
Volume 01 - Chapter 04: Sylvia - A Bishop

An eerie silence followed by the brisk wind ensued right after I said those words. It wasn't just an intuition. The foreign presence that seemed to peer into my very being during the attack by bandits. Then during my fall, the alien mana that tried saving my life. It all indicated one particular outcome.

Someone was watching me. The real question remains- Why?

Was it related to my early awakening? Or if my reincarnation was planned, then was the one who was responsible for my reincarnation looking for me? No other reasons came to mind since by simple process of elimination these two possibilities remain the highest.

This continent was ruled by kings and queens. Meritocracy didn't exist. Power bestowed upon birth was what mattered. It wasn't really earned. The king and queen of the human kingdom would be no different. Selfishness is a disease that plagues every human- even the holiest of saints. And I was no different.

It was entirely possible that the royal family had known of my early awakening, and they wanted to take me and turn me into a military asset of their own. But this possibility seemed unlikely. If it was, they would've taken me away by force. But that didn't happen. Which means it must be the latter. The one who reincarnated me, or someone related to him- close enough.

I waited for a brief moment- hawing for a reply. The branches of the trees in that particular direction made a crackling sound, leaves rustling, wind howling. I stood my ground, mana augmenting my limbs.

"My my... no need to be so wary of me, child." An effeminate voice spoke. Her voice was honey tinted, carrying a certain sense of familiarity. My head cocked to the right, more mana augmenting my entire body as it was covered in a thick layer of flames.

"I mean no harm, child. I merely wanted to have a chat with you", she said in her glacé tone. It was suspicious in more ways than one. However, the only feeling that was alive in me made me listen to it. The natural curiosity that came with being human. There were many things I could get closure on. And even if I couldn't, I am sure I'd be able to get some other benefits out of her.

"So... where to?" I asked, trying to act as casual as I could. I heard the voice giggle slightly as she spoke once again, "I am sure you already know where to come. That technique is quite unique." She said, a genuine curiosity laced in her voice.

"It is? It's a pretty common technique from where I was born", I replied as I took quick mana augmented steps toward the direction from where my mana pulse showed no response. The way to the place was even for the most part with boulders being the main stoppage for the most part.

My feet pressed against the soft fertile soil of the forest while a cold wind blew. Withered leaves crunched under my steps. It was rejuvenating. Not only the wind, the mana density increased the closer I got to the source. As I was walking in the predetermined direction, I heard a sound.

It seemed like the sound of slapping vigorously- but instead deeper, closer to heavy rumbling. I stopped turning my head towards the north-west. Sounds of water falling downstream reached my ears. My feet turned, changing course. My pace increased as I continued my way towards the water source. After a few minutes I arrived at the stream.

Crystal clear water glistened under the sun. Numerous pebbles of different shapes, sizes and colours made its bedrock. My eyes trailed off in multiple directions- probing for anyone around. Once confirming no one was around, I unbuttoned my shirt and removed it. Next up were my pants. With a swift motion of my index finger, I removed it. Dipping my feet slowly in the water, I dived into it.

It was cold...

Comfortably so. The tensed muscles in my body from the overuse of mana in this immature body relaxed. My facial features relaxed- something I thought was never possible. But it might be possible now because of the juvenile Zygomaticum major muscles. Letting my head rest against the corner of the bank, I closed my eyes for a brief moment. It was relaxing. The only sound was that of water rushing down in the distance, birds chirping.

(A/n No cap that was a mouthful. Took me a minute to process the name. Damn I hate biology. Also blame AlannaXYZ  if it's wrong -_-)

After a while of staying in the water, I prepared to get out of the temporary comfort and go to that place.

"How pleasantly carefree", the clangorous voice boomed in my mind once again. This proved something. She could see everything I did. Not giving much attention to her I came out and covered my crotch with my pants, hurriedly wearing it. Like something had been stuck in her throat she remained completely silent. I was expecting a witty remark but I guess she can't comment on everything.

Nonetheless I fully dressed and began my way towards the source of sound. Upon arriving at the place, I saw nothing but a huge pile of rocks with a miniature crevice in it. Lowering down on my knees, I traced my hand on the minute crack in one of the stones.

"I will now bring you here", she said and I felt the light from the crevice increase. It expanded in the form of multiple blinding rays. A sensation akin to being drawn in somewhere hit me. The light receded as I regained my vision slowly.

It was dark...

Not like how I'd experienced before. I could see a light permeating from a hole in the ground.

"I'd recommend augmenti- well never mind, you jumped already." Before she finished her sentence, I had already jumped inside the gaping hole. The way down was in the form of a slide. Laminating my body in a thick layer of mana, I prepared myself for the worst.

My feet made contact with the ground. Dust rose up as the ground crumbled on contact, a crater forming where I landed. Flicking my wrist I conjured a gust of wind, removing the veil of dust. Behind the receding jalousie of dust and debris I caught sight of the one scrutinising me ever since our carriage arrived at the place where we got attacked.

Long white hair that fluttered wildly because of the gust of wind I had conjured, reached well below her waist. A woman who looked just in the beginning of her prime stood with a strained smile tugged at the corner of her corpulent lips. She wore simple white robes. It had no design on it. No engraving or extravagant design. Her clothes almost seemed unworthy of her because of her otherworldly features. Simple platinum earrings adorned her ears, moving back and forth slightly. Her sleeves reached down and closed first just below her elbow and then at her wrist. She was fairly tall, a bit more than Alice.

"Welcome child, to my humble abode", she said, trying her best to mask the pain that trickled slowly from her façade. I looked lower, her arm remained stationary just below her breast, clenching her skin- like hiding something. My eyes travelled back to her, meeting her lavender eyes that shimmered with power, authority and knowledge.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, my voice cold. However, I suppressed my mana, not letting even a single drop trickling out of it. The situation itself was absurd in itself. She was stronger than me. In more ways than one. My main purpose of coming here was to exploit and reap some benefits. To be able to perform such a huge scale survey to spot me and have enough influence to protect me from falling from so far away. She was out of my league- in terms of power, YET. However, as much as attack power matters, a person who wins the battle of wits becomes the real victor.

She cocked her head to a side, the silky white hair moving in tandem with her head movement. She took a casual step back, her legs visible from the cut of her dress. She walked back and sat on the chair- no, a throne would be correct to describe it. It was a crudely made throne. Her one leg crossed over the other, revealing her bare feet laden in a thin layer of


(A/n Le weirdos with foot fetish imagining what it would be like -___- )

"Our meeting would've been different before this. However your intellect..." she paused for a while, not to let her words sink in but she was pondering over what to say. Like measuring her words, nitpicking what to say, "everything about you made me want to meet you in this form."

"Hmmm", I hummed. Her words were disturbing.

My intellect. She already knew about me. The feats I achieved- they had nothing to do with my intellect. To an ordinary person it would be just a show of pure talent. A born prodigy with a colossal talent for magic and battle. However, she just mentioned my intellect- the greatest power in my arsenal.

How did she know about it? She isn't the cause of my reincarnation. That's for sure. If she was, she would've talked about it or presented some sort of deal. Rather she was curious. Her lavender eyes seemed as if locubrating me- studying in depth, scrutinising, questioning my very existence.

Her figure blurred and she appeared before me. I was wary of her. My eyes remained fixed at her. They never let go of the sight. However, my eyes didn't blink and she appeared right in front of me. How did she do that? Did she perception blitz me? Or was it something else? It was like the fabric of space had bent to her will.

"You've been silent for some while, child", she spoke once again, nearing me. Her voice was soft this time- almost a whisper.

"How about we start with names?" I said, moving away from her minutely hunched form. She didn't mean any harm. But whatever she wanted from me wasn't going to be less troublesome.

"Oh my... how rude of me. You can call me Sylvia." She said with a bright smile...once again desperately trying to hide a feeling that was pretty obvious.

"Call? If you're planning to getting something out of me, at least tell me your real name." I replied. It was a cautious measure. She already knew a lot about me. I walked a bit away, my senses heightened, looking out for any suspicious behaviour but I kept my eyes at a plant with huge fruits dangling from it.

She walked close to me once again. Lowering down she plucked out a fruit from the plant. The fresh water droplets on the fruit splattered. Her pale hand extended towards me, offering me the fruit. I looked up. The corner of her eyes creased as she smiled once again.

She was desperate. That much was confirmed. She needed someone. But for what?

I looked down at the fruit she gave me and took a bite out of it without hesitating. She looked at me with a newfound interest. She knew I had predicted that she would never poison me. She needs me.

"You're smarter for your age. For anyone's age." She paused for a while, letting the silence linger between us, "as for your previous question. My real name is Sylvia, Sylvia Indrath. Would that suffice now?" She asked, walking away.

"For now, yeah", I replied, sitting on the ground.

"My name is Arthur Leywin", I replied.

She narrowed her eyes on me. A subtle scoff escaped her lips.

"Arthur... I'll make sure to remember it." She said, She rested her back against a smooth wall of the cave and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. "Can you tell me how you awakened so early?"

"It's a natural process depending on a mage's innate talent and proficiency with mana and magic." I replied. Of course she won't believe it, but she can get the gist of it. That getting anything information out of me will require an equal exchange.

"How about this?" She said, swirling her finger.

Then it happened again...

Without me even blinking the fabric of space was tampered with again. However this time she didn't teleport but rather it was me. I found myself sitting just in front of us.

"I'll ask one question. In exchange you can ask one question or ask me to do anything. How's that?" She asked, excited like a little kid that had just found a new game.

"And how would I know if you're not lying... or I'm the one lying", I asked. Her lips curved into a smile and slowly morphed into a smirk, like waiting for this exact moment. "Cause I see everything... your past. Both of them", she said and let out a muffled chuckle.

I was right. She knows everything. Well that makes things easier.

"Isn't that right? Ayanokoji...Kun was it?" She said as her lavender eyes glistened in a lighter shade of purple for just a fraction of second and then returned to its natural colour.

Resting my face in the palm of my hand I looked at her, "Yes it is."

About time I found myself a bishop.

Let the game of chess begin.


(A/n Cliffhanger-kun strikes. This was supposed to come out yesterday but I got sick and the meds I took had an intoxicating effect so I've been sleeping for a long time. Hope you like the chapter)
