
Tides of Love

Sorry for the delay... again.

By the way, I've got three upcoming series on my discord server -- each of them with two chapters available for you to read, among which is the my landlady noona fanfic. I'll most likely eventually publish all of them in the future, but you can decide which one takes the predence by adding a reaction under the file.

You can join the server with this link:


(Let me know in case it doesn't work)

On with the chapter!


I smiled at Eun Ha as I floated backwards, legs kicking, and hands treading the water in circular motions. "What are you waiting for? Come. Join me." The moon beamed down on Eun Ha's perfect skin, casting a breathtaking glow on her flawless features.

It reflected off her, not unlike a mirror would to sunlight. A blinding sight.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked, tentatively approaching the waves brushing over the shoreline.

"Yes. I am. I'm freezing, in fact." I faux shivered while encasing my hands around my shoulders. "Come here to warm me up."

"Dae Ho…"

She smiled wryly. Of course she knew I was straight-out bullshitting to get her here.


I blinked, mustering my most innocent, boyish smile.

"Don't lie to Auntie." She admonished me, her smile turning a little sultry. It briefly reminded me of Mia. Playful and needy. 'This woman is a danger to men's mental health. Thank God I'm here to make sure she doesn't do wanton damage.'

That nonsensical thought barely lasted a second, for I noticed some movement in front of me.

Eun Ha finally eased herself in the water. First with the tip of her toes, then, inch by inch, she submerged herself until only her head was above the water. She released a deep breath. The temperature was a little chilly, but her body smoothly adapted to the sudden drop.

She swam further, approaching me. Her hair was bundled into her characteristic bun.

Feeling a little mischievous, I suddenly dove underwater, disappearing into the shallow depths of the sea. My body expertly propelled itself forward, skirting around a startled Eun Ha's legs, before I tucked my head right between her thighs.

"D-Dae Ho!"

I hoisted Eun Ha on my shoulders and remerged. The weight on my neck was negligible; Eun Ha was as light as a feather. She held onto my forehead for dear life. "Auntie… you're covering my eyes."

"D-Dae Ho! Put me down!" She sputtered out like a frightened critter.


"Are you sure?" I made to — quite ungentlemanly — throw her down the water, emulating one of those pro wrestling moves.

Eun Ha hastily fisted my hair, maneuvering it like Ratatouille on Linguini's head. "Don't put me down!"

I chortled, feeling extremely smug and villainous.

"Shall we stay like this, then?"

"..." Eun Ha pouted. "You're so mean, Dae Ho."

"Just how you like it."


A sigh flowed out of those heavenly lips of hers. "Does Mia even know we're here?"

"She does." I replied evenly.


I shrugged. "Well, she was not all smiles, but she accepted it, I guess. She knew it was going to happen, eventually."

"I see." Eun Ha brushed a wet, brown curl of hair behind her ear. "I feel bad for her… it must be hard to be sharing someone with… with your own mother."

"Or with your own daughter." I corrected, with a slight, teasing nudge to her inner thigh. "Besides, don't say that. It makes me feel like I forced both of you into it."

"What alternative did we have?" Eun Ha's tight grip on my hair loosened a bit, until her fingers started to skim and massage my scalp. "I don't blame you; it's not exactly your fault. We were just caught off guard, maybe."

She struggled to find the right words — not that there were any to begin with. The situation was a bit touchy, but we were dealing with it head-on, as a family, and as lovers. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect woman.

"Come on, dear. " My hands trailed up and down the length of Eun Ha's smooth, wet thighs. "It's just you and me. Such a beautiful night, too. And you're pondering the 'ins and outs' of our relationship? Forget about it. Carpe diem. Focus on me, Auntie. Only on me."

"Dae Ho…" Her voice was a soft purr, like the gentle rustling of silk. She looked down at me. Her heavy-lidded eyes held me captive — spellbound. Her hands, which moments before had woven through my hair with the wild abandon of a storm, now moved with tender grace of a summer breeze, tracing the contours of my face until they came to rest on my cheeks, their warmth seeping into my skin. "What did I do to deserve someone like you?"

The sea water on her flushed face dribbled on mine, drop by drop.

"You've been a wonderful angel."

'Special; unlike any other.'

Her thumbs swept over the ridges of my cheek bones.

"Thank you." She uttered, softly.

I stared at her, at the way her eyes narrowed. The depths of those lilac jewels set my cheeks afire. 'Oh… am I blushing?' I blinked, willing to let myself be completely swept under her magic. 'How cute.' With my face still slightly red, I submerged underwater, slipping away from the heavenly grip of Eun Ha's thighs.

The gates of heaven had been so close, but as a self-respected man, I couldn't simply barge in without setting the mood first.

When my head slowly re-emerged, Eun Ha was staring at me, eyes lively and sparkling, with drops of shimmering water gliding all over her skin.

"You're blushing." She noted, with no small amount of satisfaction.

"Hmhm." I swam closer to her. She tried to retreat. Poor woman. I quickly caught up to her, not missing the way she chewed her bottom lip. Now with only a few inches of distance between us, I placed my hands on her hips and pulled her towards me. "Are you going to take responsibility?"

She shrunk a little, but didn't avoid my gaze. A flustered blush livened up those smooth, white cheeks. "Maybe?"

"Maybe?" I repeated, tilting my head.

"I have to think about it." Her lips twitched, on the verge of breaking out into an amused smile. The seriousness she tried to portray failed to survive long enough for it to work. Not that it would have — that lie didn't fit her.

"Oh, shut up, please." I slammed my lips into hers, stealing a potential reply right from her tongue. Instead of words, her mouth was occupied fending off the tender assault of my tongue. A brush to the left. A flick to the roof of her mouth, topped off by a downward swipe that probed the writhing walls of her tiny mouth.

A passionate, full-fledged kiss was like a dance. Not like a peck — which wasn't anywhere as intrusive as one. Eun Ha's head bobbed to the left, just as mine veered to the right, our lips moving in perfect synchrony.

Whereas Mia wouldn't go down without a fight, Eun Ha didn't seem to be interested in winning our tongue-wrestling. She submitted her tongue for me to tease and taste as I pleased.

My palate cried out in joy.

A contagious warmth boiled in my stomach. It spread like wildfire, lighting up every nerve on its path of pure carnal corruption. My cock, which had been in a semi-erect state, came back alive with the vigor of a bull. I was ready to charge in, and I wouldn't stop until the barriers had been penetrated.

Our tongues were in a world of their own. They didn't stop dancing even when one of my hands traced the perfect concave of Eun Ha's back, until a bouncy hill halted its advance. Instead of climbing over it, I let it rest there, squeezing and testing its elasticity.

"Dae…" Eun Ha mumbled between the turning of our lips. "... Ho…" Her eyes were fluttering, not open, yet not quite closed either. If a master hypnotist could do that to you with a pendulum and a snap of the fingers, I could with my tongue. A flick of it, and you'd enter a state of heightened suggestibility.

She didn't stay idle either during our messy make-out session. Her hands didn't know where to touch first. My face? My chest? My back? That sort of desperate indecisiveness made her try to cover all of that at the same time. She scurried her nails across my skin in sweeping motions. Back and forth. She let the painful signs of her arousal flourish on my skin.

The pain was negligible. A vague sensation, at best. All of my focus was on this water nymph in front of me. The salty tang of the sea mixed in well with the natural scent of her body. It was a beautiful alchemy for my senses.

I stopped our lip-lock to get a good look at her face. She felt petite in my arms, so flushed with excitement. Lively, purple eyes beheld me, targeting my soul. Her lips were parted, billowing her rough breathing over my face.

Ah, perhaps I was being sentimental. After all of that fuss of my past life, being alone with a woman like this, with no paparazzi looking for new headlines, was a refreshing feeling. 'It almost makes me not want to pursue my dream, if only to avoid the public eye. Being alone like this is a good change…'

Of course, it was wishful thinking. I had been given a second chance to do it all over again — I was not going to let the opportunity go to waste.

"Dae Ho?"

I smiled. Sometimes it felt like her vocabulary was only composed of my name.

"Sorry, I got lost in your eyes for a bit."

She smiled right back at me. "Dae Ho… I want you…" She emphasized the point by tilting forward and placing a meaningful peck on my lips. I didn't let her tell me twice. The charged tension finally created a storm. And as she sunk her fingers into my hair, I separated the strip of silk that covered her slit.

She gasped, bringing one thigh around my waist. My finger stroked her outer folds, soaked with sea water and her own juices. She mewled, trembling like an abandoned kitten. I probed her inner tightness. First the tip, then the entire finger dived into her maidenhood.


The melodic eroticism of a woman on the throes of pleasure was music of its own. If you didn't play your instrument correctly, only a gibberish combination of sounds would come out.

"D-Dear… don't… don't tease Auntie like that…"

I was compelled to do the opposite, but my little soldier down there was too thirsty to conquer the enemy's territory. I retracted my hand from Eun Ha's dripping snatch and almost tore off my underwear in my haste. She compensated the sudden emptiness by dragging her luscious lips across my jawline, whispering notes of worship while blessing every inch of skin with her drool.
