
Chapter 35: A Faded Timestamp

(Arthur Leywin)

A crisp and refreshing gust of wind rudely interrupted my peaceful slumber, the gentle rustle of my sheets signaling the time for me to finally awaken.

Pushing the either side of bed, I sat up and looked to my right where Sylvie was supposed to be, but to my dismay, she was not there.

Looking outside the window, I saw the rising sun and lush green trees, bearing every kind of fruits as their aroma wafted and casted a nice effect to the colourful ambiance my surrounding.

Looking at the sun, I noticed it was past 9 am at the moment. Whenever, I am home, Ellie usually comes in at this time, to wake me up. Although, I wake up much before that time, she never lost this habit neither did I mind it. 

Remembering the events from last night, I sighed as the presence of two princesses just ended up making everyone stiff and informal, resulting in everyone being fatigued when the two left. Arisu... on the other hand, was the exact opposite as each and every member of my family quickly got acquainted with her.

Mom and Dad both admired her at every moment they got while Ellie stayed glued to her, almost at the verge of crying when she mentioned about leaving.

Pressing the bottom region of my palms against my eyes, I rubbed them---my vision being replaced by a static white before returning to me. Throwing my feet from the side of the bed, I landed on the ground as I made my way towards the bath.

My body seemed to be slightly sore for reasons unknown. Interlinking my fingers, I stretched my arms above my head and did a few exercises before finally entering the bath. Undressing, I threw my clothes in the empty basket and started to take a quick a shower.


After a quick shower, I slipped in my white shirt and a jacket and took one final look at myself in the mirror. Maintaining oneself was also a part of grooming one's character. My hair was much longer than my past life, with no hairstyle whatsoever. They were messily sprawled all over my face.

I let out a sigh, not being able to muster enough strength to choose a hairstyle.

Letting my hair remain as such, I went to my door and opened it. Going out of the door and walking down the stairs, a plethora of aromas wafted and entered my nostrils as my head suddenly shifted towards the source of it.

Peeking in the kitchen I saw Alice standing along with Ellie and Sylvie on her head as they circled around someone.

"You really didn't have to do this. But I must say that you make absolutely delectable food. Where did you learn to make such good food?" Alice asked.

"Fufufu, Thank you for the compliment, Miss Leywin." Arisu said as she spotted me from the corner of her eyes, "Oh, Good Morning, Arthur." She said with a bright smile as Alice and Ellie both looked in my direction.

'Good morning, papa.'

"Good morning, brother!"

Ellie and Sylvie greeted in unison while Mom walked towards me and gave me a side hug, placing a small kiss on my cheek before whispering, "Be nice to her." She said with a smirk and winked at me before placing her hands on my shoulders, "Come on, Ellie. Let brother and Arisu have their time together." Alice said with a coy smile as she pulled Ellie by her hand and walked out.

Arisu looked at me and smirked as she walked over to me. She was wearing jeans jacket over a small shirt that was just above her navel, exposing some of her skin. She got closer and looked up to me, "Had enough sleep?" She asked.

"What are you plotting?" I asked, as I stood still while she got even closer.

"You hurt my feelings, Arthur. I am not planning anything," Arisu said keeping a hand over her chest. "I am just trying to get to know you better. We've been friends for so long now, you know. In previous world and in this one now."

I looked around, confirming everyone's absence, "We were never friends."

"But I have always thought of you as one," Arisu said looking the other way before balling her hands into fists, "At least after coming in this world."

I stayed silent as I let her stand close to me and talk her heart out. It was uncertain---something I couldn't have predicted. Arisu was never the one to have anything like this making her formidable. But humans fall prey to their emotions at one point in life.

It's intriguing to think about how some people can have a seemingly strong grip on their emotions, but then lose control at a certain point in their lives. I've seen this happen time and time again, and it always leaves me wondering why.

Don't get me wrong, I have emotions as everyone else. However, I don't experience emotions in the same way that other humans do. However, I've learned enough about human behavior to understand that emotions can be incredibly powerful and can impact decision-making and behavior in profound ways.

That is why one must always have a firm grip over their emotions.

I've observed people who appear to have it all together, who make rational decisions and appear to be in control of their lives. But then, something happens, and they lose their grip on their emotions. It's like they're suddenly a different person, unable to make sound decisions or control their behavior.

I think one of the reasons this happens is that emotions are incredibly complex and multi-faceted. They can be influenced by a wide range of factors, including past experiences, personal values, and even biology. It's impossible to predict when a certain event or situation will trigger an emotional response, and it can be challenging to control that response once it's been triggered.

Another factor is that emotions are not always easy to express or communicate. Some people may bottle up their emotions, only to have them explode at a later time. Others may struggle to recognize or understand their emotions, which can make it difficult to manage them effectively.

However the reason behind Arisu's behaviour was still a far-fetched idea to me. It could be a plot destined to show its colours later on or it can be something I think it is.

"Did Ellie make you stay?" I asked, trying to shift the conversation and get rid of the awkwardness that had quickly taken roots between us.

"Yes. You have a really intriguing sister, I must say." She said as she looked back, looking at Ellie who sat on the couch with Sylvie in her lap, gently combing her fur.

"Hmm. Did you have breakfast, yet?" I asked.

"I was waiting for you to wake up." She replied with a smirk before walking past me, "Don't take any other meaning out of what I say, fufufu~"

A prolonged sigh escaped my mouth, as I turned and walked towards the table, ready to eat my breakfast and decide on what to do with my 2-day holidays from school. Maybe, I should visit elenoir since it has been a lot of time since I last travelled to the Elven kingdom. That would also help me keep an eye on Tessia's potential as I gave her the purified beast core of the Elderwood Guardian.

Sitting beside Arisu, mom and Ellie sat in front of us as the maids brought one dish after another. Alice kept stealing glances at me and then at Arisu as she continued to smile while resting her chin on her interlinked fingers.

"Arthur?" Mom finally spoke after a few silent seconds.


"Me and Tabitha are going to her friend's house for a party. You and Arisu should go out and enjoy your free day together."

There goes my peace.

"Are you fine with that, Arisu?" She asked as I turned to look at her. Surprisingly, instead of the usual smirk she had a rather neutral expression, like hiding something. The tip of her ears reddened as she nodded, "Sure, Mrs. Leywin."

"Well then, it's decided. Let's go, Ellie, let's get you dressed up."

"But, but, I want to play with brother and Arisu!"

"You can play later. Now come with me, Ellie." Alice said as Ellie looked at me with teary eyes.

Standing up, I walked over to her and placed my hand over her head, "I will play with you later. You can go for now."


"Hmm." I simply nodded in response as she shot up from her chair and ran towards Alice, "Don't forget your promise." She said, looking back.

Nodding meekly, I saw her hop off, hand-in-hand with Alice while I returned back to my seat.

"So, do you have any plans?" Arisu asked, donning a smile.

"Nothing much. I do plan on going to Elenoir."

She looked down and took a sip from her tea before looking up, "Let's explore the city before you go there then." She said, putting the glass down making a small thud.

"Don't we know the structure of the whole city already?"

"Not for those purposes. I am asking for a lighthearted stroll."

Come to think of it, ever since I came to this world, I had been spending most of time mostly focusing on how to become strong. While it was the first and foremost priority, I never carried out activities like the rest of kids that were the same age as me----physically speaking.

"I don't see a problem with that." I replied and her face lit up as she stood up from her seat.

"Then get ready quickly, we will leave right now. While we still have time."

"Ready? I am already ready." I said, looking at her, baffled.

Slightly sighing she placed her hand on her head, "I guess you don't have a proper sense of fashion."

'She isn't wrong tho.' Sylvie said through our mental link.

'Sylvie. You can go with Ellie.' I told her off as she happily ran away, not even asking why I said that.

"I don't see a point in dressing up in extravagant clothes. Trouble brews anytime, so clothing that would make me comfortable enough to retaliate are what I prefer." I said but Arisu came closer and held my arm, pulling me.

"Not today. If we are going to have a stroll together, you will have to wear something decent and look presentable too. You look like a caveman who forgot to cut their hair." She said and started pulling me towards the door.

I don't like where this is going.


Arriving in the common marketplace of the floating city of Xyrus with Arisu, I saw her not being able to hold herself from being swept away by the vibrant energy of the place.

The sounds of carriages pulled by domesticated beasts, the slight juddering sounds of lavish carriages and the bustling footsteps of people created a rhythm of activity and movement.

It wasn't a reserved spot for a particular class as I could see nobles and commoners alike, all in search of their desired goods. It was a fascinating sight to behold, as the colors and smells of the market blended together in a symphony of sensory experience.

The vendors called out their wares, and the buzz of people haggling filled the air. Everywhere I looked, there were things to catch my eye - a display of exotic beast cores, a cart of fresh potions and vials.

Looking at Arisu, I saw her eyes fixed on a particular point, her eyes gleaming with an unbridled excitement. Tracing her line of sight, I saw a street performer juggling with fire mana.

"Do you want to go see that?" I asked as she nodded her head ferociously, her eyes shooting stars out of it.

"Hmm, let's go then. We have some time for now." I said as she suddenly coiled her hands around my arm and pulled me along with her. It had been quite some time since I had been this close with someone my age. The hormones in this body were nearing the stage where they form a storm, mainly fueled by dopamine. And the feeling that wasn't my own but a natural reaction from the touch was concerning.

As we got closer, the intensity of heat increased as we pushed through the crowd to arrive at the front most row. The bright flames danced and flickered in the air, casting a warm glow on the faces of the mesmerized onlookers.

The performer wore a black cloak that billowed in the breeze as he twirled and tossed his fiery props. He had a thick beard and long, curly hair that added to his mystique. Mesmerized by the spectacle Arisu stood at the edge of the crowd, transfixed by the performer's skill.

As I approached the performer with Arisy in tow, I felt a tug on my sleeve as I looked down. Arisu pointed towards an empty spot to sit in the crowd. Following her, I went there and sat down.

Looking at her, she didn't seem like her usual self as instead of the confident smirk, she had a genuine smile on her face, watching in amazement as the performer deftly manipulated the flames with his hands, twirling and spinning them in intricate patterns.

The performer moved his torches in intricate patterns, creating trails of fire that seemed to dance in the air. He even breathed fire, a skill that drew gasps and cheers from the audience. I could feel the heat of the flames from where we were sitting.

The performer then pulled out a deck of cards and began to shuffle them with deft fingers. He then lit one of the cards on fire and held it between his teeth as he continued to juggle the torches. The crowd was amazed as he tossed the flaming card from hand to hand, all while keeping the torches in motion.

It almost seemed like an act from our old world.

The performer seemed to feed off the energy of the cheering audience, pushing himself further with each new feat, as the difficulty rose with each passing task.

As the performance reached its climax, the performer had one final trick up his sleeve.

He produced a hula hoop, which he lit on fire before twirling it around his waist. The hoop left a trail of fire behind it, creating a mesmerizing display. The performer then added two more hoops, creating a three-ring circus of flames. Everyone watched in amazement as the performer continued to twirl the hoops in ever more intricate patterns. The audience was silent, their eyes following the hypnotic dance of the hoops. Finally, with a flourish, the performer threw the hoops high into the air, letting them spin and dance as they slowly descended to the ground.

The rush of excitement on her face as she watched the performer's daring feats of skill and agility was evident on her face as she placed a hand over my hand and firmly gripped it. Looking at her, I saw her completely busy with her amazement, not knowing what she was doing.

Deciding not to ruin her moment, I let her remain like that until the performer bowed in an elegant manner and the whole crowd went into frenzy, showering him flowers, praises and cacophonous claps.

Arisu leaned back, placing both her arms behind her, "That was fun."

"Yeah, it was." I replied, looking around. There was a reason I didn't want to bring Sylvie with me. During the fight with Uto, I constantly felt a pair of eyes on me, scrutinizing every little step I made.

"We should go now." I said and Arisu nodded as we got up and started to walk away from there.

The presence that I felt was not human. It felt something similar to Sylvia but weaker. Much weaker. However, it was strong enough to overpower me. The motive behind this enigmatic figure as to why it was constantly stalking me was still unknown to me. Was it the same person that came after Sylvia all those years ago?

But it shouldn't be possible.

The mana signature of the one that came to kill Sylvia was entirely different from the one watching me even now. It was an asura.

A dragon at that.

The essence was too similar as I myself have felt it multiple time. Tapping into second and third phase of her draconic will, I was able to feel and become even closer to understanding the purple mote that was clearer to understand under the influence of Sylvia's essence.

"Come right here." Arisu suddenly pulled me into a shop.

"Huuuuh?" I unconsciously exclaimed as I looked inside the shop. I found myself standing in a hair salon, with a man and a woman already standing in the distance, their scissors poised and ready.

"Hey, Arthur," she said softly, "I've been thinking...I think you could look really handsome if you changed up your hairstyle a bit. You look too messy." She said, while placing her hands on her hips.

"But I don't need it."

"Yes, you do!" She said and pushed me into the chair, promptly calling the hairdresser.

A resigned sigh escaped my mouth as I decided not to do anything. I needed to do something about my hair anyways, as it was growing exceedingly long.

Arisu leaned in towards the woman's ear and whispered something as both of them giggled and she walked over to me.

"Please sir, take your jacket off." The woman said and I did so, taking it off before she started to get her equipment ready. The man, who seemed to be the boss of the salon walked over and threw me a wink, "We will make you like a jewel you are." He said in a feminine tone and sway of his hips that made me cringe so bad that I wanted to run away from there---scared for the life of me.

This is going to be long and tiring day.


After what seemed like forever but were actually a few minutes, the barber finally left me allowing me to look at myself in the mirror. My hair hadn't changed much, it was the same for the most part. It was just cropped and was styled in a better fashion, almost like my previous life.

Picking my jacket up, I walked over to the side and after taking one final look at myself, I looked back at Arisu. As soon as I met her eyes, she looked the other way, placing her hands on her face.

"Should we go?" I asked.

She almost jumped in response, taking a few steps back from me, "D-Don't scare me like that."

"But you just saw me coming."

"Doesn't m-matter. Put these clothes on and come out."

Looking down at the dress she had picked, I took it from her and decided to wear it. Although, I like to do things my own way, but considering my sense of fashion, I think I should take a second person's views on it.

Once we were outside, she stopped and looked back at me, "Where should we go now?"

"Arisu." I said as she froze up. "Hmm?"

"It's almost time. I have to go to Elenoir." I said as she looked down at her

"I know... I just..." She paused, biting the corner of her lower lip as she looked up once again, "Let me come with you." She spoke.


"I want to see the Elven Kingdom, what else, fufufu. Do you think I meant something else?" She asked.

"Not at all. Why would I think you mean something else." I replied as the smirk on her face vanished replaced by a frustrated look.

"Sure. Whatever. We are getting late. Let's go."



"I didn't agree on taking you with me."

"I am coming anyways." She said, looking back while narrowing her eyes at me.

"Fine." I replied, placing my hands up in a placating manner.

Stopping a carriage, we both sat inside it, "Where would the lovely couple fancy going then, eh?"

"We are not a cou-"

"Fufufu, 'ow did ya know, mate?"

"Blimey, you two seem like a right pair! Anyone with a keen eye can tell you're a couple, innit?" The driver responded with a cackle while Arisu seemed to contemplate what he had just said.

Everything seems to be getting more and more awkward. But aside from all that, a perfect couple, me and Arisu? I don't reckon I'm in need of a relationship just YET.


The carriage stopped by a huge portal, guarded by a pair of guards adorned in a lustrous shining armour.

I got off and started to walk towards the portal that was a few minutes' walk away from the carriage. Arisu walked closely behind me; her hands tucked behind her back.

Upon reaching the portal, I looked back, "This is it. We can go from here."

Just as I said that she was already in front of me as she stood up on her toes.


"Consider it a payment for entertaining me today. See you in school, Arthur," she paused and pulled me from the scruff of my turtleneck, "and don't go flirting with the elven princess. I have you marked." She said with a wide grin. and ran back into the carriage instantly vanishing from sight, leaving me with my hand still on my cheek.


Author's Note.

As I said, when I deem it accurate based on reception (views), I will publish. After that chapter, the overall fic has reached to 52.5k Views and 5.5K votes from 50k Views. So, now is an appropriate time to publish.

Hope you all like the chapter. I tried to focus on something that I am very bad at----and that is romance and wholesome moments. Writing it is always a challenge for me.

As for FL, I still haven't decided on one. But eh, I will do what my gut my tells me to. See ya all in next chapter. (Posting next chapter would have same criteria)

Also, I tried to make the kiss scene but this is the best I could make. Sorry!
