his back on Liam and ran to catch up to Simon. Amie was the only one left. She had been quiet the entire time, probably feeling guilty for what she was about to do.

"Liam...I-" she started to say.

"It's fine, Amie", Liam assured her ,"I'll be fine. You guys go on ahead"

Amie looked at him one last time before nodding and running after Richie and Simon. Liam stayed and watched them till they disappeared from his view.

Liam sighed as he muttered ,"It hurts to lie..."

"It sure does-", said someone behind him.

Liam turned to see a man dressed in a white shirt with black pants and waistcoat. His black hair was tied back in a neat bun and a long scar ran across the side of his face. He carried a green duffel bag and a sword was sheathed at his side.

"Mr Fenris", said Liam in surprise ,"What are you doing here?"

Fenris was more a less a mentor to him now. He was the retired soldier who had taught him everything he new about swordsmanship.

"I came to wish you farewell, of course", said Fenris as he tossed him the duffel bag.

"Huh?" said Liam in confusion as he glanced inside the bag. It was filled with food, fresh clothes and all other essentials.

"Surely, you're not gonna give them a headstart, are you?" asked Fenris with a smile ,"I don't think you can afford it"

Liam stared at his mentor before swinging the bag onto his shoulders.

"Right!" said Liam with a determined look on his face.

"And this-", Fenris took the sword at his side and handed it to him ,"Is my last gift to you. After all, I didn't waste all my time teaching you the way of the sword for nothing"

Liam accepted it gratefully and unsheathed it, examining the gleaming blade. Then he put it back and bowed to Fenris.

"Thank you, sir!" said Liam ,"Thank you for everything you've done for me!"

"Don't mention it", Fenris smiled kindly ,"Now get going! I want to see you stronger than myself the next time we meet"

"Yes sir!" said Liam with a grin.

With that, he turned his back on his mentor and started running. Fenris watched him until he became a small spec in the distance.

"May the system be with you, Liam...", Fenris muttered to himself before he turned around and headed back home.

Hello! Hope you enjoy the story! If you do, please support me by adding it to your library. Have a good day;)

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