
Elemental Mana Core

As Seyric stood in the open field, Clune marched in Seyric's direction as he held a notebook in his hands. "May I ask what lesson was taught in the school recently?"

Clune's eyes scanned the pages as he paused in front of him.

"The teachers are now teaching us about spell incantation and spell casting, sir..." Seyric answered as he lowered his head.

Clune hummed as he focused on him.

"For the next 3 days... They made us learn about how to utilize the mana in our surroundings, using the mana nerves to release them out of our body–"

"Well, you'd no longer need to take magic spell lessons from now on." Clune snapped as Seyric flickered his eyes.

"Why, sir?" He asked.

"Worry not, I've also told your father that I shall teach you every Tuesday and Thursday, and you can take lessons from the academy for the following days." Said Clune.

Seyric nodded his head. "Yes, sir."

"Good, shall we begin?"

As Clune hid the notebook and paced back and forth. "Mana nerves are extremely valuable. It helps you amplify the spell you cast. That's why people without mana nerves and a core, won't be able to become magicist.

"Also, both of us know that you had low mana storage in your core, so you have to pay attention."

Clune raised his eyebrows at Seyric as he raised his hand suddenly. "Sir, why is my mana core so low in storage...?"

Clune blinked for a moment as he faced Seyric's gaze. "Haven't your parents told you about it?"

Seyric shook his head as Clune sighed and turned away. It would be impossible for me to tell you this because it is a matter between you and your parents. You should ask them yourself."

Clune clapped his hands and stated. "Anyway, moving on."

He then released a large portion of his mana from his body as fire hovered over his hands as it was duplicated, causing Seyric's eyes to glisten brightly.

Clune cleared his throat, "Now, this may seem a bit troublesome for you. But I've developed a new method for controlling mana."

Seyric nodded as he watched Clune sit down on the ground and fix his posture.

"You must think carefully about using your mana. Every bit of it is important and you have to save it."

Clune entered the meditation state as he relaxed his body and distributed mana throughout his body. Before he began to transform the mana around him into a blue gleam that clung to his body.

"It's called Mana Shield Clone, temporarily helping you cast basic spells for 2 minutes."

Suddenly the fire appeared to duplicate as it hovered around him. "It also depends on your body state."

With that said, the fire joined together and suddenly morphed into a half-human shape as it floated in mid-air. A fire-spirit stared at Seyric as Clune stood up.

"I created a replica of a 2nd Grade Fire Spirit called Ignatius." Then he vanished from the air as Clune chanted under his breath. Now, the 'Mana Shield Clone' has also disappeared.

"For your state I'm sure it would take up 2 of the strength you can cast a normal spell with." Clune said as he touched his chin and scanned Seyric up and down.

This is a difficult skill to master, especially if you are able to maintain sufficient control with your mana nerves," He muttered as he sighed. "Anyway, let's proceed?"


It's been 2 years since that date, as Clune's lessons continued through the years. He is now 7 years old.

Seyric opened his eyes to the ceiling. The last time he used his mana was a week ago. As his muscles throbbed and a grimace was plastered on his face as he struggled to sit up.

"Where..." He mumbled as he surveyed the place and found himself in his own room.

"What happened...?" A pain drilled into his head as he massaged his temples.

For a brief moment, his ears rang as voices echoed in the hallway. He stepped away from his bed and staggeredd towards the door and entered the hallway as he leaned his arms towards the wall.

He guided himself to the voice way.

"It has been a week since Seyric was bedridden." Ikaria sighed as Seyric faltered and hid behind the wall.

"Are you sure about the lessons you're teaching our son?" She asked as she intertwined her fingers with Euris' hand.

"Yes, my lady... While Seyric has been struggling, I'm sure he's keeping up with the lessons I've taught him." Clune replied.

Euris shook his head as he faced Ikaria. "Don't worry, honey. I'm sure Lord Clune is doing his all to teach our son well." He smiled as Ikaria looked into his eyes.

"I know it's been challenging since the incident happened... But let's trust him in Lord Clune's hands. Seyric's core is beyond our control now... Though we all know that Seyric has the lowest core ever found in a magicist-"

Seyric stumbled as his lips were open. He blinked as he leaned towards the wall.

Seyric's world was as if destroyed as the scene in front of him was shaken. His butt fell on the floor as his hand touched the vase and dropped.

The 3 adults turned their gaze from the broken vase as they exchanged glances and then lunged towards the place.

Euris found Seyric beside the wall next to the broken vase. His eyes vibrated and he strided towards him as he kneeled in front of him. "Seyric, son... Are you hurt...?"

Suddenly, he noticed that a scratch on the vase's glass piece had bleeded into his leg. "Fuck," He cursed as he carried him towards the couch.

Both Clune and Ikaria noticed the situation.

Ikaria gasped as she placed her hands over her mouth. "My gosh, honey! What happened?"

"The glass cut his skin," Euris said as he placed Seyric on the couch.

Seyric's gaze remained distant as he never met anyone's gaze, but rather stared down at the ground.

Euris gestured his hands. "Lord Clune, honey, get me some towels and a bowl of water now." He said with a voice full of authority.

Ikaria bit her lower lips as she nodded her head and stormed out towards the kitchen alongside Clune who dashed towards the hallway.

On the other hand, Euris gazed at his son as he raised Seyric's head to meet his gaze.

"What's wrong, Seyric? Why are you not talking? Are you hurt somewhere?" Euris inquired as Seyric's lips tightened.

"Father..." He mumbled.

"Yes, son what is it?"

"Why can't you heal me?"

Seyric's question made Euris silent as he sighed and placed his hands on his son's cheeks. "I'm sorry, son. But healing you won't work..."

"And why is that... Father...? Why won't it work?" Seyric asked as tears fell from his cheeks.

"Son..." Euris murmured, "Your mana core won't take mana like we magicist do..." Euris lowered his head as Seyric wiped his tears between his sob.

"Your... your elemental mana core has no element, son. Since the Dark Spirit took most of it..."

I'd like to send thanks to Sufferu, generically, Ashangel, Mark_Tipton_0980, Adam_200222, Anriwaku, MiraNova, Manafey, and magnaluiza for providing the novel will power stone.

Sorry for the late update, I have been in trouble of think what to write lately, I hope you like this one.

All the best everyone, thank you for reading!

Don't forget, updates will be posted only 4 chapters per week! Thank you~<3

StrangeEvettecreators' thoughts