
66. Memory of Lust

"No, no," whispered Javin, his face turning red. "Someone will see us, Phi."

Forth pulled Javin's hand slowly towards the clinic bathroom, put Javin in one of the empty cubicles and locked the cubicle. Forth lowered the toilet lid and sat on it, then pulled Javin to sit on his lap.

Javin looks shy. Forth hugged Javin's slender waist and rested his head against Javin's chest. "Oh, it's so comfortable," Forth sighed as he closed his eyes. "I'm so tired. A lot of workers made mistakes today."

Javin smiled gently and kissed Forth's hair, which smelled like lemons, even though he had just returned from the field. "Did you drink a lot of mineral water while in the field?" whispered Javin.

Forth nodded.

Javin kissed Forth's head. "Good. Are you wearing your hat? Its so hot today."

Forth nodded again.

"Good. You want to kiss me?"
