
Volume 02 - Epilogue

A/n Credits for all the art used in this chapter goes to Mai Furumi)

~2626 words

// Grey Vritra //

Walking down the halls of Taegrin Caelum—The castle of the High Sovereign of Alacrya–Agrona Vritra... and my father, I treaded slowly. Although I've been in this place countless times, I couldn't help but stop and watch everything. From the golden engravings etched into the wall in a non-symmetrical manner to the pillars supporting this complex—labyrinthine colossal constitution of this edifice.

The runes that shimmered in and out of life in an extinguished shade of lavender on walls was another breath-taking sight to see. I stopped and looked at a painting on the wall just adjacent to the stairs that led down to the Obsidian Vault—A place where Retainers, Scythes and even Wraiths get their magic prowess boosted to a degree unfathomable to the lessers.

The painting was a huge barren wasteland. Devoid of vegetation and any life... and the reason for it all was the internal war between asuras. The Vritra clan of Basilisks Race were exiled, on the false allegation of interbreeding with the lessers on the continent of Alacrya.

In the front-most row was my father–Agrona Vritra, his long antler-like horns in the air, carrying an air of confidence and superiority. An unbending will to never lower his head in front of the tyrant–Kezzes Indrath, The king of asuras.

"You should stop fan-boying over your own dad", A familiar voice spoke behind me. Spinning on my heel, I looked at my best friend in two lifetimes–Nico Sever. His black hair was combed back decently as his red eyes looked at me, a smirk plastered over his face.

A subtle smile formed on my face as I felt the corner of eyes crease up. "Where's your wife?" I asked, with a smirk of my own.

"Well... you know how women are. Couldn't bring myself to wait another hour and bear the brunt of your father's wrath", he said in a mocking tone and rested his back against the wall. He was wearing a buttoned black shirt tucked inside his dark grey pants. His sleeves were folded up to his elbows. He slipped his hands inside his pockets and sighed. "Hey... Grey?"


"Do you really believe Agrona can give us the life we want? I can't talk about it with anyone. Not even Cecelia. She doesn't listen one bit about Agrona. You're the only one I can talk about in this regard", he said.

A frown formed on my face as I looked at him in silence. A shadow loomed over us, blocking the sunlight as black-grey clouds covered the horizon. A sudden melancholy materialised in an intangible form–like a sword hanging right above our necks, threatening to sever it at any given moment.

"Don't worry, buddy. Dad will definitely help us. I am sure of it. You saw how he brought us here perfectly without any problems", I replied, removing the bitter taste from my mouth that had crept up unknowingly.

"Hmm, you're right", he said and looked down at his feet.

"What about the other one?" I asked.

He let out an audible groan and gripped the bridge of his nose, "Don't remind me of that weirdo. All he does is persistently mutter someone's name and that he's better than him. I am not going near him", Nico said, faking a shiver.

The other reincarnate that was brought here by dad was someone special. At first look, he looks like a crazed psychopath-making you lose any and all hope in him. However, in the numerous sparring sessions he had revealed abilities far surpassing lessers and some gifted kid asuras too.

Coupled with the fact that his body went under metamorphosis—merging with the body of Lady Dawn—the female phoenix caged in the pits of this castle for centuries, he had vast potential. However, his fixated mind on a single goal was concerning. The only reason dad was letting him live was because of That Man— Atsuomi Ayanokōji.

He helped in the development of many plans for the upcoming war against the lesser continent of Dicathen and then against the asuras. Time and time again, he had proven his intellect. Even me, who was a king in his past life and was almost the same age as him mentally, I couldn't rival his sheer intellect.

However, nature has a way to balance. His handicap was his inability to use mana.

"Fair enough", I replied to Nico and stood right beside him. Soon, multiple steps echoed as I looked in that direction.

The Scythes and their respective retainers were already here. The first to come was Scythe Cadell—the right hand man of my dad and the Scythe of Central Dominion. Following closely behind him was Lyra Dreide. She was dressed in a grey and red uniform. Her hair was the colour of fire, and it seemed to move with a life of its own, like a flickering candle flame. Unlike most retainers, she didn't use decay type mana arts. She used powerful sound magic that could even counter spells by making the air particles vibrate.

Soon after them, the huge bulky figure of a familiar figure appeared. Dragoth Vritra—Scythe of the dominion of Vechor. Behind him was his retainer—Uto, currently the strongest among all retainers.

Lyra bowed in front of me and a coy smile formed on her face which disappeared as soon as it appeared. Cadell made a deep bow in front of me. Me and Cadell had trained together for 5 years now, everyday. I shared a deep bond with him.

However, since there were other scythes here too, I stood with an air of indifference. Just like how asuras treated lessers and lessuras. I was reborn in the body of an asura, however, in my essence I was a human. An ordinary person given a second chance at life with every privilege one could imagine.

I could feel Dragoth's mocking gaze at Nico. Nico wasn't a combat specialist. However, due to my insistence on giving Nico some degree of authority, dad did me a favour and made him the scythe of Central Dominion, along with Cadell. Looking sharply at Dragoth, I took a step forward and stepped in front of Nico. Dragoth's wide chest caved in as he took a step back.

"You didn't have to do that. I am not a baby that needs to be cared for by you and Cecil", Nico whispered, his voice barely audible.

"You're my best friend. Of course, I'll do this much", I replied as I stood with him. More footsteps echoed as I saw Scythe Viessa and Melzri of Dominion of Truacia and Eitril.

Viessa's skin was extremely pale, in contrast to the murky black voids of her eyes. A sea of purple draped down on her shoulders that bounced with every step she took.

Melzri on the other hand had flawless silvery-grey skin, pure white hair plaited into a tight braid that flowed down her back, and dark lips and eyes that matched the two sets of gleaming onyx horns that erupted from her head and curled sharply back, one pair exactly beneath the other.

A small smile formed on my face as I saw the last one arrive. Seris' small figure appeared, her pearl-white hair seemed to glow in the looming dark from the overcast by the thundering clouds. Her horns extended upwards, in the shape of a crown. Following closely behind him was Cylrit—her retainer. Both of them stopped and looked over to the other Scythes. Without hesitating or having any form of fear she walked over to me and gave me the minutest bow. Cadell's face crunched subtly but I motioned for him to stop.

"How are you today, Seris?" I asked.

"Wishing for you well being, Prince Grey", she replied, a barely perceptible sneer forming on her face, cloaked from the others. Receiving a quick nod from me, she headed back and stood with Cylrit.

"She's late", Cadell commented and then looked at Nico, as if holding him accountable for Cecelia's late arrival.

"I am right here", she said and stepped from behind Cadell. Cadell's eyes raised a fraction of an inch as he saw her walk by him and stood at my side. Cadell was the strongest scythe—yet he was unable to discern her location.

Cecelia had cropped black hair that reached just above her shoulders and a pair of golden eyes. Looking at my face and then at my foreheads she giggled, "You almost look like Agrona", she commented.

"He's my father after all. Let's go now", I said and motioned for everyone to walk down the stairs that led to the Obsidian Vault.

(A/n This is Cecelia in my fic. Since, Grey and Nico were both in Alacrya; Tess wasn't needed as an anchor. Hence, she reincarnated into a vessel already made for her that can handle her soul)

// Agrona Vritra //

Clamours of chain rattling echoed in the wide space as I continued to look at the one in front of me. The chair felt uncomfortable, yet I continued to sit there—basking myself in the absolute enchantress in front of me. The stone cold rock in my chest that was once a warm, beating heart throbbed once again.

I stood up and walked over to the figure. Cupping its cheeks in my palms, I looked into its eyes. A warm feeling spread in my chest but was soon replaced by the same granite cold hardness as it jerked its head backwards in disgust.

"Oh, My Love. You don't have to be like this. I just want you to witness the end... an end to the tyrant... a criminal... yes, he's a criminal—your's, mine and the Djinn—the race he wiped out without a shed of mercy. Yet, you see me as a bad guy", I said as my fingers trailed on her cheek and down towards her neck. Placing my fingers and forming a grip on it, I choked her subtly, "Whether you like it or not. You'll see this world bend to my will. And when all's done, you'll see I was right all along", tightening my grip even further, I continued, "don't worry. I'll still take you in. I love you after all."

A subtle scoff escaped from her mouth, echoing in the vast, empty space.

"What's so funny", I asked, a crease forming on my forehead.

"Your ignorance humours me. It knows no bou-." I interrupted her as my grip over her neck tightened even further, making her gasp for breath. The look of superiority over her face that mirrored Kezzes' vanished in thin air.

"You've gone senile, my love. I advise you to rest", I said, removing my hand from her neck and started to walk outside. The huge metal doors shut close followed by the booming noise of metal locks falling in place and sizzle of runes burning to life—strengthening the hold over the cage.

Looking down I saw the blood trickle from my fingertips. Unknowingly, my nails had dug inside her skin.

Looking up I saw Atsuomi, holding a sword disguised as cane in his hands. "Keeping her alive gives no benefit. Dispose of her while you have the chance", he said and waited for me to speak. Casting a sidelong glance at him, I walked forward. Lessers were selfish to no end.

Feeling him walk behind me I spoke, "I will. But now isn't the right time. I still have a lot to learn."

Silence ensued between us as we walked. Arriving inside the Obsidian Vault, I saw all Scythes and their respective retainers. The legacy and my son—Grey was here as well. Walking over to the both of them I placed my hand on their shoulders and rubbed it. Grey replied with a smile on his face, so did Cecelia. Looking down I saw Nico with an uncomfortable expression over his face. Somehow, this one seems more difficult to handle than the other two.

"I am sure you all have a diminutive notion of why you all have been summoned", I said, my voice booming between the huge, caved in obsidian walls that were decorated in the shape of basilisk scales.

All heads nodded cautiously—an uneasy tension lingering between every Scythe and even more among the Retainers as even the slightest twitch in their muscles was calculated.

"Well then... let's begin", I said and the floor of the room rumbled, splitting into two.


// Arisu Watsken //

Sheets rustled as I squirmed in my bed once more. Mustering enough courage to leave the confines of the warm embrace of the quill I was hiding in, I woke up. Rubbing my eyes with the tip of my fingers. Throwing the blanket away, I jumped down, landing on the wooden floor.

Placing my feet on the floor, I looked at them. I curled and uncurled my toes. They worked perfectly. Next, I stood up and jumped. My feet could handle it all. I could walk... no, I could even run at a speed that would put anyone in my old world to shame.

An unrestrained giggle tore through my throat.

"Arisu... are you coming down? It's almost afternoon."

Looking over my shoulder, I saw my sister—Emily Watsken. She was a year older than me. With our mother's green hair she had the same golden eyes as me which we inherited from our father. Emily had thick round glasses that magnified her eyes and the freckles underneath them. Her curly hair is tied into a ponytail down her back.

"I am coming in a while", I said as she hopped towards me and hugged me tightly. Ruffling my hair she walked away but stopped and turned back, "hurry up or the food will go cold", she said and disappeared. Her hands were bruised, evident she was making artefacts again.

Emily was intelligent and intuitive for her young age. She loves artificing to the point that her hands will be covered in calluses from fiddling with different kinds of gadgets. As a child prodigy, Emily felt frustrated that people don't treat her like a child. However, ever since my awakening, the burden of expectation from her shoulders lowered a lot, due to which she was always thankful to me.

Emily is initially shy when talking to strangers, often stuttering. She can be quite talkative when she becomes comfortable with someone.

Time to time I would often help her in improving her artefacts and helping with her research theory. I didn't have a sibling before. In this life having a sibling of similar sex was certainly a refreshing experience, giving a new outlook at life.

Looking out from the window, I took in the sight of the sun at its zenith, burning in all its glory. "Today's finally the day", I muttered to myself as I made my way to my wardrobe.



"Are you sure it's here?"



"Its nature... is corruption. Mana that decays everything."

"I'll say this once, Otis... I know what you did. And it WILL cost you your whole family's life."

"Will you be my girlfriend? Once again?"

"What kind of question is that, stupid"

"You know I am much older than this damned teenage body!"

"You better stay away from me at the academy!"

"You certainly did attract some real trouble."

"Who knows."


(A/n And that's it for Volume 02. I need some time to plan the events in a way that they are not just mere fillers but are entertaining and carry some sort of substance and purpose as well. Well, that's all.

Thanks to my now crippled editor and ya all cute fucks I don't have anything in my backlog. So, V3 will take more time than V2 to come out.

Also, I want to deeply express my humblest gratitude to all who read and support this work. I read all the comments, but the sheer volume of it makes it near impossible to reply to all. Still, I read all of your comments.

SO, Thanks to all of those who read, vote and comment. Means a lot to me as a writer and these things become a source of motivation to write more and invest the next to NO FREE TIME in writing and planning a fic that I basically started because the lazy ass Havier disappeared one me (-_-) In short, I wasn't expecting reception on this fic and was going to bury it after 10 chapters.

Videlicet, Thanks. (once again)

See ya all in Volume 03—Adventurer's Arc.
