
Chapter 52 - A Maiden's Conflicted Feelings.

(Arthur Leywin)

As I dipped into the hot pool, the warmth enveloped my entire body, seeping into my pores and soothing my tense muscles. The sensation was akin to being hugged by a cozy blanket on a cold winter's day as I let out a short but contented sigh.

The water was clear, with a slight steam rising from the surface, creating a dreamy atmosphere. This warm bath was almost magical, making me feel like I would melt and fade away---just like the rising steam from the water.

As I fully submerged myself, the water rushed up to my ears, muffling all external noises and the only sound I could hear was the gentle lapping of the water against my skin. My eyes were the only part of my body above the water level, and I gazed out at my surroundings---which for the first time in the past 4 years weren't mindless killing machines hell bent to maim me.

Although, there haven't been much that could put my body in a dangerous state, my whole body was still stiff, the asuran training taking a huge toll on it.

As time passed by, the heat from the hot pool seeped into my muscles and worked its way deep into my tissues. It was as though the water had a gentle and caring touch, soothing away all the knots and tension that had built up in my body. My limbs, which had been tight and tense, started to feel weightless and buoyant as the hot water enveloped them. The warmth penetrated my skin, softening it, and making it feel supple and smooth. The callouses on my knuckles were already healing because of Sylvia's will.

I took in a deep breath from my nose, taking in the briskly warm steam. Every breath I took felt deeper and more satisfying than the last. I closed my eyes, letting myself sink even deeper into its embrace. The sensation was like being wrapped up in a warm hug and for a moment I felt everything melting away under the hot water's gentle pressure. As I breathed in the steamy air, I felt my mind starting to unwind, and my thoughts became clearer and more focused.

While the pool was relaxing, the stares that I got from the others who were also in the pool was a stark contrast to the soothing embrace of the pool. If the pool was a gentle, warm and relaxing sensation the stares were cold and spiteful---full of doubt and hints of jealousy.

From what I know, the green haired boy is called Darvus and from the amount of orange motes around him, he is an Earth-element augmenter. The blonde beside him, Stannard... he has a faulty core. I wonder how he is participating in the war. The leader of the party who I had an argument with, in the beginning kept his unflinching gaze ever fixed upon me all the time, not letting his eyes wander away from me. His ongoing skepticism only serves to highlight the deep-seated mistrust and apprehension that I have been encountering since my arrival, a situation that remains perplexing to me.

There could be one possible explanation. They were Tessia's teammates. And as much as might've matured, she must've talked about me. The Boy, Stannard seemed to have a crush on Tessia evident from he looked at her, his eyes full of longing and desire. His eyes followed her every move, and he seemed to hang on to every word she spoke, as though captivated by her mere presence. It was a wistful gaze, filled with an unrequited yearning. I hope Tessia notices him. I mean, after the war, she would need to establish a family anyways.

The Darvus boy continuously ogled at Arisu. His gaze lingered on her with a desire that was palpable, his hungry eyes constantly following her every movement. It was as if she held a magnetic pull over him that he could not resist. Even in the midst of battle, his gaze never faltered, fixated on her with an intensity that spoke volumes of his lecharous thoughts for her. Reminds me of Ike.

"So, where did you suddenly appear from, Arthur Leywin?" The party leader asked, his brown eyes fixed on me.

There was no point in lying since Tessia would've told them about me. Posing as someone weak would not cut.

"I was sent by Council just to look up at the situation of today's raid." I replied.

Well, lying TOO MUCH was useless. But a little lie won't hurt. The Council of asuras did send me here. However, telling them that was not needed. Aldir and Virion would be here in a while anyways.

"I see. Well, sorry for doubting you at first. The Twin Horns, princess Tessia and Miss Arisu all testified for you. So, I apologise for my unruly attitude from before."

Upon closer observation, it became clear to me that the party leader was a man of great simplicity. His unwavering sense of justice and camaraderie spoke volumes of his character and his beliefs. He stood for what was right, and his dedication to his fellow comrades was nothing short of commendable. So, it was natural for him to be skeptical of me at start.

"Ah, no. It's nothing. In war it was only natural for you to act like that." I replied, looking at him. Much to my own growing unease, I found that the green-haired Darvus continued to cast his predatory gaze upon me, as if trying to bore holes into the side of my skull. His eyes were like twin daggers, sharp and penetrating, slicing through the air with an intensity that was both alarming and unnerving.

Finally, as if he was at his wits ends, Darvus spoke up, "You!" He spoke, pointing his index finger at me, "Arthur Leywin! Don't act so full of yourself. I challenge you to a duel."

"I refuse."

Darvus: "Huh?"

Stannard: "Huh?"

Party Leader: "Huh?"

"What?" I asked, my confusion palpable at the joint reply of everyone. The air was heavy with anticipation, and a sense of tension hung over the group like a thick fog. I could feel the weight of their gazes upon me, each one seemingly trying to read my thoughts, to understand the source of my confusion.

"HUH? What do you mean by no?"

"No means no. I decline to fight you." I replied, keeping a straight face as I saw a vein pop at his temple.

"Chicken? Too scared?" He asked through gritted teeth, a grin over his face.

"Whatever keeps your boat afloat." I replied and stood up. There was no need for me to engage in a battle fueled by jealousy and envy. It was waste of time and effort.

Before I could step out I could head faint murmurs and stutters.


"Oi, Oi, Oi, you should get a license for that thing."

Confused, I looked back to see Darvus, biting his lip meanwhile Stannard had a thin trail of blood coming out of his nose. The party leader had a surprised look on his face that soon changed into a smirk as he pointed towards my crotch.

Looking down I finally comprehended the situation, "Oh, sorry." I said, wrapping a towel around my lower section before getting out of the pool, leaving an angry Darvus and an unconscious Stannard behind.

(Arisu Watsken)

Sitting inside the tent, I looked in the corner as I found Tessia treading from one corner of the room to another while Kathyln who was with me sat just a few steps away from me. When I was about to return back after getting Ethan with me, I sensed a familiar feeling. Ethan could feel an asura's presence meanwhile I could feel Arthur's. After a little while of probing here and there I was finally able to find the dungeon that had the highest amount of Arthur's presence.

Not that I have been keeping track of his mana presence and signature. Not at all.

However, the situation right now was rather uneasy. As I observed Tessia's actions towards Arthur, an overwhelming sense of discomfort washed over me. The intensity of her infatuation that she was attempting to bestow upon him were difficult to ignore, causing my heart to flutter with a perplexing anger. It was almost suffocating, and I couldn't help but feel a tinge of resentment towards her unbridled displays of affection. It was as if her actions were an affront to my own sense of propriety, and I found myself growing increasingly agitated with each passing moment.

"So, Arthur really is back, huh?" Kathyln asked, resting her face in her palm.

"Yeah, he is." I replied.

Although, it was someone else talking about him, his mention made my heart flutter and the former unease that bubbled inside me was washed away replaced by light heartedness. The way the syllables of his name rolled off her tongue was like music to my ears. I found myself lost in thought, my mind conjuring up vivid images of him. I could see his face, with its chiseled features and piercing gaze, as if he was standing right in front of me. His eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blue, seemed to sparkle with an inner light that drew me in, captivating me completely.

"Arisu? Are you feeling okay?" Kathyln asked with a concerned look on her face.

I smiled and nodded, trying to reassure her that everything was fine. "Yeah, I'm good. Just lost in thought," I replied.

But she didn't seem convinced. "You sure? Your cheeks are all flushed," she pointed out, gently touching my face.

I blushed even more, feeling the heat emanating from my cheeks. "I'm okay, really. Just got a little warm, I guess," I said with a shrug.

What's wrong with me? Why am I so affected by the mere thought of him?


Looking to my right I could see Tessia run up to Arthur as she hugged him tightly.

There it was...

An all-consuming sensation gnawing away at my innards. It was a familiar yet unwelcome feeling, one that had a tendency to insinuate itself into every crevice of my being, slowly corroding me from the inside out. This sensation, this intangible force that seemed to grip me so fiercely, was like a set of claws that had latched onto my very being, digging deep and ripping my heart apart, laying it into tatters.

My heart screamed.

Screamed at her to get away from him.

There were an uncertain feeling. Something, I couldn't put my finger at. There was a sense of resignation, a quiet acceptance that perhaps my feelings for him were not as clear-cut as I had once believed. As I watched him interact with Tessia, a part of me wondered whether my feelings for him was truly genuine, or whether it was merely a projection of my own desires and longings. It was a maelstrom of emotions, a whirlwind that threatened to sweep me off my feet and leave me battered and bruised.

What was this feeling? Love? Jealousy? Or just a rush of hormones in this new body?

A shadow extended from in front of me. Looking up I saw Arthur's towering figure in front of me, his features invisible because of the increasing dark outside. He greeted Kathyln and after a brief exchange of pleasantries, Kathyln placed a hand on my shoulder as she started to walk away, "Good luck." She said with a smile before putting up her emotionless mask and leaving the room.

Tessia stood stupefied, still looking at me and then at Arthur. Only Arthur's eyes were visible in the dark room, gleaming in an azure shade.

"You've got yourself a bond." He said, his voice much more mature than before that made a tremor run across my body. His eyes were fixed on the bond mark on my hand as I raised it up.

"I did. We've got almost matching marks, don't we?" I said with a smile as I stood up.

"A phoenix...huh?" He whispered as I felt my body freeze up.

"A phoenix wyrm, yeah."

"The second part is unnecessary."

His face remained neutral as he spoke. I let out a long sigh, "Yes."

"Hmm." He hummed. I was worried for a moment that he would doubt me for lying to him but he sighed too as he looked at me, "Well. Good to see you again, Arisu."


"Good to see you too, Arthur." I replied, slightly raising on my toes as I smiled at him.

He lowered himself to my eye level and gazed at me with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. "You've got new piercings too," he remarked, his eyes alight with curiosity.

My cheeks flushed with color as I nodded, feeling a sudden surge of affection for him as he felt even the slightest changed about me. "Yes, I got them recently. You noticed," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

I was expecting an answer but he suddenly looked up at the roof and grabbed my arm and started to pull me with him.

"Arthur!? Where are you going?" Tessia asked suddenly.

"To the forest."


"I have some private business with her."




Author's Note

A little something, I thought I'd mention. I don't have a very good grasp over Koji character and trying to do that takes a toll on me. So, It is hard for me to do the same to Arisu.

So I decided to make Arisu act like OG Arthur where despite being older mentally they act like their physical age and ofc like a simp. Grey Arthur and Arisu are simps.
