
Prelude - Agrona Vritra

~2678 words

(E/n I have the same exam as author, and I need to focus too. So, I will drop the chapter now and continue my preparations too.)

A subtle chime of the relic made me turn frantically backwards as my gaze washed over the countless tubes and specimen in my laboratory. Bubbles rose up from one of the tubes filled with a viscous liquid, glistening in a deep shade of amethyst from the Aether crystals.

Pushing the Vritra scientists, I made my way towards the source of the sound. The relic was bronze colored, with a red needle on it. After many experimentations I concluded that this relic was used to detect the fluctuations in ambient aether. Picking the relic up I saw the red needle indicating towards the max output.

Aether was being used at a rapid rate--the fabric of reality churning and twisting--the result of my countless days of struggle. A weapon powerful enough to aid me in my crusade against the tyrant... and my father-in-law---Kezzes Indrath.

Placing my hand on one of the huge capsules made out of sturdy material and a glass top, I caressed its surface. Finally... the first step to obtaining the Legacy. Anchors.

My head jerked back as I roared, "GO GET THE VESSEL."

The scientist and servants went into a frenzy as they stammered and started running here and there. Two of them bolted outside into the nearby room where all the suitable candidates for the vessel were. The others started tinkering with the other relics attached to it. We couldn't let this chance go out of hands.

After a short while, the two that had run outside came back again with around ten new-borns, still crying. Every last one of them had Vritra blood coursing through their veins. The two looked at me and then at the kids. I felt a scowl form on my face as they both just stood there, lips quivering and arms trembling, like they'd faint any second.

"What are you waiting for? Kill the first one and place it on the altar", I spoke up, releasing a fraction of my King's force. The air became heavy as their eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets. The one at the back fell on his knees as tears started falling from his eyes.

"Time is of essence. Value of life is up to you. Your own or a new-born you don't even know", I spoke once again, making my voice less agitated despite the restlessness welling deep inside my pounding, clobbering heart,

The man at front looked at his partner behind and then with a choked gasp twisted the little baby's neck. A soft, almost inaudible sound echoed as life left its body. With one last look at the weak-willed man at the back, I flicked my finger. A smooth spike emerged from the ground and pierced him from the sternum and jutted out from his back. The lesser's blood flowed seamlessly across the smooth surface of jet-black spike. A searing sound resounded as the decay type mana started decomposing his body on the spot.

The first lesser understood the situation rather quickly. Without batting an eye at his dead companion, he bolted towards the altar. The altar was two meters tall, its pillar carved out of pure aether crystals. The top slab was made of a mix of multiple metals capable of conducting and withstanding aether passage. The engravings on the slab were dull---like tainted gold.

Aether rushed through the pillar and then through the engravings. However, the slab remained lifeless. Taking the new-born kid from the lesser's arms, I placed it over the etched engravings. The subtle trickle of blood from his body mixed in with alloyed engravings---reacting with aether. Blood and aether mixed, forming a perfect bond. The light intensified as it seemed to engulf the whole body.

Taking an instinctive step back, I shut my one eye. The light from the altar was blinding. My shoulder blade burned as the edict of fate activated on its own.

My legs felt wobbly as I tried my best to keep standing. For my own honor. And to witness my efforts bore fruit. The mana from inside me seemed to deplete itself. Lack of influence over aether--almost next to none made depletion of mana reserves as an alternative. However, the confident grin on my face seemed to vanish as I saw the purple light fade away.

"No, No, No. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" A howl of disbelief and pure indignation tore through my throat as I looked around. Everyone fell on their knees as I let my King's force hover over everyone.

"H-High Sovereign... the v-ves-vessel... it's too weak", One of the basilisk scientists spoke, still able to stand.

Retracting my intent, I looked at the lesser who was still barely clinging on to his pathetic life, "Another."

"P-Pardon?" He managed to say between violent coughs.

"ANOTHER VESSEL! NOW!" I roared as he ran back and brought another one.

Molten aether crystals flowed through the pillar of the altar once again as blood and aether worked in tandem, trying to fit the soul in this new body. However, life was never easy. Nothing goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer we live, the more we realize that in this reality only pain, suffering and futility exist. However, that doesn't mean we can give up. I had worked centuries for this day. Sacrificed almost everything. I won't let the weakest anchor ruin everything.


Once again... same result. However, this was my call to reality. My call to wake up. My recent accomplishments made me think I can achieve everything easily. However, it was never like this.




The process repeated again and again. One after another, Vritra blooded new-borns, were brought to the altar. A sudden melancholy washed over me as the lesser placed the last one of them on the altar. However, much to my own surprise the limp form of the baby suddenly twitched and a slight grumble--contrasting to the physical age of baby left his mouth.

Quickly dashing to the altar, I saw the crimson red eyes of the baby look at me with a look that was half astonished and half terrified. The looming melancholy seemed to vanish as I felt a sneer creeping up my face. The first anchor--Nico Sever was finally in my hands. It wasn't too late when I'll have all three in my grasp.

Nico Sever, King Grey and then finally... The legacy--Cecelia. I will have it all.

"Prepare a chamber in the castle. He will live here until he is of age", I said and handed him over to a basilisk asura. The scientist took it and held it like a sacred object as he continued to look at it with a strange curiosity. After a minute of thorough examination, he looked at me, "Congratulations High Sovereign. The soul seems to have settled perfectly inside the vessel. I will start with memory altering procedure", he said, and I just nodded.

I would've graced him with a happy expression, but something wasn't just sitting right with me. The relic... the relic that indicates aether usage and reaction to edict of fate was still buzzing, a subtle chime echoing. I brought it to my eye level and observed it carefully. The spike of aether was much violent than before. Although I had no way to sense aether, I could feel its presence weighing down on me, crushing me.

"Something's wrong", One of the asuran scientists spoke. The others had started feeling it too. The massive outburst of mana.

"What's happening?" I asked, looking at one who was responsible for overlooking at all the experiments. My head scientist--Morpheus Vritra. Looking at him I could tell that the current even was beyond his planning. I knew Morpheus from my childhood days--he was always by my side and his insight always helped me.

"Morpheus!" I called him out, loudly this time, putting an emphasis on his name. He snapped out of his daze and ran towards me. The streaks of purple illuminated specific portions of the underground laboratory of Taegrin Caelum. He took out a teal-colored tab and showed it to me. The three engravings on the tablet seemed to glow in a lighter shade of lavender.

"The edicts are still active. Aevum, Spatium, Vivum and..." he paused and looked at the relic in my hand, "...fate too. The act of summoning a soul seems to have repercussions. Another soul from another world is being forcefully summoned here", Morpheus spoke in a frantic tone, dropping any formality he showed me in front of the others.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Certainly not from the worlds we have researched already. It's from an unknown world", he replied. "And one more thing. The soul is hell-bent on coming here. We can't change it course. Either it will blow up or we have to make a vessel for it."

"But how, Morpheus? All of the test rats have been used up", I said, looking at him flabbergasted. Why was fate doing this to me? When I was the one who suffered the brunt of merciless fate... why was it being so cruel to me to the bitter end? Blow up?

"Any exposure of mana or ki or anything remotely similar to supernatural phenomenon is zero. All we need is an un-ad or an ordinary lesser to house this soul", he said looking at the attendant who had killed multiple babies in order to house the soul of Nico Sever.

Grabbing the lesser by his neck I threw him on the altar while Morpheus flicked his finger. A liquid sludge of decay type mana entered his body. His body spasmed and in a matter of few second he died. The similar phenomenon occurred again. Blood mixed with the rays permeating from molten aether crystals powering the pillar of altar.

A finger twitched.

And then another.

The man who was crying in fear a few moments ago stood again, with an air of indifference around him. He looked around and his expressions crunched. However, his face remained stoic, not letting an iota of emotion trickle out.

"Who are you?" He asked, his tone emphasizing that it was an order. However, despite the unnecessary outcome, I could tell one thing. Although not physically, this man's intellect was a sight to behold. I could see that in his eyes. A calm storm of knowledge.


The door to my chambers opened as I saw Morpheus walk inside.

"The reincarnate is in his room. He said he wanted some rest and passed out right after", Morpheus reported, dusting his black robe.

"And what was all that? That wasn't in your predictions.", I said, slightly annoyed.

"It wasn't but I don't think anyone of us can predict how fate works. Fate after all is the strangest phenomenon in the world", he replied taking a seat just beneath the phoenix wings that hung on my wall in all its glory.

"Mind elaborating?" I asked.

"It seems like every time we violate Fate, it would do something we do not desire. Just like the reincarnation of the man... Ayanokoji." He said and sighed. Walking over to my desk, I picked up to glasses and poured some wine into it. Handing over one of them to Morpheus I raised my own cup, "Cheers to the fruition of our life-long efforts", I said as Morpheus smiled and clanged his cup with my own.

The repercussion of Fate was out of our predictions, but this was fine. If anything, I had just laid my hands over another powerful asset.


"The soul escaped our grasp, High Sovereign. I am sorry", Morpheus spoke, looking down with his nails digging deep inside his palm. Despite my closeness to him, I didn't need to comfort him. This was his sole job. And he failed at it.

"And the 'Ripple Effect'?" I asked.

"None. We didn't detect any soul trespassing this time around", he replied.

"That sounds fundamentally absurd", Ayanokoji's voice echoed as he walked towards me. The same lesser that was an attendant in this lab, was now hosting the soul of the person whose intellect rivalled my own.

"And how is that absurd?" I asked.

"Based on everything you told me; it is absurd to think that it didn't happen this time. You and your scientists are naive to think like that", he replied looking at Morpheus.

"How dare this lesse-"

"Shut up!" I roared at the one who was about to belittle him.

"Search for the trespassers. I am sure they are here in this world. If not here, then maybe in some corner of Vechor or maybe in the Central Dominion. With my comprehension I can assure that it's not going to be this easy", he replied as I merely nodded. If he says so... then it must be like this.


(A/n Just so you know, In this fic "Ayanokoji" means "Papakoji"

"So... how do you suggest we bring your most cherished weapon here?" I asked Ayanokoji.

"You failed to bring the one I truly cherish. This one is nothing but a cheap imitation of him. Another failure", he replied. My conversations with Ayanokoji were nothing less of surprises. I confided my secrets with him, and he did the same. The legacy wouldn't be needed if I could bring his son into this world. However, for some peculiar reason I couldn't do that and ended up giving up on it. It seemed like his soul never existed.

I watched as he walked closer to a certain jail cell. The woman inside it was shackled to chains. Her long red hair fell on her face while her eyes that were once burning orange had now changed into a darker shade of cider color.

"Using her body as a catalyst he will be able to overcome his human limitations. While my son would've been a better option, this one can certainly surpass this legacy you speak of", he said looking at the wounded Phoenix.

"We have many Vritra blooded humans. Not to mention some half-bloods too. Why not just use them? Also, they can serve as vessels. While this one has to transfer its essence to the reincarnate's body. Isn't that wasting our precious time?" I asked him.

"Basilisks have Decay type mana arts. While I do not have any ability to wield mana, nor did I ever bother to comprehend anything other than aether, I can still think of ways to counter your decay magic. What makes you think the other asuran clans won't think of ways to counter it? You need diversity. And what better way to obtain that other than using the prisoners you've been so generously saving up?" He said as everything started to make sense.

"I will continue preparations for this 'Yagami' you speak of", I said as I ordered to start the Essence Extraction process, followed by the heart curdling screams and profanities by the phoenix woman.


"We couldn't bring the soul of specimen name 'King Grey'"

"And the Ripple Effect?"



"Welcome to the land of living, King Grey."

"No Ripple Effect detected."


"We finally meet, dear Cecelia."

"No Ripple Effect Detected."


"What do you make of it?" I asked.

"Of what?"

"We didn't have a Ripple Effect after your arrival. Maybe it was a one-time phenomenon."

"Let's hope it's like that."


(A/n Hey. Author here. If things sound confusing, I am sorry, but I did it on purpose. This Prelude was supposed to be published before but better late than never. This is the last draft I have which my editor will publish later when she feels like it. As compensation for the hiatus, here is your Sylvia Feet. Honestly feel like a scum for doing this but well... anyways. See ya all after 8.)

Feet pic in comment to this para

(E/n Why do you guys even like feet? -___- )

(A/n Ignore the editor. She's an innocent bimbo)
