

~2246 WORDS~

I wander like a lone cloud on a clear day in the blue sky. Except this place isn't a blissful blue sky but an unending abyss of dark.  

Darkness- A mysterious thing indeed. Since time unknown it was always associated with negative aspects. Such as primal fear was invoked naturally with dark. In the darkness even the hunters became hunted. In the dark was when the most poisonous of creatures' creep out along with every trauma inducing anomaly. 

Yet, this darkness wasn't instilling any kind of fear nor trauma. Nor was it strange. Don't get me wrong. Darkness itself wasn't an alluring thing for me. Nor did it provide any kind of comfort to me. The darkness in this abyss was so bland and insignificant that I deemed it unworthy to pay even the slightest of attention.

But among this mundanity, one thing was surely bugging me. The reason how I ended up here? Was this really an abyss or a scientific phenomenon? I do believe there is a reason and a logic behind everything. But what was my purpose here? 

Just like how early humans after getting fascinated by the mechanism of something; they break it into several parts. Dismembering them one by one and trace every component back to their origin. The method is now called Reverse Engineering. Although what I was doing wasn't remotely close to what reverse engineering is, the base concept is the same. My memories prior to coming here are all like a lone streetlight flashing on a misty road. Uncertain, inexplicit and fallacious. 

I closed my eyes. Or so the notion of doing so crossed my mind. I was uncertain if I actually had the ability to see or not, since all I could feel was dilation and contraction of eye, but the vision remained the same. Unchanging. 

My mind trailed off to the last memories I could recall. The memories that laid hidden behind a frosty mist became a little clearer. Water splashing as I ran at a high speed. I was running. Running away from something... no, someone. But why would I? Why would I run away from someone? This thought entered my mind making me think deeply. Although all of my abilities regressed after leaving the white room, I still stood at the epitome of mankind. Was I running because of myself? Or was I running because of... someone else...?


Images became even clearer, mist receding from the live video in front of me as I watched it in real time. I saw her hands clutching at my school shirt, her knuckles white from the sheer force with which she was gripping it. My hands went under her thighs, below her knees as I ran to the best of my ability with her in tow. Her eyes remained fixed at me like a nail struck with a hammer. 

A man appeared from the front...

Who was it? Someone sent by HIM? 

Yes... I was running away from the people he sent here. Not after me. He should know better than anyone- No amount of people he sent would be enough. So, he sent them for my girlfriend. A negotiation chip. Kei bit her lip, her face burying deep in my chest. The man approached us. With a practiced efficiency he leaned downwards and kicked at my legs. In response I jumped up, curling my legs and then landing back at his extended feet with as much force as I could. 

A loud crunch echoed followed by the heavy rumble of thunder that came after a blinding bolt of lightning. Tempest blew violently and rain poured down in the form of a stream raging down violently. A howl of agony escaped his mouth, but I kicked him in the jaw with my heel. The teeth inside his mouth broke audibly. The black of his eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body going limp as he fell with a wet plop on the ground, in the puddle of water mixed with dirt. 

Two more men perused behind me. With a quick dash I pushed the ground beneath me. The ground was slippery, less friction leading to a decreased speed coupled with the additional weight I was carrying. A simple calculation of probability. The goal was simple. Avoid the abductors and reach the vehicle already arranged by Principal Sakayanagi. However, using basic statistics and factoring in all factors the chances of it happening was 50%. 

Human nature is content as long as an acceptable percentage is achieved. Like some students will be happy as long as they get a passing score. But was that really enough? 50% survival also means a 50% chance of failing. It was like standing bare feet on a razor blade. Even if we made through it, our feet would still cut. There will be blood and injuries and casualties. Water plopped once more as I stepped in another puddle of water, pushing my limits I was no more than a blur.

"Kiyotaka-" Kei's panicked voice reached my ears, trembling subtly. My grip on her wet body increased. Her body was warm despite the glacial cold outside. She was already suffering. My expressions didn't waver despite the bubbling... worry? inside of me. It was a strange feeling. Just like how my first kiss was a weird experience. At first, I didn't know how a simple clash of flesh could incite a spark of unbridled romance between two individuals. However, my time with her, with Kei, slowly but gradually started to answer many things. 

Things that even the best books in white room couldn't teach. The very foundations of white room- I demolished it. The idea of removing emotions to create a perfect human. I was the embodiment of it and now I undid his greatest work. I felt. Felt love, care and worry. For someone who genuinely loved me back and never betrayed me or my trust... even in times she should've broken it. 

The sight of a black SUV came into vision. My speed increased once again, my steps echoing on the desolate, dreary road. My hand reached for the handle of the SUV. A small click and it opened. I pushed Kei at the driver's seat. 

"Kiyotaka, hurry up, get inside!" She exclaimed, her face showing pure dread. A small stream of red flowing down her lip, where she bit. 

My hand reached for the start button. Engine rumbled and the mechanism of car activated, "Keep straight after taking the second left and third right. It will take you back to school. Take these", I handed her a parcel full of images as proof that will prevent her expulsion, "They should be enough for you to not get expelled." I finished talking and proceeded to close the door. 

"What about you? W-Why are you saying all this? Let's go... It's not time for jokes you know." She said, her blonde hair sticking to her face, drops of rainwater still cascading down her hair and chin. 

"I have to stay here. It started because of me. I have to end it." I reassured her but she grabbed me by my collars. 

"I am not listening to any of that, Kiyotaka. Get inside."

Guess there's no other way around it. 

"All of this was my plan. To settle things with my father. And your role is done now. Put simply, I no longer need you", I said looking her dead in the eye. Her face grew pale, "That's not right, is it? Kiyo tell me that's not true." 

"It's true. This is the last mercy for you... after all the sacrifices you did", I said in my same monotone voice and neutral face.  Her form petrified. Taking advantage of her bewilderment I shut the door on her. Her eyes were still set on me. 

I turned around. Sound of metal being dragged against the road echoed. A figure came in sight. His long hair was disheveled as he looked at me, a frenzy in his eyes. 

"We meet again, Ayanokoji." He spoke. 

"Not that I am very pleased to see you again, Yagami. Let's get this over with." I said tossing my blazer away. The sound of tires screeching resonated as I saw the SUV escape. My tight facial features relaxed. What was this feeling? This feeling of genuine happiness? Was it because she escaped safely? Or was it the immense guilt that I felt for making her think that I never loved her and broke her trust? But none of that mattered now. A bullet shot from the gun cannot be reversed. Same for our deeds and words. 

"You really think you can win against us?" I looked around, more and more individuals appeared. Their postures were all well practiced. So, it really was exactly as I deduced. That makes things easier. "These are all of those who rose up under the shadow of the demon of the fourth generation. The Masterpiece. Because of you they were never content with us and no matter what we did was never enough for HIM. Do you really think you can take all of us down alone?" Yagami said as I saw the other white room students brandish their metallic chains, rods, knives and other accessories. 

"Say Yagami", My voice was muffled by the blistering thunder as I spoke. The lightning illuminated everyone's faces now showing fear as I looked at all of them, "Do you really think I would stay back if I was unsure of beating you all?" 

A vein popped at his temple, "Let's go everyone!" He spoke through gritted teeth. My gaze landed on all of them. 9 in total. However, in the mix was Yagami. Someone close enough to me. A chain came crashing down at me. I raised my hand up, catching it with one hand. My right feet travelled backwards landing square in the gut of the one sneaking behind me. He was sent crashing into a nearby pole. With my left hand I caught a rod. Both the boy and girl looked at me with wide eyes, a single word coming out of their mouth, 

"Impossible!" Giving them no time, I pulled the chain and rod. Their balance faltered under my superior strength as they came stumbling towards me. Catching them both by their necks I crashed them together. The impact was hard as both of them fell to the ground, foam raising up from their mouth. A minor concussion. I had applied enough control not to break their skulls. Seeing my skill firsthand they tried to make a tactical retreat, but I entered their ranks, making it a near impossible thing to back down. 

Violence here was what I had planned. Horikita would be able to retain the status of Class A, graduating from it. Ruyen already had his fun. Sakayanagi was beaten at her own game of chess. Ichinose's regrets have been cleared. Class D, the class I engineered to beat me was a success, crumbling HIS lifelong efforts. All that remained was clear things here... and let me vent out a little. It's been years since I felt this free after all. One after another they fell with thuds. The clear water being stained with blood.  

"Your title of demon isn't for nothing it seems." Yagami said, hiding behind two of his fellow white roomers. My hand travelled up as I wiped the blood from my face with my sleeves. 

"You'll not fare any better." Before he could even speak, I rushed towards the two standing in front of him. Judging by their reactions I had just perception blitzed them. Using the rod in one hand I plunged it in one's solar plexus and punched the other's jaw with enough force to knock him out. 

"Its *******, Senpai" 

My vision became blurry, the bewitching mist covering my memories, severing my connection with it. Did I lose? Did I die? If I died is this the so called "Afterlife", as they mention in the religious textbooks and scrolls? 

There were so many things I wanted to know. How did I lose to Yagami? Did Kei actually make it? What became of the others? Who was the one who said the last line? Her voice sounds familiar. But my memories feel hexed, like an external influence. Logically speaking it doesn't make sense to have an external effect on memories but tampering with a certain portion of brain could result in this.   

Putting that aside, was I actually in a void or some black hole phenomenon? If it's actually something like that, why is this place so cramped? All concepts of time and space should've been nullified here. Singularity disrupts the flow of natural order... if this isn't a phenomenon like that, then where am I?

Suddenly, a bright light invaded this... anomaly of a place. I felt my numb body move, like being shoved forcefully. My eyes and ears... they felt sensitive, way too perceptive to everything. Moans and cries of a woman perked my ears. "Where is this voice coming from?" I asked myself. Come to think of it I haven't spoken anything out loud. A myriad of colors invaded my eyes as the bright white light receded, 



(A/n I'ma see if the reception is good, AKA views and votes, then I might continue it, otherwise I'll just unpublish it. Like the prev. COTE one. Anyways, that's all. See ya all... Can't promise a next time, we will see.)
