
Morning After

The surgery took several hours to complete. Not due to difficulty but due to its complexity. Jason had to attach all the different nerves in all the right places. Very complex thing, especially when a person is using tools and normal hands.

Even after the surgery was done, Rose still couldn't get up. Although she didn't pass out nor scream from the pain, this was far worse than she was expecting.

"Fuck you, Jason! I'm not a pussy," Rose said while she lay on the freshly changed bed. Even if he played with her emotions and had her go through the surgery without medication, he wasn't a monster that would force her to lay in a puddle of her own blood.

"Haha, yeah yeah. You did good. I'll throw in those swords you wanted for free."

"Thanks. Say, Jason, why are you here?" Rose asked the question that she had been wondering about for awhile

Jason thought about whether to answer her. It wasn't like it was some big deal but it did concern his goals.

'Hmm. But I will need someone I can rely on in the future. Bane might end up staying with the League but I know that Rose doesn't stay with Deathstroke. Might as well have her become my number 2.'

After thinking about her skills and personality, Jason decided to place his faith in her and build some more trust.

"Hmm. If I tell you, you gotta keep it a secret from the others. And I mean everyone."

"Deal. So what is it?"

Jason climbed on the bed and lay next to Rose before he told her the basics of his plan. He planned to arm the League of Assassins and other major criminal organizations with his weapons and cyberware over the next few years. When they created a gap in power that the heroes couldn't close on their own, the normal side of society would embrace his tech.

Even if they started making their own, they wouldn't be able to compete with his bugless and unlimited supply. In the end, Jason would be able to create a Megacorp that could replace a nation. But most importantly, he would be the man responsible for human civilization advancing to the next level.

Rose listened on and felt impressed by Jason. He wasn't really doing anything wrong. He was simply a supplier of legal items to others and taking advantage of human nature.

"And when the heroes and nations realize what you are up to?"

"It will be too late. The heroes have no moral ground to stop me since I am breaking no laws. If they want to stop me, they would have to stoop to a level they are afraid of. As for nations... I am not worried about them."

Rose smirked at Jason's words. The more she heard, the more interested she was in it. He was not like her father who professed a moral code but had the blood of countless innocents nor was he insane like Ra's who wished to end all humans.

Jason simply wanted to make sure he would be written down in history. The way he was going about it by ushering in a new era might have been a little out there but Jason had the ability to do it.

"You won't be able to do it on your own."

"I know," Jason admitted


Even though neither of them said it out loud, the meaning was implied and understood by both of them.

"I'm not paying for any of this stuff then."

"Fine. But make sure this investment is worth it."

With the agreement made between both parties, they both felt exhausted after the surgery and a full day of training. The duo passed out in bed together.

And the one to find them the next morning was the one person that did not want to find them in such a position.

"Ah, I see. That emotion I had was hating you both for making me the third wheel yesterday. Carry on. I shall inform Mother that Rose will be unable to participate in training today due to groin pain."

Jason and Rose hurried to get out of bed and stop Damian but by the time they reached the door, he had already escaped from their sight.

The duo shared a look before sighing. It was going to be a long day for both of them.


They were wrong. It was only a long day for Rose. It was a long week for Jason.

When she thought that Jason had been slacking off on his training to hook up with Rose, Talia increased the training that Jason had to go through. Even with his drugs and medications, Talia made sure that he was pushed far enough to the point that he could barely move at the end of the day.

Jason was finally given a break when he was told that he and Rose would be going on a mission.

Both of them would be working for Amanda Waller for a short amount of time and helping with some missions for her in exchange for something unknown for Talia. Part of their job was to install neuralware processors so that Waller could have better control over her people.

One thing that Jason did know was that this was his chance to get himself some high-level chipware. Talia told him to not only install the neuralware but also a chipware socket and some blank chips.

"Make sure you don't waste this opportunity, Jason. It will be the last free one that you are given," were the last words Talia said to Jason before she had him and Rose board a private plane and fly back to the US for their mission.


Jason Clothing:

- Face: Makeshift Maelstrom Gas Mask, Domino Mask

- Outer Top: V Nomad Outfit (Female) (Red accents)

- Inner Top: Black T-Shirt

- Pants: Wraiths extra-cotton utility pant

- Feet: Gold-tipped manganese steel solo boots

Jason Weapons:

- 3x 25 mm HEP Grenades

- Militech M221 Saratoga (Fenrir)

- Tsunami Kyubi (Pimp)

- 2x Neurotoxin Knife (Neon)

- 5x Ninja Smoke Pellets

Rose Clothing:

Traditional Ravager Uniform

Rose Weapons:

- 2x Kendachi M-33 Powersword

- 3x Mystic Technologies Spring Knife

- Glock Thirty Machine Pistol
